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Yankee Fork Salmon River Restoration Project 2010 Water and Air Temperatures
Data Categories
Water Temperatures
Air Temperatures
Dates of Data
2010 TO 2010
Data Set Status
Data Set Update Schedule
Date Data Set Published on StreamNet Data Store
Project Name & Number
BPA project number 2002-059-00
Purpose of Data Set
Purpose provided in Abstract
Summary / Abstract
2010 air and water data for Yankee Fork Salmon River, select tributaries, Upper Salmon River Basin reference streams.
Broad Biological Groups
Yankee Fork Salmon River
West Fork Yankee Fork
Jordan Creek
Rankin Creek
Silver Creek
Jerry's Creek
Basin Creek
Valley Creek
East Fork Salmon River
Camas Creek (Middle Fork Salmon River tributary)
NPCC Subbasins (2001 Subbasins)
Mountain Snake: Salmon
water temperatures, air temperatures
Lead Person and Organization That Created the Data Set
Josh Gable
Other Participating Organizations
Shoshone-Bannock Tribes
Contact Person for Questions About the Data
Name: Josh Gable Position: Biologist Organization: Shoshone-Bannock Tribes Address: Shoshone-Bannock Tribes P.O.Box 306 Fort Hall,
ID 83203 USA Phone: 208-241-3385 email: Send a note to addressed for jgable.
Broad Category of Methods
Data Collection Methods
Thermograph data loggers
File Formats
Microsoft Excel
Data structure description
See data set files
URL where updated data may be available
Some data sets are intrinsically linked to software, tools, models, or statistical procedures, and must be used in
association in order to be of value. If this applies to this data set then the following information will apply:
Relationship between the data set and the software, model, etc.
Where the software, tools, models, etc. can be obtained if they are not included with the data download.
Contact person for questions about the software, tools, models, etc.
Name: Organization: Address:
Papers, reports, and presentations that were done under this project.
Restrictions or legal prerequisites for accessing and using this data set.