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2004 USFWS Bull Trout Status Reassessment: Washington Department of Fish & Wildlife

Data Categories Distribution
Historical distribution
Status review
Dates of Data 2004 TO 2004
Data Set Status Complete
Data Set Update Schedule Approximately every 5 years.
Date Data Set Published on StreamNet Data Store 2/24/2006
Project Name & Number
Purpose of Data Set Purpose provided in Abstract
Summary / Abstract In 2004 USFWS requested that WDFW coordinate and conduct a reassessment of bull trout's ESA status within Washington state. The Idaho Department of Fish and Game provided a database application, 'BullMapper,' to utilize for the reassessment and assisted with the use of the application. A series of reviews were conducted for Washington state with biologists from state, federal, tribal, and educational institutions. The first step in the review was an attempt to define the historical range that was occupied by bull trout at the time of the first European exploration of the Pacific Northwest (circa 1800). This process was driven by the definition of naturally blocking fish passage barriers and expansion of biological knowledge and opinion of bull trout physiology and morphology. 7059 miles were defined as historically utilized by bull trout. It should be noted however, that no actual data are available from 1800 and that very few anecdotal accounts survive to the present time. It is probable that the true historic range extent was in fact significantly greater than the defined 7059 miles. Mapping of current presence was done by reviewing data collected by various agencies and assembled by WDFW for inclusion in its fish distribution and use database: Washington Lakes and Rivers Information System (WLRIS) and WDFW's Internet Mapping Server: SalmonScape . A total of 96 Conservation Populations within 27 Core Areas were identified and described within the 12 ESA Recovery Units. A total of 5870 miles were identified as currently occupied which for this assessment process included all areas where bull trout use has been observed/documented and also areas were use is presumed to occur based on biological opinion but were actual observations have not been confirmed. Most of these presumed areas represent migratory corridors connecting known observations, such as the Yakima and upper Columbia River. WDFW's WLRIS database indicates that bull trout are currently known to be present in 4685 miles of streams and are presumed to be present in an additional 1571 miles of streams. This total of 6256 miles of 'currently occupied' streams is greater than the Reassessment mileage number of 5870 due to the fact that the WLRIS database utilizes a 1:24,000 scale hydrography layer whereas the Reassessment uses a 1:100,000 scale hydrography. The finer scale 24,000 hydrography captures more stream sinuosity resulting in the increased mileages.
Broad Biological Groups Fishes
Taxa Bull trout (Salvelinus confluentus)
Location Washington State, Clark Fork River, Clearwater River, Grande Ronde, Hood River, Lower Columbia, Middle Columbia, NorthEast Washington, Olympic Peninsula, Puget Sound, Snake, Umatilla, Upper Columbia, Lake Pend Oreille, Priest Lake, Lower & Middle Fork Clearwater, Hood, Klickitat, Lewis, Yakima, Pend Orielle, Dungeness, Elwha, Hoh, Queets, Quinault, Skokomish, Chester Morse, Chilliwack, Lower Skagit, Nooksack, Puyallup, Snohomish/Skykomish, Stillaguamish, Upper Skagit, Asotin, Tucannon, Walla Walla, Entiat, Methow, Wenatchee
NPCC Subbasins (2001 Subbasins) Entire Columbia Basin / Mainstem / Systemwide
Outside the Columbia basin: Outside Columbia Basin
Blue Mountain: Asotin
Blue Mountain: Grande Ronde
Columbia Cascade: Columbia upper middle
Columbia Cascade: Entiat
Columbia Cascade: Lake Chelan
Columbia Cascade: Methow
Columbia Cascade: Okanogan
Columbia Cascade: Wenatchee
Columbia Gorge: Big White Salmon
Columbia Gorge: Columbia Gorge
Columbia Gorge: Fifteenmile
Columbia Gorge: Klickitat
Columbia Gorge: Little White Salmon
Columbia Gorge: Wind
Columbia Plateau: Columbia lower middle
Columbia Plateau: Crab
Columbia Plateau: Palouse
Columbia Plateau: Snake lower
Columbia Plateau: Tucannon
Columbia Plateau: Walla Walla
Columbia Plateau: Yakima
Columbia River Estuary: Columbia estuary
Columbia River Estuary: Elochoman
Columbia River Estuary: Grays
Intermountain: Coeur d'Alene
Intermountain: Columbia upper
Intermountain: Pend Oreille
Intermountain: Sanpoil
Intermountain: Spokane
Lower Columbia: Columbia lower
Lower Columbia: Cowlitz
Lower Columbia: Kalama
Lower Columbia: Lewis
Lower Columbia: Washougal
Keywords bull trout, salvelinus confluentus, presence, distribution, range, current, historic, 2004, circa 1800, Washington, Status Review
Lead Person and Organization That Created the Data Set Brian J McTeague
Other Participating Organizations Washington Department of Fish & Wildlife
US Fish & Wildlife Service
US Forest Service
US National Park Service
Seattle City Light
Yakama Nation
Eastern Washington University
Contact Person for Questions About the Data Name:  Brian J McTeague
Position:  InfoTechSpec3
Organization:  Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife
Address:  600 Capital Way North Natural Resources Building 1111 Washington St SE
Olympia, WA  98501-1091
Phone:  360-902-2771
email:  Send a note to addressed for mcteabjm.
Broad Category of Methods Lab
Data Collection Methods First, the historical range that was occupied by bull trout at the time of the first European exploration of the Northern Rocky Mountains was estimated. Second, the current distribution, density and genetic status information for bull trout were developed and displayed on a mapping segment basis. Lastly conservation populations, either as isolated and meta-populations (networked or connected populations - e.g. interbreeding populations) were identified and population viability risk, genetic risk and disease risk assessments were made for each of these populations. Risk was assessed at three levels: 1) risk of genetic introgression, 2) risk associated with disease and 3) general population level risk. Risk assessments represent relative determinations indicating a higher or lower level of concern. The mapping and risk assessments were completed for all populations, including those associated with lakes (adfluvial), that are maintained by natural reproduction. The above data were compiled in the ArcView 3.2 BullMapper.apr and summarized in the MS Access BullCon1.mdb.
File Formats ArcView 3.2 Application and datasets (ESRI shape files);
Rich Text Format MS Access Reports (Adobe portable document format .pdf)
GIS metadata as html files
Data structure description See data set files
URL where updated data may be available
Some data sets are intrinsically linked to software, tools, models, or statistical procedures, and must be used in association in order to be of value. If this applies to this data set then the following information will apply:
Relationship between the data set and the software, model, etc.
Where the software, tools, models, etc. can be obtained if they are not included with the data download.
Contact person for questions about the software, tools, models, etc. Name:  

Papers, reports, and presentations that were done under this project. Bull Trout Assessment Protocol.doc, WDFW Bull Trout Status Review and Assessment in the State of Washingtom, December 20, 2004, Status of Westslope Cutthroat Trout in the United States: 2002.
Restrictions or legal prerequisites for accessing and using this data set. No

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