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Yankee Fork Restoration Project 2006-2020 Stream Water Quality SONDE Data Analysis
Data Categories
Stream water quality SONDE data of temperature, specific conductivity, pH, turbidity and dissolved oxygen.
Dates of Data
2006 TO 2020
Data Set Status
In work
Data Set Update Schedule
Date Data Set Published on StreamNet Data Store
Project Name & Number
Purpose of Data Set
The goal of the Yankee Fork Dredge Tailings Restoration Project is to restore natural river channel characteristics, floodplain function, hydraulic and sediment regimes, and aquatic habitat within the dredged reach of the YFSR, initially by redistributing dredge tailings piles from the floodplain. Restoring the YFSR, historically a major Chinook salmon producer, to natural conditions will create a healthy, functioning riparian community providing numerous benefits to fish and wildlife.
The Yankee Fork Restoration Project is working to improve floodplain/riparian zones along the dredge sections of the Yankee Fork Salmon River (YFSR). Approximately six miles of stream habitat on private land on the YFSR have been severely altered by dredge -mining (1938-1952), eliminating much of the natural meander pattern of the stream and associated in-stream habitat, and riparian vegetation and function. The altered stream corridor consists of unconsolidated and un-vegetated dredge tailings, which have increased sedimentation of spawning gravels and rearing pools. The mainstem YFSR has down-cut, causing upslope instability, also affecting many tributary streams. As a result of the extensive dredge mining, a complete re-channeling of lower portions of the Yankee Fork has occurred along with the deposition of extensive unconsolidated dredge piles. This section of the river has been widened and the channel straightened compared to pre-dredging conditions. The substrate has been severely altered and is now dominated by boulders and cobbles with few spawning gravels. The historic floodplain can no longer be accessed and the riparian zone has been severely altered. Following dredge mining, the Yankee Fork road was rebuilt over the dredge tailings. This road is the primary public thoroughfare to the Yankee Fork drainage, and provides access for popular seasonal recreational activities, and also to the jointly-administered USFS and State of Idaho "Land of the Yankee Fork" State Park and Historical Area established for the interpretation of historic mining in this area of Idaho. The road also provides access to an on-going large-scale open pit gold mine and to private holdings and residences within the drainage.
The goal of the Yankee Fork Dredge Tailings Restoration Project is to restore natural river channel characteristics, floodplain function, hydraulic and sediment regimes, and aquatic habitat within the dredged reach of the YFSR. Restoring the YFSR, historically a major Chinook salmon producer, to natural conditions will create a healthy, functioning riparian community providing numerous benefits to fish and wildlife. Expected outcomes include benefits to anadromous salmonids through a healthy, functioning floodplain and riparian community, an increase in spawning and rearing habitat for salmonids, an increase in instream habitat diversity, and upslope stabilization.
The Yankee Fork, one of the larger watersheds within the upper Salmon River, is a large stream with diversity of habitats, availability of low gradient stream channel reaches, aquatic productivity, and a remnant spawning and rearing population, make the Yankee Fork a potential important Chinook drainage within the upper Salmon River subbasin. Snake River stocks of Chinook salmon have used the Yankee Fork and its tributaries for spawning and rearing long before human settlements or mining within the watershed. Every summer the Bannock Tribe would camp at the mouth of Ramey Creek to harvest spawning salmon. Because of the strong historical fish populations, habitat capability must have been high to support the different species' life histories. More recently, Snake River Chinook salmon populations have suffered direct mortality associated with hydropower operations of on the Columbia River and the lower Snake River. In addition, habitat degradation, introduction of exotic species, hatchery supplementation, and instream flow diversions have induced additive pressures on the population as a whole. Due to the decline of this species, Snake River spring/summer salmon were listed under the Endangered Species Act as threatened on April 22, 1992 (57 FR 42529), and the Yankee Fork is classified as critical habitat (57 FR 14653). Until passage problems are resolved, the resiliency and persistence of remaining wild Chinook salmon stocks will be largely dependent on the quality and diversity of remaining stream habitats. All remaining populations and habitats for Chinook salmon are critical to the persistence and recovery of this species. In accordance with the Fish and Wildlife Program goals, this project will benefit the biological needs of salmon, steelhead, and bull trout and protect other native fish and wildlife species by improving habitat conditions in the Yankee Fork Salmon River. This project will involve cooperative habitat protection and improvement with private landowners; majority of the land is owned by Simplot, Inc. These priva
Summary / Abstract
Stream water quality SONDE data collected 2006-2020 for the Yankee Fork Restoration Project Monitoring and Evaluation Program. Water quality results included are for the Yankee Fork, West Fork Yankee Fork, Jordan Creek, Pond Series and reference sites.
Broad Biological Groups
'Not applicable'
Yankee Fork watershed main-stem sites, tributaries, artificial side channels Pond Series 1, 2, 3 and 4, and nearby watershed reference sites. The Yankee Fork is a tributary to the upper Salmon River in central Idaho.
NPCC Subbasins (2001 Subbasins)
Provincial (Mountain Snake/Salmon)
Yankee Fork stream tributary Pond Series Camas Creek East Fork Salmon River Basin Creek Valley Creek water quality temperature specific conductivity pH turbidity dissolved oxygen
Lead Person and Organization That Created the Data Set
Evelyn Galloway, Shoshone-Bannock Tribes Fish and Wildlife
Other Participating Organizations
Funding provided by Bonneville Power Administration
Contact Person for Questions About the Data
Name: Evelyn Galloway Position: Biologist - Project Manager Organization: Shoshone Bannock Tribes Fisheries Address: 85 West Agency Rd., Building 82 Fort Hall,
Idaho 83203 USA Phone: 208-251-0725 email:
Broad Category of Methods
Data Collection Methods
YSI 6600 Multiparameter Water Quality SONDE and OTT HydroMet Hydrolab HL4 Multiparameter Water Quality SONDES
File Formats
Microsoft Excel 2000 or later
Data structure description
See data set files.
URL where updated data may be available
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