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Upper Yakima Tributary Assemblage/Community Structure Data
Data Categories
Upper Yakima Tributary Fish community structure/diversity Fish distribution
Dates of Data
2021 TO 2023
Data Set Status
In work
Data Set Update Schedule
This data will be updated annually.
Date Data Set Published on StreamNet Data Store
Project Name & Number
Purpose of Data Set
This dataset is generated as a by-product of routine sampling and shared as a courtesy to interested parties. 2021 marks the first year of data collected in this fashion.
Summary / Abstract
This data represents a visual count of fish species (analagous to a snorkle count) of fish encountered during O. mykiss electrofishing/PIT tagging collections throughout the Yakima Basin. It is an assemblage dataset (community structure) presented by river KM for streams sampled.
Broad Biological Groups
The data presented are counts of multiple fish taxa encountered.
RBT: Rainbow Trout MWF: Mountain Whitefish CUT: Cutthroat Trout DACE: Dace SPP. (not identified to species) CHINOOK: Chinook Salmon COHO: Coho Salmon RSS: Redside Shiner EBT: Eastern Brook Trout SUK: Sucker SPP (not identified to species) SCU: Sculpin SPP (not identified to species) NPM : Northern Pikeminnow LAMP: Lamprey SPP (not identified to species) BULL: Bull Trout STB: Threespine Stickleback LMB: Largemouth Bass SMB: Smallmouth Bass YP: Yellow Perch OTHER: Text entries of other taxa encountered)
Latitude/Longitude coordinates are provided for georeferencing observations.
NPCC Subbasins (2001 Subbasins)
Provincial (Columbia Plateau/Yakima)
Yakima Community Structure Assemblage Data Temple
Lead Person and Organization That Created the Data Set
This dataset is generated by the Washington Dept. of Fish and Wildlife under the Yakima Steelhead VSP Project. The lead entity for the project is the Yakama Confederated Tribes.
Other Participating Organizations
Funding provided by Bonneville Power Administration
Contact Person for Questions About the Data
Name: Gabriel Temple Position: Organization: Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) Address: 1130 W. University Way Ellensburg,
WA 98926 USA Phone: 509-933-6080 email:
Broad Category of Methods
Data Collection Methods
File Formats
MS Excel any text editor
Data structure description
Stream = Stream Site = Collection Site Abbreviation (sites are 300m in length) Latitude = Latitude Longitude = Longitude Effort = Electrofishing Seconds Date = Date Sampling Occurred RBT: Rainbow Trout MWF: Mountain Whitefish CUT: Cutthroat Trout DACE: Dace SPP. (not identified to species) CHINOOK: Chinook Salmon COHO: Coho Salmon RSS: Redside Shiner EBT: Eastern Brook Trout SUK: Sucker SPP (not identified to species) SCU: Sculpin SPP (not identified to species) NPM : Northern Pikeminnow LAMP: Lamprey SPP (not identified to species) BULL: Bull Trout STB: Threespine Stickleback LMB: Largemouth Bass SMB: Smallmouth Bass YP: Yellow Perch OTHER = Text entries of other taxa encountered) Comments = Comments related to field sampling
URL where updated data may be available
Some data sets are intrinsically linked to software, tools, models, or statistical procedures, and must be used in
association in order to be of value. If this applies to this data set then the following information will apply:
Relationship between the data set and the software, model, etc.
Where the software, tools, models, etc. can be obtained if they are not included with the data download.
Contact person for questions about the software, tools, models, etc.
Name: Organization: Address:
Papers, reports, and presentations that were done under this project.
Restrictions or legal prerequisites for accessing and using this data set.
We ask appropriate credit or acknowledgement be provided to the Yakima Steelhead VSP Project if the data are used in any shared format.