The StreamNet Data Store is a searchable archive of data sets related to fish and other aquatic resources that are not of the specific data types included in the main StreamNet database. These data sets come from many different sources and are provided for download in their original formats. To add your own data set to the Data Store, use our Data Publishing Service.
StreamNet did not participate in creation of most of these data sets, and we are not able to answer questions about those we did not help develop. For questions about the data sets available from this page, please contact the originator of the particular data set.
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Willamette - Lower Columbia Coastal Cutthroat Trout Habitat
Data Categories
Fish Habitat Distribution
Dates of Data
1989 TO 2010
Data Set Status
In work
Data Set Update Schedule
Continuously updated
Date Data Set Published on StreamNet Data Store
Project Name & Number
Purpose of Data Set
Purpose provided in Abstract
Summary / Abstract
These data describe areas of suitable habitat believed to be used currently by wild, natural, and/or hatchery fish populations. The term 'currently' is defined as within the past five reproductive cycles. This information is based on sampling, the best professional opinion of Oregon Dept. of Fish and Wildlife or other natural resources agency staff biologists or modeling (see the fhdBasis field).
Broad Biological Groups
Coastal cutthroat trout (Oncorhynchus clarkii clarkii)
Willamette and Lower Columbia basins, Oregon
NPCC Subbasins (2001 Subbasins)
Columbia Gorge: Columbia Gorge
Columbia Gorge: Fifteenmile
Columbia Gorge: Hood
Columbia River Estuary: Columbia estuary
Lower Columbia: Columbia lower
Lower Columbia: Sandy
Lower Columbia: Willamette
Fish, anadromous fish, resident fish, habitat, anadromous habitat, resident habitat, anadromous fish distribution, resident fish distribution, spawning habitat ,rearing habitat, migration habitat
Lead Person and Organization That Created the Data Set
Jon bowers
Other Participating Organizations
Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife
Oregon Department of Forestry
U.S.D.A. Forest Service
Contact Person for Questions About the Data
Name: Jon Bowers Position: ODFW GIS Coordinator Organization: Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife Address: Fish Division, ODFW
3406 Cherry Ave NE Salem,
OR 97303 USA Phone: 503-947-6097 email: Send a note to addressed for jon.k.bowers.
Broad Category of Methods
Data Collection Methods
Surveying Forest Streams for Fish Use
24k Fish Habitat Distribution Development Project
File Formats
Data structure description
See data set files
URL where updated data may be available
Some data sets are intrinsically linked to software, tools, models, or statistical procedures, and must be used in
association in order to be of value. If this applies to this data set then the following information will apply:
Relationship between the data set and the software, model, etc.
Where the software, tools, models, etc. can be obtained if they are not included with the data download.
Contact person for questions about the software, tools, models, etc.
Name: Organization: Address:
Papers, reports, and presentations that were done under this project.
Restrictions or legal prerequisites for accessing and using this data set.