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Columbia Habitat and Monitoring Program - (CHAMP)

(Version: Not Applicable)

Data Categories Hydrology/Water Quantity
Landscape Form & Geomorphology
Water Quality
Dates of Data 2011 TO 2017
Data Set Status Complete
Data Set Update Schedule This is complete for the the Point and Polygon site summary metrics for CHaMP basins. Updates to include site measurement data (Temperature, Photos and topographic data is not transferred and under evaluation in 2021.
Date Data Set Published on StreamNet Data Store 12-14-2020
Project Name & Number 2011-006-00
Purpose of Data Set The Columbia Habitat and Monitoring Program (CHaMP) is a PILOT project that is being evaluated on a yearly basis (beginning with 2011) to determine the project's effectiveness at the pilot stages (8 watersheds). Following Council and BPA review of two to three years of implementation, a decision could be made to extend the scope and budget of the project to include an additional ten watershed to initial 8 watersheds funded under the pilot.

In support of habitat restoration, rehabilitation and conservation action performance assessments and adaptive management requirements of the 2008 Federal Columbia River Power System Biological Opinion (FCRPS BiOp), the Bonneville Power Administration is working with NOAA and other regional fish management agencies to monitor status and trends of fish habitat for each major population group (MPG) in the Pacific Northwest identified through the Endangered Species Act (ESA). Status monitoring provides information on the quantity and quality of current habitat and thus maximizes spatial coverage with a given number of sample sites. Trend monitoring is used to detect changes in habitat through time and thus requires repeat samples at given sites. Minimizing sampling and measurement error is crucial in order to differentiate this variability from natural variability though time and space. In order to compare information across multiple MPGs, BPA is adopting a standardized fish habitat monitoring protocol, the Columbia Habitat Monitoring Program (CHaMP) for the Columbia River Basin monitoring programs.

CHaMP is a Columbia River basin-wide habitat status and trends monitoring program built around a single habitat monitoring protocol with a program-wide approach to data collection and management which meets FCRPS Action Agency (2010) programmatic prescriptions for habitat monitoring. CHaMP was developed by the Integrated Status and Effectiveness Monitoring Program (ISEMP) to capture habitat features that drive fish population biology and will result in systematic habitat status and trends information that will be used to assess basin-wide habitat condition and correlated with biological response indicators to evaluate habitat management strategies. CHaMP is integrated with ongoing Pacific Northwest Aquatic Monitoring Program (PNAMP) and Recovery Planning efforts, as well as the collaborative process across Columbia Basin fish management agencies and tribes and other state and federal agencies that are monitoring anadromous salmonids and/or their habitat.

The CHaMP is being proposed by the ISEMP and eight collaborating agencies to help BPA meet the requirements of the 2008 FCRPS BiOp and RPA 56.3. This program will provide information on the status/trends in habitat conditions, and will support habitat restoration, rehabilitation and conservation actions, performance assessments, and the adaptive management requirements of the 2008 FCRPS BiOp. In addition, the CHaMP meets RPA 56.3, RPA 57, and RPA 3 by characterizing stream and fish responses to watershed restoration and/or management actions in at least one population within each steelhead and Chinook MPG which have, or will have, fish in-fish out monitoring (identified in RPA 50.6). The watersheds identified for CHaMP include: Hood River, Wind River, Toppenish, Klickitat, Fifteen Mile, Lower Mainstem JD, North Fork JD, Upper Mainstem JD, Middle Fork JD, South Fork JD, Umatilla, Upper Grande Ronde, Catherine Ck, Imnaha, Lolo Ck, Tucannon, Asotin, SF Salmon, Big Ck, Lemhi, Pahsimeroi, Yankee Fork, Wenatchee, Entiat, Methow, and Okanogan. These watersheds were chosen to maximize the contrast in current habitat conditions and also represent a temporal gradient of expected change in condition through planned habitat actions. CHaMP collaborators will be supported by cross-project data management, stewardship and analysis staff, annual pre- and post-season meetings, annual field protocol and data management tool implementation training sessions.

See the Contract Descriptions for explanation of Program Elements.
Summary / Abstract This dataset contains a GIS geodatabase export of CHaMP monitoring site’s “visit” summary metrics and channel unit metrics for Upper Columbia CHaMP monitoring sites for 2011-2017. Due to variation in data collection and analysis metrics protocols overtime with data field changes in each year, the CHaMP data sets are exported into geodatabase files by year. This dataset contains site summary metrics data limited to the CHAMP monitoring protocol Sites. Geodatabase files zip files with a “visit” point file and relational summary metric feature class file. This export contains 3 site summary metric files and the “ChannelUnitMetrics” Polygon are linked to the “Final – Visit Metrics” for each site. It is not clear what the differences are between “Tier 1”, “Tier 2” and “Final” metrics are this information may be further defined in their annual reports. To see all protocols and reports year filters must be selected. The channel unit polygon is not available in this export and will be provided in the future or may be attained from the topographic measurement data at

This export was limited to summary metrics based on the analytical methods of the protocol. This dataset excludes “Auxiliary” and “Topographic” measurement dataset that is available on the watershed data tabs for each year located at .
Data Analysis Methodology (example 2014):
• D16, D50, and D84 Particle Size in Riffles Calculation v2.0
• Design based estimation of status and trend of Columbia Habitat and Monitoring Program metrics v1.0
• Drift Biomass Calculation v1.0
• Estimating Stream Temperatures at Multiple Scales Using Remotely Sensed Land Surface Temperature v1.0
• Fastwater Cobble Embeddedness Calculations v1.0
• Hydraulic Modeling of River and Stream Reaches Sampled in the Columbia Habitat and Monitoring Program v1.0
• Large Wood Frequency v1.0
• Large Wood Volume Calculation v1.0
• Percent Big Tree Cover v1.0
• Percent Canopy Cover and Percent No Canopy Cover v1.0
• Percent Coniferous Cover v2.0
• Percent Fish Cover Calculation v1.0
• Percent Ground Cover and Percent No Ground Cover v1.0
• Percent Non-Woody Cover v1.0
• Percent Understory Cover and Percent No Understory Cover v1.0
• Percent Woody Cover v1.0
• Pool Tail Fines: Particles <2mm and <6mm v1.0
• RBT - Bankfull Area Calculation v1.0
• RBT - Bankfull Site Length Calculation v1.0
• RBT - Bankfull Width Profile Calculation v1.0
• RBT - Bankfull Width To Depth Ratio Profile Calculation v1.0
• RBT - Channel Unit Calculation v1.0
• RBT - Integrated Bankfull Width Calculation v1.0
• RBT - Integrated Wetted Width Calculation v1.0
• RBT - Site Gradient Calculation v1.0
• RBT - Site Sinuosity Calculation v1.0
• RBT - Thalweg Depth Profile Calculation v1.0
• RBT - Thalweg Site Length Calculation v1.0
• RBT - Wetted Area Calculation v1.0
• RBT - Wetted Site Length Calculation v1.0
• RBT - Wetted Volume Calculation v1.0
• RBT - Wetted Width Profile Calculation v1.0
• RBT - Wetted Width To Depth Ratio Profile Calculation v1.0
• Side Chanel Calculations v1.0
• Site Discharge Calculation v1.0
• Site Measurement of Alkalinity Calculation v1.0
• Site Measurement of Conductivity Calculation v1.0
• Solar Access Calculation v1.0
• Stream Temperature Logger Calculations v1.0
• Substrate Composition Calculations (Boulder, Cobbles, Gravel, Sand and Fines) v1.0
• Undercut Metrics v1.0

Broad Biological Groups Vegetation, Macroinvertebrate Drift, pool,s Channel Habitat, Sediment,
Taxa Not Applicable
Location Entiat River, Wenatchee River, Methow River, Middle Fork John Day, South Fork John Day, Secesh River, Upper Grande Ronde River , Lemhi River , Minam River, Yankee Fork River, Tuccannon River
NPCC Subbasins (2001 Subbasins) Columbia Cascade: Wenatchee
Columbia Cascade: Entiat
Columbia Cascade: Methow
Columbia Plateau: John Day
Columbia Plateau: Umatilla
Columbia Plateau: Tucannon
Blue Mountain: Grande Ronde
Mountain Snake: Salmon
Hatcheries Not Applicable
Dams Not Applicable
Keywords CHaMP, Entiat, Wenatchee, Lemhi, Tucannon, John Day, Secesh, Yankee Fork, Upper Grande Ronde, Minam • D16, D50, and D84 Particle Size in Riffles Calculation v2.0
• Design based estimation of status and trend of Columbia Habitat and Monitoring Program metrics v1.0
• Drift Biomass Calculation v1.0
• Estimating Stream Temperatures at Multiple Scales Using Remotely Sensed Land Surface Temperature v1.0
• Fastwater Cobble Embeddedness Calculations v1.0
• Hydraulic Modeling of River and Stream Reaches Sampled in the Columbia Habitat and Monitoring Program v1.0
• Large Wood Frequency v1.0
• Large Wood Volume Calculation v1.0
• Percent Big Tree Cover v1.0
• Percent Canopy Cover and Percent No Canopy Cover v1.0
• Percent Coniferous Cover v2.0
• Percent Fish Cover Calculation v1.0
• Percent Ground Cover and Percent No Ground Cover v1.0
• Percent Non-Woody Cover v1.0
• Percent Understory Cover and Percent No Understory Cover v1.0
• Percent Woody Cover v1.0
• Pool Tail Fines: Particles <2mm and <6mm v1.0
• RBT - Bankfull Area Calculation v1.0
• RBT - Bankfull Site Length Calculation v1.0
• RBT - Bankfull Width Profile Calculation v1.0
• RBT - Bankfull Width To Depth Ratio Profile Calculation v1.0
• RBT - Channel Unit Calculation v1.0
• RBT - Integrated Bankfull Width Calculation v1.0
• RBT - Integrated Wetted Width Calculation v1.0
• RBT - Site Gradient Calculation v1.0
• RBT - Site Sinuosity Calculation v1.0
• RBT - Thalweg Depth Profile Calculation v1.0
• RBT - Thalweg Site Length Calculation v1.0
• RBT - Wetted Area Calculation v1.0
• RBT - Wetted Site Length Calculation v1.0
• RBT - Wetted Volume Calculation v1.0
• RBT - Wetted Width Profile Calculation v1.0
• RBT - Wetted Width To Depth Ratio Profile Calculation v1.0
• Side Chanel Calculations v1.0
• Site Discharge Calculation v1.0
• Site Measurement of Alkalinity Calculation v1.0
• Site Measurement of Conductivity Calculation v1.0
• Solar Access Calculation v1.0
Stream Temperature Logger Calculations v1.0
Substrate Composition Calculations (Boulder, Cobbles, Gravel, Sand and Fines) v1.0
Undercut Metrics v1.0
Lead Person and Organization That Created the Data Set National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
Other Participating Organizations Funding provided by Bonneville Power Administration
Contact Person for Questions About the Data Name:  Russell Scranton
Organization:  Bonneville Power Administration
Address:  905 NE Lloyd Blvd
Portland, OR  97232
Phone:  503-230-4412
Broad Category of Methods Field, Site Summary Metrics and Channel Untis
Data Collection Methods Scientific Protocol for Salmonid Habitat Surveys within the Columbia Habitat Monitoring Program (CHaMP) v4.0, Scientific Protocol for Salmonid Habitat Surveys within the Columbia Habitat Monitoring Program (CHaMP) v1.0, and Scientific Protocol for Salmonid Habitat Surveys within the Columbia Habitat Monitoring Program (CHaMP) v2.0

File Formats GIS Software for Geodatabeses and Text Editors for the metadata,
Data structure description See data set files.
URL where updated data may be available
Some data sets are intrinsically linked to software, tools, models, or statistical procedures, and must be used in association in order to be of value. If this applies to this data set then the following information will apply:
Relationship between the data set and the software, model, etc. None
Where the software, tools, models, etc. can be obtained if they are not included with the data download. None
Contact person for questions about the software, tools, models, etc. Name:  

Papers, reports, and presentations that were done under this project. Not Applicable
Restrictions or legal prerequisites for accessing and using this data set. None

File Size: 12 MB