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Laboratory evaluation of larval lamprey movements based on shoreline slope

Data Categories Movements
Dates of Data 2021 TO 2021
Data Set Status In work
Data Set Update Schedule data will be updated when final reporting is complete
Date Data Set Published on StreamNet Data Store 05-18-2023
Project Name & Number US Fish and Wildlife Service
Oregon Fish and Wildlife Office
Portland, Oregon
Purpose of Data Set Data were collected to quantify larval lamprey movement capabilities following dewatering to improve guidance for future dewatering activities and in-water work that may affect larval lamprey habitats in streams.
Summary / Abstract Data are from laboratory tests where larval lampreys moved on dewatered substrate down a simulated, sloped shoreline. Data summarize the movement distances and rates of lamprey relative to shoreline slope and environmental conditions during the tests.
Broad Biological Groups fishes
Taxa Entosphenus tridentatus
Lampetra spp
Location NA; laboratory study
NPCC Subbasins (2001 Subbasins) NA; laboratory study
Hatcheries NA
Dams NA
Keywords lamprey
Pacific Lamprey
in-water work
Best Management Guidelines
Lead Person and Organization That Created the Data Set Theresa Liedtke, USGS
Ann Gray, USFWS
Julie Harris, USFWS
Joe Skalikcky, USFW
Other Participating Organizations Ralph Lampman, Yakama Nation
Danny Didricksen, WDFW
Ann Grote, USFWS Leavenworth
Pat Monk, BOR
Ben Clemens, ODFW
Contact Person for Questions About the Data Name:  Theresa Liedtke
Organization:  US Geological Survey
Address:  5501A Cook-Underwood Road
Cook, WA  98605
Phone:  509-538-2963
Broad Category of Methods Laboratory
Data Collection Methods Observation
File Formats Microsoft Excel
Data structure description See data set files.
URL where updated data may be available NA
Some data sets are intrinsically linked to software, tools, models, or statistical procedures, and must be used in association in order to be of value. If this applies to this data set then the following information will apply:
Relationship between the data set and the software, model, etc.
Where the software, tools, models, etc. can be obtained if they are not included with the data download.
Contact person for questions about the software, tools, models, etc. Name:  

Papers, reports, and presentations that were done under this project. pending
Restrictions or legal prerequisites for accessing and using this data set. No

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