The file "MTFWPPopSurveyRpt2024.pdf" contains these columns: Waterbody = The stream, lake, or other water body sampled. LLID = A code that identifies the specific water body in the MFW&P GIS mapping system. Beg Mile = The downstream river mile where the sampling was conducted. End Mile = The upstream river mile where the sampling was conducted. SectionName = A more detailed description of where sampling was conducted. Surveyor = Field crew that did the sampling. SurveyDate = Date survey was done. Species = The taxon captured. Gear = The sampling gear used. Total count = The number catch of the indicated taxon. Min Length = Shortest measured length of the indicated taxon. Max Length = Longest measured length of the indicated taxon. Avg Length = Mean measured length of the indicated taxon. Length Units = Units of the several "length" fields. Avg Weight = Mean measured mass of the indicated taxon. Weight Units = Units of the "Avg Weight" field.