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Snake River Seining 1992-2022
Data Categories
See the README folder in Excel files.
Dates of Data
1992 TO 2022
Data Set Status
In work
Data Set Update Schedule
Date Data Set Published on StreamNet Data Store
Project Name & Number
Purpose of Data Set
Staff of the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service and U. S. Geological Survey has responded to emerging issues relative to the recovery of Snake River fall Chinook salmon through project 199102900 for 30 years. We propose to help managers increase fall Chinook salmon production in the free-flowing Snake River by using existing and newly collected field data to answer five critical questions: (1) is the progression of life history events changing over time; (2) is growth during rearing and seaward movement changing over time; (3) could survival to the tailrace of Lower Granite Dam be increased; (4) could interactions between wild and hatchery smolts be reduced; and (5) does summer spill benefit fall Chinook salmon migrants? We answer these questions by accomplishing the following five objectives: (1) increasing the effectiveness of hydrosystem operations; (2) maximizing growth of wild fall Chinook salmon; (3) increasing the survival of wild fall Chinook salmon subyearlings; (4) reducing the potential for wild-hatchery fish interaction; and, (5) increasing the understanding of the efficacy of spill. To accomplish our objectives, we will PIT tag wild subyearlings and analyze subsequent detection data to estimate survival, growth, describe run timing and life history attributes, and evaluate the effectiveness of summer spill. We will explore the roles of food availability, growth, and habitat rearing capacity as potential limiting factors to Snake River fall Chinook salmon.
Summary / Abstract
Length, weight, and life stage for Chinook salmon seined along the lower Snake River. See the README folder in the Excel spreadsheets.
Broad Biological Groups
Chinook salmon Oncorhynchus tschawytscha
Hells Canyon Snake River
NPCC Subbasins (2001 Subbasins)
juvenile fall Chinook salmon, beach seining, Snake River, PIT tags
Lead Person and Organization That Created the Data Set
Ken Tiffan, US Geological Survey
Other Participating Organizations
Funding provided by Bonneville Power Administration
Contact Person for Questions About the Data
Name: Ken Tiffan Position: Organization: U.S. Geological Survey Address: 5501A Cook-Underwood Rd Cook,
WA 98605 USA Phone: 509-538-2972 email:
Broad Category of Methods
Data Collection Methods
See Protocol ID 2057 at
File Formats
Microsoft Excel 2000 or later
Data structure description
See the README folder in the Excel files. They explain all the column headings
URL where updated data may be available
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Papers, reports, and presentations that were done under this project.
Bennett, D.H., W.P. Connor, and C.A. Eaton. 2003. Substrate composition and emergence success of fall Chinook Salmon in the Snake River. Northwest Science 77:93–99.
Connor, W.P., H.L. Burge, and D.H. Bennett. 1998. Detection of subyearling Chinook Salmon at a Snake River dam: Implications for summer flow augmentation. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 18:530–536.
Connor, W.P., R.K. Steinhorst, and H.L. Burge. 2000. Forecasting survival and passage for migratory juvenile Salmonids. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 20:650–659.
Connor, W.P. and several coauthors. 2001. Early life history attributes and run composition and of wild subyearling Chinook Salmon recaptured after migrating downstream past Lower Granite Dam. Northwest Science 75:254–261.
Connor, W.P, A.R. Marshal, T.C. Bjornn, and H.L. Burge. 2001. Growth and long-range dispersal by wild subyearling spring and summer Chinook Salmon in the Snake River. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 130:1070–1076.
Connor, W.P., A. P. Garcia, A. H. Connor, E. O. Garton, P. A. Groves, and J. A. Chandler. 2001. Estimating the carrying capacity of the Snake River for fall Chinook Salmon redds. Northwest Science 75:363–370.
Connor, W.P., H.L. Burge, R. Waitt, and T.C. Bjornn. 2002. Juvenile life history of wild fall Chinook Salmon in the Snake and Clearwater rivers. North American Journal of Fisheries 22:703–712.
Connor, W.P., H.L. Burge, J.R. Yearsley, and T.C. Bjornn. 2003. The influence of flow and temperature on survival of wild subyearling fall Chinook Salmon in the Snake River. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 23:362–375.
Connor, W.P., R.K. Steinhorst, and H.L. Burge. 2003. Migrational behavior and seaward movement of wild subyearling fall Chinook Salmon in the Snake River. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 23:414–430.
Connor, W.P., and H.L. Burge. 2003. Growth of wild subyearling Chinook Salmon in the Snake River. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 23:594–599.
Connor, W.P., C.E. Piston, and A.P. Garcia. 2003. Temperature during incubation as one factor affecting the distribution of Snake River fall Chinook Salmon spawning areas. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 132:1236–1243.
Connor, W.P., S.G. Smith, T. Andersen, S.M. Bradbury, D.C. Burum, E.E. Hockersmith, M.L. Schuck, G.W. Mendel, and R.M. Bugert. 2004. Post-release performance of hatchery yearling and subyearling fall Chinook Salmon released into the Snake River. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 24:545–560.
Connor, W.P., J.G. Sneva, K.F. Tiffan, R.K. Steinhorst, and D. Ross. 2005. Two alternative juvenile life histories for fall Chinook Salmon in the Snake River basin. Transactions of the American Fisheries 134:291–304.
Connor, W. P., and A. P. Garcia. 2006. Pre-spawning movement of wild and hatchery fall Chinook Salmon in the Snake River. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 135:131–139.
Connor, W.P., and K.F. Tiffan. 2012. Evidence for parr growth as a factor affecting parr-to-smolt survival. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 141:1207–1218.
Connor, W. P., K. F. Tiffan, J., J. M. Plumb, and C. M. Moffitt. 2013. Evidence for density –dependent changes in growth, downstream movement, and size of Chinook Salmon subyearlings in a large river landscape. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 142:1453–1468.
Dauble D., R.L. Johnson, and A.P. Garcia. 1999. Fall Chinook Salmon spawning in the tailraces of hydroelectric projects. Transactions of the American Fishery Society 128:672–679.
Garcia, A.P., W.P. Connor, D.J. Milks, S.J. Rocklage, and R.K. Steinhorst. 2004. Movement and spawner distribution of hatchery fall Chinook Salmon adults acclimated and released as yearlings at three locations in the Snake River basin. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 24:1134–1144.
Garland, R.D., K.F. Tiffan, D.W. Rondorf, and L.O. Clark. 2002. Comparison of subyearling fall Chinook Salmon’s use of riprap revetments and unaltered habitats in Lake Wallula of the Columbia River. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 22:583–589.
Groves, P.A., and A.P. Garcia. 1998. Two carriers used to suspend an underwater video camera from a boat. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 18:1004–1007.
Groves, P.A., J.A. Chandler, B. Alcorn, T.J. Richter, W.P. Connor, A.P. Garcia, and S.M. Bradbury. 2013. Evaluating Salmon spawning habitat capacity using redd survey data. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 33:707–716.
Groves, P. A, B. Alcorn, B., M. M. Wiest, J. M., Maselko, and W. P. Connor. 2016. Testing unmanned aircraft systems (UASs) for salmon spawning surveys. FACETS. DOI: 10.1139/facets-2016-0019. (Available November 2016).
Haskell, C.A., K.F. Tiffan, and D.W. Rondorf. 2006. Food habits of juvenile American shad and dynamics of zooplankton in the lower Columbia River. Northwest Science 80:47–64.
Haskell, C.A., R.D. Baxter, and K.F. Tiffan. 2006. Range expansion of an exotic Siberian prawn to the Lower Snake River. Northwest Science 80:311–316
Haskell, C.A., K.F. Tiffan, and D.W. Rondorf. 2013. The effects of juvenile American shad planktivory on zooplankton production in Columbia River food webs. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 142:606–620.
Marshall, A.R., H.L. Blankenship, and W.P. Connor. 2000. Genetic characterization of naturally spawned Snake River fall-run Chinook Salmon. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 129:680–698.
Plumb, J.P., W.P. Connor, K.F. Tiffan, C.M. Moffitt, R.W. Perry, and N.S. Adams. 2012. Estimating and predicting collection probability of fish at dams using multistate modeling. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 141:1364–1373.
Rasmussen, C. R., C. O. Ostberg, D. R. Clifton, J. L. Holloway, and R. J. Rodriguez. 2003. Identification of a genetic marker that discriminates ocean-type and stream-type Chinook Salmon in the Columbia River basin. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 132:131–142.
Rosenberger, S.J., W.P Connor, C.A. Peery, D.J. Milks, M.L. Shuck, J.A. Hesse, and S.G. Smith. 2013. Acclimation enhances postrelease performance of hatchery fall Chinook Salmon subyearlings while reducing the potential for interaction with natural fish. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 33:519–528.
Smith, S.G., W.D. Muir, E.E. Hockersmith, R.W. Zabel, R.J. Graves, C.V. Ross, W.P. Connor, and B.D. Arnsberg. 2003. Influence of river conditions on survival and travel time of Snake River subyearling fall Chinook Salmon. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 23:939–961.
Tiffan, K.F., D.W. Rondorf, and P.G. Wagner. 2000. Physiological development and migratory behavior of subyearling fall Chinook Salmon in the Columbia River. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 20:28–40. Tiffan, K.F., D.W. Rondorf, R.D. Garland, and P.A. Verhey. 2001. Identification of juvenile fall versus spring Chinook Salmon migrating through the lower Snake River based on body morphology. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 129:1389–1395.
Tiffan, K.F., R.D. Garland, and D.W. Rondorf. 2002. Quantifying flow-dependent changes in subyearling fall Chinook rearing habitat and stranding area using two-dimensional spatially-explicit modeling. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 22:713–726.
Tiffan, K.F., C.A. Haskell, and D.W. Rondorf. 2003. Thermal exposure of juvenile fall Chinook Salmon migrating through a lower Snake River Reservoir. Northwest Science 77:100–109.
Tiffan, K.F., L.O. Clark, R.D. Garland, and D.W. Rondorf. 2006. Variables influencing the presence of subyearling fall Chinook Salmon in shoreline habitats of the Hanford Reach, Columbia River. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 26:351–360.
Tiffan, K.F., T.J. Kock, W.P. Connor, R.K. Steinhorst, and D.W. Rondorf. 2009. Behavioural thermoregulation by subyearling fall ± autumn) Chinook Salmon Oncorhynchus tshawytscha in a reservoir. Journal of Fish Biology 74:1562–1579.
Tiffan, K.F., T.J. Kock, C.A. Haskell, W.P. Connor, and R.K. Steinhorst. 2009. Water velocity, turbulence, and migration rate of subyearling fall Chinook Salmon in the free-flowing and impounded Snake River. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 138:373–384.
Tiffan, K.F., and W.P. Connor. 2011. Distinguishing between natural and hatchery Snake River fall Chinook Salmon subyearlings in the field using body morphology. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 140:21–30.
Tiffan, K.F., T.J. Kock, W.P. Connor, F. Mullins, and R.K. Steinhorst. 2012. Downstream movement of fall Chinook Salmon juveniles in the lower Snake River reservoirs during winter and early spring. Transaction of the American Fisheries Society 141:285–293.
Tiffan, K. F., J. M. Erhardt, and S. J. St. John. 2014. Prey availability, consumption, and quality contribute to variation in growth of subyearling Chinook Salmon rearing in riverine and reservoir habitats. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 143:219–229.
Tiffan, K. F., R. W. Perry, W. P. Connor, F. L. Mullins, C. D. Rabe, and D. D. Nelson. 2015. Survival, growth, and tag retention in age-0 Chinook salmon implanted with 8-, 9-, and 12-mm PIT tags. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 35:845–852.
Venditti, D.A., D.W. Rondorf, J.M. Kraut. 2000. Migratory behavior and forebay delay of radio-tagged juvenile fall Chinook Salmon in a lower Snake River impoundment. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 20:41–52.
Williams, J.G., Zabel, R.S., Waples, R.S., Hutchings, J.A., and Connor, W.P. 2008. Potential for anthropogenic disturbances to influence evolutionary change in the life history of a threatened Salmonid. Evolutionary Applications doi:10.1111/j.1752–4571.2008.00027.x: 271-285.
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