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Mill Creek Watershed Restoration - Temperature Data
(Version: Not applicable)
Data Categories
Habitat improvement/ restoration
Water temperature
Measures of habitat quality
Dates of Data
2005 TO 2014
Data Set Status
In work
Data Set Update Schedule
Date Data Set Published on StreamNet Data Store
Project Name & Number
Purpose of Data Set
The Restore Mill Creek Watershed project (2000-003-600) has been an on-going project of the Nez Perce Tribe Fisheries Watershed Program since 2000. This project is being completed in cooperation with the Nez Perce National Forest (NPNF). The ultimate goal of the project is to restore the physical and biological characteristics of the watershed to provide quality habitat for anadromous and resident fish species that support the historical, cultural and economic practices of the Nez Perce Tribe. The Mill Creek watershed contains proposed critical habitat for listed species steelhead trout and potential critical habitat for bull trout; it has moderate habitat potential for spring chinook salmon. Restoration in this watershed focuses on restoring riparian processes by addressing increased water temperatures, increased sedimentation, cattle grazing affects, fish passage issues, and noxious weed infestations. Previously completed contract work includes 6 culvert replacements, annual riparian vegetation planting, installation and maintenance of 3 miles of fence, and continued monitoring and evaluation.
Summary / Abstract
HOBO stream temperature data collected from 2005-present in the Mill Creek watershed. Raw data are presented in an excel format.
Broad Biological Groups
Not applicable
No taxa are presented.
Mill Creek is a tributary to the South Fork Clearwater River within the Mountain-Snake/ Clearwater Subbasin. It is located within Idaho County, Idaho.
NPCC Subbasins (2001 Subbasins)
Mountain Snake: Clearwater
Mill Creek, Temperature, Stream Temperature
Lead Person and Organization That Created the Data Set
Mark Johnson, South Fork Clearwater Project Leader Nez Perce Tribe Fisheries Watershed
Other Participating Organizations
FY2009 National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)
FY2009 US Forest Service
FY2009 Idaho County
FY2010 US Forest Service
FY2010 Idaho County
Contact Person for Questions About the Data
Name: Miranda Main Position: Organization: Nez Perce Tribe Address: Fisheries Department, P.O. Box 365 Lapwai,
ID 83540 USA Phone: 208-621-3547 email: Send a note to addressed for Mirandam.
Broad Category of Methods
Data Collection Methods
Hobo temperature loggers
File Formats
Microsoft Excel 1997 or later with capabilities to view MS Excel 2007 files, image viewing software
Data structure description
See data set files.
URL where updated data may be available
Some data sets are intrinsically linked to software, tools, models, or statistical procedures, and must be used in
association in order to be of value. If this applies to this data set then the following information will apply:
Relationship between the data set and the software, model, etc.
Where the software, tools, models, etc. can be obtained if they are not included with the data download.
Contact person for questions about the software, tools, models, etc.
Name: Organization: Address:
Papers, reports, and presentations that were done under this project.
Annual habitat monitoring reports are prepared each year.
Restrictions or legal prerequisites for accessing and using this data set.