Snake River Drift Sampling, 2010-2011
Data Categories
Macroinvertebrate sampling
Dates of Data
2010 TO 2011
Data Set Status
Data Set Update Schedule
None planned
Date Data Set Published on StreamNet Data Store
Project Name & Number
Purpose of Data Set
Staff of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and U.S. Geological Survey are writing a paper summarizing the historical and contemporary juvenile life history of Snake River fall Chinook salmon. This is one of the datasets used in the paper.
Summary / Abstract
The data set contains information on invertebrate species composition and densities collected during drift sampling in the free-flowing Snake River and Lower Granite Reservoir during 2010-2011. This is companion data to subyearling fall Chinook salmon diet data that was collected concurrently. The intent was to measure prey availability for subyearlings rearing in riverine and reservoir habitats.
Broad Biological Groups
Insects Insecta Crustaceans Crustacea
Snake River from Asotin, WA upstream to the Grande Ronde River and Lower Granite Reservoir.
NPCC Subbasins (2001 Subbasins)
Columbia Plateau: Snake lower Blue Mountain: Snake Hells Canyon
Snake River, Lower Granite Reservoir, Invertebrates, Drift Sampling
Lead Person and Organization That Created the Data Set
US Geological Survey (USGS)
Other Participating Organizations
Funding provided by Bonneville Power Administration
Contact Person for Questions About the Data
Name: Ken Tiffan Position: Organization: U.S. Geological Survey Address: 5501A Cook-Underwood Rd Cook,
WA 98605 USA Phone: 509-538-2972 email:
Broad Category of Methods
Field and Lab
Data Collection Methods
Drift net
File Formats
Excel 2000 or later
Data structure description
This data set contains two sheets in the Excel file. The first is the "Data" sheet that contains all the collected data. The second is a "ReadMe" sheet that defines all the columns in the "Data" sheet.
URL where updated data may be available
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Where the software, tools, models, etc. can be obtained if they are not included with the data download.
Contact person for questions about the software, tools, models, etc.
Name: Organization: Address:
Papers, reports, and presentations that were done under this project.
Tiffan, K.F., J.M. Erhardt, and S.J. St. John. 2014. Prey availability, consumption, and quality contribute to variation in growth of subyearling Chinook Salmon rearing in riverine and reservoir habitats. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 143:219–229.
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