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Anadromous Fish-Related Habitat Projects and Long-Term Monitoring Efforts in Selected Columbia River Subbasins

Data Categories Habitat restoration
Stream environment and biota monitoring
Dates of Data 2007 TO 2007
Data Set Status Complete
Data Set Update Schedule n/a
Date Data Set Published on StreamNet Data Store 3/20/2007
Project Name & Number Various BPA contracts
Purpose of Data Set Purpose provided in Abstract
Summary / Abstract This dataset consists of documentation and mapping of anadromous fish habitat remediation/restoration project and related long-term monitoring locations in selected subbasins for the purpose of establishing a database and GIS coverages of all habitat restoration and related monitoring efforts in the Columbia River basin. The primary tasks were to locate historical, current, and proposed, 'likely to be funded' or 'already funded', habitat modification projects that effect salmon and/or steelhead ESUs in the Washington and British Columbia Upper Columbia Salmon Recovery Area, Oregon John Day, Grande Ronde, and Imnaha River subbasins, and Idaho Clearwater and Salmon River subbasins.

The habitat project location dataset is a series of Excel spreadsheets (one for each of the five areas above) which contain the details, i.e. responsible parties, contract numbers, geographic coordinates, action types, years implemented, stream segment, watershed, short descriptions, etc. I assigned each action a unique ID which I then located on 7.5' topographic maps and mapped in GIS. The GIS coverages are in the form of ESRI SHP files which contain most of the information from the spreadsheets. I generated PNG format map images from the GIS coverages and other publicly available coverages (i.e. HUCs, streams, land ownership, etc.). Each area has a map index and overview maps as well as many detailed maps showing individual project locations identified by the unique ID.

The monitoring locations exist as GIS SHP files only, with the exception of Snake River spring/summer Chinook redd survey and PIT tag release locations, for which I have developed detailed datasets as part of our modeling efforts. I extracted general information (i.e. years, type of monitoring, location details) from readily available sources of monitoring data (i.e. state, federal, and tribal monitoring programs) and mapped the sites which had long term (10 years or planned for >10 years), consistent (i.e. monitored in most years), ongoing (i.e. not discontinued), and readily available, datasets. I generated similar index, overview, and detailed location maps for the monitoring locations as for the habitat projects.
Broad Biological Groups Fishes
Taxa Snake River Basin Steelhead (Oncorhynchus mykiss irideus)
Sockeye (Oncorhynchus nerka)
Spring/Summer-run and Fall-run Chinook Salmon ESU (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha)
Middle Columbia River Steelhead and Spring-run Chinook ESUs
Upper Columbia River Steelhead, and Spring-run and Summer/Fall-run Chinook Salmon ESUs
Wenatchee River Sockeye Salmon ESU
Okanogan River Sockeye Salmon ESU
Location Columbia Cascade: Columbia Upper Middle
Columbia Cascade: Entiat
Columbia Cascade: Methow
Columbia Cascade: Okanogan
Columbia Cascade: Wenatchee
Columbia Cascade: Canadian Portion
Columbia Plateau: John Day
Blue Mountain: Grande Ronde
Blue Mountain: Imnaha
Mountain Snake: Clearwater
Mountain Snake: Salmon
NPCC Subbasins (2001 Subbasins) Blue Mountain: Grande Ronde
Blue Mountain: Imnaha
Columbia Cascade: Columbia upper middle
Columbia Cascade: Entiat
Columbia Cascade: Methow
Columbia Cascade: Okanogan
Columbia Cascade: Wenatchee
Columbia Plateau: John Day
Keywords Fish Habitat Restoration Projects Fisheries Monitoring Locations Upper Columbia John Day Clearwater Grande Ronde Salmon Imnaha Maps Coordinates Project Descriptions
Lead Person and Organization That Created the Data Set Timothy R. Fisher
Other Participating Organizations The many agencies that supplied information on habitat projects and monitoring programs are acknowledged in the documentation.
Contact Person for Questions About the Data Name:  Timothy R. Fisher
Position:  Fisheries Biologist
Organization:  Fisher Fisheries
Address:  18403 S Clear Acres Drive
Oregon City, OR  97045
Phone:  503-631-7236
email:  Send a note to addressed for timf.
Broad Category of Methods Lab
Data Collection Methods Surveys, Literature review, Interviews, Internet searches, Other datasets/databases, GPS & GIS-based methods
File Formats Adobe PDF, PNG images, MS Excel spreadsheets, SHP GIS coverages
Data structure description See data set files
URL where updated data may be available Data and other files described are available on the web at
Some data sets are intrinsically linked to software, tools, models, or statistical procedures, and must be used in association in order to be of value. If this applies to this data set then the following information will apply:
Relationship between the data set and the software, model, etc.
Where the software, tools, models, etc. can be obtained if they are not included with the data download.
Contact person for questions about the software, tools, models, etc. Name:  

Papers, reports, and presentations that were done under this project. Fisher, T. R. 2007. Documentation for the Mapping of Anadromous Fish-Related Habitat Projects and Long-Term Monitoring Efforts in Selected Columbia River Subbasins. Prepared for J. Geisleman, BPA Division of Fish & Wildlife, Policy and Planning Branch, 911 NE 11th St., Portland, OR 97208. 37 pp.
Restrictions or legal prerequisites for accessing and using this data set. No

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