The Northwest Power Planning Council is currently engaged in an effort to develop comprehensive subbasin plans throughout the Columbia River basin. The first step is to develop Subbasin Summaries that provide overview information on the resources in each subbasin. StreamNet has packaged existing data for each subbasin to assist in this effort. These have been preselected from the database and organized in spreadsheets. (The spreadsheets, originally done in 2001, were updated in February 2003. Both are available.) Some information is also presented on maps and as GIS data layers. These data can also be obtained using the Standard Query on the On-line Data portion of this website.
Before using the Subbasin Summary data, below, we recommend reviewing the README.txt file for a summary of the data that are available, and a description of the Data Types.
Note: Each subbasin spreadsheet contains 16 separate pages, including introductory explanations, many data types, and a table of literature relevant to the subbasin. Spreadsheets may take a long time to download over a phone modem.
Data for Use in Subbasin Summaries:
For a quick overview of the types of data available for each subbasin, download the data inventory by subbasin spreadsheet.
To obtain data for a specific subbasin, select a subbasin from the subbasins map or from the list of subbasins below.
Water temperature data. This is a compilation of water temperature information from across the Columbia Basin and other parts of the Northwest. It is not complete in all areas, but may be of use.
Protected Areas. These waters have been protected from further hydropower development by the Northwest Power Planning Council. This is a basin wide data set.
Smolt Density Model. From 1995 publication of calculated smolt densities, basin wide.
Master spreadsheet, containing data for all subbasins combined.
Master spreadsheet - UPDATED FEBRUARY 8, 2003, containing data for all subbasins combined.
Electronic copies of the 1990 subbasin plans can be found here.
List of subbasins, organized by Columbia Basin Province
Blue Mountain Province
Asotin Subbasin
Grande Ronde Subbasin
Imnaha Subbasin
Snake Hells Canyon Subbasin
Columbia Cascade Province
Columbia Upper Middle Subbasin
Entiat Subbasin
Lake Chelan Subbasin
Methow Subbasin
Okanogan Subbasin
Wenatchee Subbasin
Columbia Gorge Province
Big White Salmon Subbasin
Columbia Gorge Subbasin
Fifteenmile Subbasin
Hood Subbasin
Klickitat Subbasin
Little White Salmon Subbasin
Wind Subbasin
Columbia Plateau Province
Columbia Lower Middle Subbasin
Crab Subbasin
Deschutes Subbasin
John Day Subbasin
Palouse Subbasin
Snake Lower Subbasin
Tucannon Subbasin
Umatilla Subbasin
Walla Walla Subbasin
Yakima Subbasin
Columbia River Estuary Province
Columbia Estuary Subbasin
Elochoman Subbasin
Grays Subbasin
Intermountain Province
Coeur d'Alene Subbasin
Columbia Upper Subbasin
Pend Oreille Subbasin
San Poil Subbasin
Spokane Subbasin
Lower Columbia Province
Columbia Lower Subbasin
Cowlitz Subbasin
Kalama Subbasin
Lewis Subbasin
Sandy Subbasin
Washougal Subbasin
Willamette Subbasin
Middle Snake Province
Boise Subbasin
Bruneau Subbasin
Burnt Subbasin
Malheur Subbasin
Owyhee Subbasin
Payette Subbasin
Powder Subbasin
Snake Lower Middle Subbasin
Snake Upper Middle Subbasin
Weiser Subbasin
Mountain Columbia Province
Bitterroot Subbasin
Blackfoot Subbasin
Clark Fork Subbasin
Flathead Subbasin
Kootenai Subbasin
Mountain Snake Province
Clearwater Subbasin
Salmon Subbasin
Upper Snake Province
Snake Headwaters Subbasin
Snake Upper Subbasin
Snake Upper Closed Basin Subbasin