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2001-2004 Subbasin Plans and Archived Datasets
Data Categories
Estimates of spawning populations Redd counts Spawner counts Dam counts Spawner/recruit estimates Dam facilities Hatchery facilities Fish migration barriers Fish distribution Harvest
Dates of Data
2001 TO 2004
Data Set Status
Data Set Update Schedule
Approximately every 10 years.
Date Data Set Published on StreamNet Data Store
Project Name & Number
Purpose of Data Set
Purpose provided in Abstract
Summary / Abstract
The Northwest Power and Conservation Council (NPCC; formerly the Northwest Power Planning Council) led the 2001-2004 effort to develop comprehensive subbasin plans throughout the Columbia River basin. StreamNet both provided data to support subbasin planning and also received and distributes compilations of the data used in the plans. This web page provides links to data resources and overview information that are available for each subbasin.
At the beginning of the subbasin planning effort, StreamNet created spreadsheets of pre-existing data for each subbasin, and other resources such as GIS layers and maps. (The spreadsheets, originally done in 2001, were updated in February 2003. Both are available below.)
After the plans were completed, StreamNet, the Technical Outreach and Assistance to Subbasins Team (TOAST), the Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission (CRITFC), and the Northwest Habitat Institute captured the new data that were developed for use in the aquatic portion of each subbasin plan. Resources available here include the spreadsheets, maps, GIS layers, subbasin planning modeling input and results, tools, and databases developed for subbasin planning. Included is a large majority of the EDT and QHA modeling information used in subbasin planning. Also provided here are GIS layers that define the EDT/QHA reach codes.
Data Available on this Page:
StreamNet data and other archived datasets:
Each subbasin spreadsheet contains 16 separate pages, including introductory explanations, data of many types, and a table of literature relevant to the subbasin. Not all data types are available for every subbasin. For a quick overview of the types of StreamNet data available for each subbasin, download the data inventory by subbasin spreadsheet.
Products prepared by TOAST/CRITFC:
Data available for a subbasin can vary because planners were given a choice of models and not all used EDT or QHA. Also, some data were not available from the subbasin planning process when this archive was created. In addition to subbasin-specific products, TOAST/CRITFC also constructed databases of fish populations from the EDT information provided by Mobrand Biometrics, Inc.
Northwest Habitat Institute:
collected from subbasin planners wildlife data, upland habitat data, and GIS layers used to produce maps for the plans.
Links to the electronic copies of the 1990 and 2004 subbasin plans are provided here as well.
Broad Biological Groups
Entire Columbia River basin
NPCC Subbasins (2001 Subbasins)
Entire Columbia Basin / Mainstem / Systemwide
Blue Mountain: Asotin
Blue Mountain: Grande Ronde
Blue Mountain: Imnaha
Blue Mountain: Snake Hells Canyon
Columbia Cascade: Columbia upper middle
Columbia Cascade: Entiat
Columbia Cascade: Lake Chelan
Columbia Cascade: Methow
Columbia Cascade: Okanogan
Columbia Cascade: Wenatchee
Columbia Gorge: Big White Salmon
Columbia Gorge: Columbia Gorge
Columbia Gorge: Fifteenmile
Columbia Gorge: Hood
Columbia Gorge: Klickitat
Columbia Gorge: Little White Salmon
Columbia Gorge: Wind
Columbia Plateau: Columbia lower middle
Columbia Plateau: Crab
Columbia Plateau: Deschutes
Columbia Plateau: John Day
Columbia Plateau: Palouse
Columbia Plateau: Snake lower
Columbia Plateau: Tucannon
Columbia Plateau: Umatilla
Columbia Plateau: Walla Walla
Columbia Plateau: Yakima
Columbia River Estuary: Columbia estuary
Columbia River Estuary: Elochoman
Columbia River Estuary: Grays
Intermountain: Coeur d'Alene
Intermountain: Columbia upper
Intermountain: Pend Oreille
Intermountain: Sanpoil
Intermountain: Spokane
Lower Columbia: Columbia lower
Lower Columbia: Cowlitz
Lower Columbia: Kalama
Lower Columbia: Lewis
Lower Columbia: Sandy
Lower Columbia: Washougal
Lower Columbia: Willamette
Middle Snake: Boise
Middle Snake: Bruneau
Middle Snake: Burnt
Middle Snake: Malheur
Middle Snake: Owyhee
Middle Snake: Payette
Middle Snake: Powder
Middle Snake: Snake lower middle
Middle Snake: Snake upper middle
Middle Snake: Weiser
Mountain Columbia: Bitterroot
Mountain Columbia: Blackfoot
Mountain Columbia: Clark Fork
Mountain Columbia: Flathead
Mountain Columbia: Kootenai
Mountain Snake: Clearwater
Mountain Snake: Salmon
Upper Snake: Snake headwaters
Upper Snake: Snake upper
Upper Snake: Snake upper closed basin
subbasin planning, NPCC, NWPPC
Lead Person and Organization That Created the Data Set
Other Participating Organizations
Contact Person for Questions About the Data
Name: Michael Banach Position: StreamNet Project Fisheries Biologist Organization: StreamNet / Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission Address: Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission
205 SE Spokane Street, Suite 100 Portland,
OR 97202 USA Phone: 503-595-3100 email:
Broad Category of Methods
Data Collection Methods
Various. Original field data were collected using various methods. Data in this data set were compiled from available data.
File Formats
Data structure description
See data set files
URL where updated data may be available
Some data sets are intrinsically linked to software, tools, models, or statistical procedures, and must be used in
association in order to be of value. If this applies to this data set then the following information will apply:
Relationship between the data set and the software, model, etc.
Where the software, tools, models, etc. can be obtained if they are not included with the data download.
Contact person for questions about the software, tools, models, etc.
Name: Organization: Address:
Papers, reports, and presentations that were done under this project.
2004 Subbasin Plans
1990 Subbasin Plans
Restrictions or legal prerequisites for accessing and using this data set.