StreamNet Quarterly Progress Report

(January - March 1997)

Submitted to:

Bonneville Power Administration

Submitted by:

Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission

April 1997


I. Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission

II. Idaho Department of Fish and Game

III. Montana Department of Fish, Wildlife & Parks

IV. Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife

V. Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission

VI. Shoshone-Bannock Tribes

VII. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

VIII. Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife

I. Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission



Advertised for Database Programmer/analyst position. Initial responses were disappointing.

Included StreamNet as an integral element in description of regional programmatic framework and conceptual foundation under the fderal/tribal MOA.


StreamNet Library References Module:

Cataloged 66 documents from Idaho, Washington and BPA into the References database. BPA reports are being entered as they are received.

Papyrus project:

USFWS Recovery Plans (43) and academic theses (16) were added to this database; a total of 19 reprints were added.

OCLC cataloging:

912 titles added. A total of 314 titles were cataloged in January and 235 in February. Of the 363 titles cataloged in March, 94 were original input (a hit rate of 74.1%). (This data is unavailable for January and February at this time).

Collection Management

IAMSLIC duplicate exchange program: received 90 needed journal issues and 135 IDFG fisheries reports.

Cataloged over 100 maps and physically organized them (not yet on electronic database). Developed ideas for permanent organization scheme.

Operationalized online public access catalog. Loaded InMagic library catalog, Papyrus reprint database, StreamNet web site, NMFS Index to Administrative Record, GPO Access, and Aquatic Biology and Fisheries CD-Rom onto public access terminal.

Learned how to use DBTextworks and DBSearchworks software (InMagic), the online library catalog. Created lender database and protocol for importing new catalog records from MARC format.

Inventoried ODFW Progress Reports and Information Reports collections and requested missing documents from ODFW to fill gaps. A portion of these have been received to date.

Continued to improve the physical durability of StreamNet documents by binding with covers the documents that were sent to us as unbound copies.

Processed OCLC cataloged documents to make shelf-ready.

Continued to clear up problems with journal subscriptions and renewals.

Library organization and space development:

Moved journal collection, OCLC cataloged materials, StreamNet documents and newsletters from old library to new library space.

Created shelving arrangement for duplicate documents in old library space.

Enhanced organization, functionality and appearance of new library with addition of study tables and chairs, supplies and artwork.


Continued to provide reference, online search, and interlibrary loan services (see statistics).


Attended Oregon Library Association Board meeting.

Attended Online Northwest '97 meeting.

Attended PORTALS workshop.

Edited author pick-list in StreamNet references database for duplicate names and incorrect formats.


Create and implement StreamNet library training workshop for users.

Give Internet training to staff at USGS, Biological Resources Division (formerly NBS), Cook, WA.

Continue to meet with NMFS and NPPC staff to facilitate library materials donations and management.

Add journal collection to serials database in library catalog.

Continue to catalog collection onto OCLC and catalog Streamnet documents, as received.

Catalog videos onto InMagic database.

Fill in documents missing from StreamNet collection.

Order map cabinets and formally organize collection.

Attend Steering Committee meeting April 15-16.

Attend InMagic User's Group meeting.

Attend OCLC training workshop in Eugene.

Continue to provide reference, online search and interlibrary loan services.

Continue to write and revise proposals for staffing, hours of operation, use, circulation policies, etc. for library.

Work with PAC committee to design useful reports for them.

Readvertise database position, if necessary

Continue to describe StreamNet as part of the regional management framework

Assist in redesigning the salmon and steelhead status reportto make it more relevant to regional decision making.



Reference requests: 32

Interlibrary loan requests: 21

Circulation: approximately 15 journals, 52 books and technical reports

RequestorAffiliation Nature of RequestAction
Fitzpatrick, D.YIN/YKFP 11 documentssome in CRITFC collection, 6 requested from WDF
Mundy, P.consultant NMFS/BPA documentslocated and made available in library
Newsome, M.NMFSjournal articles photocopied 58 pages
Newsome, M.NMFSjournal articles photocopied 41 pages
Fischer, M.U.C. Berkeley Law School subject search, documentsphotocopied and sent two documents, loaned one
Collis, K.CRITFClocate address found on internet
Hans, K.USGS/NBSsubject search searched NISC CD-Rom
Shelley, C.Portland State University documents (BPA)referred to StreamNet web page
Shelley, C.PSUinternal memos (BPA) sent to BPA F&W Prog. office
Hatch, K.CRITFCdocument from Wisconsin DNR citation verification, offered to get, declined
Szerlong, G.CRITFCsubject search searched StreamNet, referred to BPA, NPPC libraries
Tiffan, K.USGS/NBSdocument referred to other CRITFC staff
Bosch, B.YIN/YKFPdocument delivered by other staff
McKenna, J.Warm Springs subject searchsent search results
ChristineOR Graduate


documentsearched for, offered ILL service, declined
Bourne, G.ODFWdocuments, journal photocopied 16 pages and sent
Bourne, G.ODFWjournal article referred to state library
Wold, S.CBFWAdocument OCLC search, referred to other staff
Pritchard, L.Colorado State Univ. list of CRITFC tech reportssent via e-mail
Watson, B.YIN/YKFPdocuments requested from WDFW, sent, referred
Rose, L.OR State Health Div. documentgave extra copy
Roger, P.CRITFCdocument (BPA) got from BPA
Bourne, G.ODFWdocument (CRITFC) sent
Farr, R.ODFWjournal article photocopied four pages & sent
Rowe, M.ID DEQsubject search referred to U of ID library
Hanks, M.USGS/NBS2 documents found another relevant document, photocopied 45 pages and sent
Cuenco, M.CRITFCjournal article photocopied
Berkson, J.CRITFCcitation verification done on catalog
Lindland, R.NMFSjournal article lent journal for one hour
Hopkins, I.BioAnalysts publisher of documentsearched library, referred
Hanks, M.USGS/NBSbooks searched library, declined ILL
SchallerODFWdocument (CRITFC) referred to other staff

II. Idaho Department of Fish and Game


-Updated redd count, carcass, and harvest data sets with 1996 information.

-Completed age composition and hatchery return data sets, sent to Regional Data Manager.

-Compiled resident fish distribution information from dam/weir spread sheets.

-Completed draft 1996 Spawning Ground Report.

-Updated library references/hard copies to regional StreamNet librarian.

-Compiled 1954-56 historic redd counts.

-Compiled historic Weiser River redd counts.

-Compiled 1939-67 historic planting records.

-Coordinated Dworshak/Kooskia return information with USFWS.

-Coordinated release data/coded wire tag data issues with Regional Data Manager and IDFG Fisheries Bureau.

-Developed a data model for connecting all current and future fish distribution data to a 1/100k layer using dynamic segmentation. Data structures were developed and created on the department's Oracle server to validate the model.

-Enhanced existing data entry forms for weir counts and age composition, to provide better automation, and to comply with the 97.1 data exchange format.

-Worked with personnel in and outside of IDFG to develop a data exchange format for a projects database. A prototype interface was developed and given to department personnel to illustrate the data structure, and to provide an option for data flow.

-Technical support was provided to key fisheries managers in the department to assist them in updating survey data needed by StreamNet.

-Updated Bull Trout distribution database and created maps for use by IDFG, DEQ, and the Governor's office in the implementation of the state's Bull Trout Plan.

-Collected statewide barrier information as part of Bull Trout update.

-Evaulated multiple platform options for the StreamNet regional web site.

-Received Map Objects training.

-Prototyped the StreamNet web site on an NT server using Delphi and MS Access.

-Built a preliminary front-end to the IDFG fish stocking database.


-Complete state-wide layer of stream name based routes with all connections and coding conflicts repaired. Transform our current distribution data into event tables based on the stream name based routes.

-Staff plans to have a functional interface for updating fish distribution using the 1/100k dynamic segmentation layer. This interface will be installed on the computers of key fisheries personnel throughout the department.

-Staff also plans to finish a standard stream survey interface for centralized data entry. This will also use the 1/100k layer, and will resolve previous problems regarding juvenile abundance data.

-Staff will begin development a comprehensive biological database on the department's Oracle server. This will provide access to all biological data in an integrated manner.

-Assist in updating the current DS with the most recent data.

-Begin looking into using an Access database as the data source for the DS.

-Provide juvenile abundance data to regional Data Manager.

-Begin developing with map objects.

-Begin compiling "projects" data.

-Continue coordination with USFWS on Dworshak/Kooskia hatchery data.

-Continue coordination with regional data manager and IDFG fisheries bureau on release data issue.

-Coordinate with Shoshone-Bannock Tribes on inclusion of sockeye salmon into regional StreamNet database.DATA REQUESTS / RESPONSE LOG
end_date user_org user_rep supplier comment
1/6/97 Payette NF Butterfield
1/6/97 Payette Nat. For. Butterfield Posted on StreamNet ftp site
1/7/97 U.S. Bureau Reclamation Rich Rieber Reece/Hansen
1/8/97 Bosie Nat. For. Wayne Owen Butterfield 8 mm tape
1/9/97 PSMFC/ODFW Anderson, Duane Elms Duane need 1996 Idaho anadromous redd counts to fill a data request from an Oregon Congresswoman. As these are not available on the StreamNet page yet, I faxed him hard copies from the DRAFT 1996 Spawning Ground Report.
1/10/97 IDFG:Fisheries Petrosky, Charli Elms Charlie needed all available summer steelhead trapping counts for the Lewiston Dam. I was able to query the StreamNet Home Page on the Internet and provided and hard copy to him.
1/10/97 IDFG:Fisheries Petrosky, Charli Elms Charlie came down with a request for length frequency files on Rapid River steelhead for all the years available. He wanted this for individual fish. I provided him with a dBase file for each year available from StreamNet which was then imported to Excel for spreadsheet use.
1/23/97 Univ. of Tampa Carrie Cozen Hansen
1/30/97 Wash Water Power via Stacey Stova Butterfield 8mm tape
2/3/97 BLM House, Bob King/Petrosky Bob wants to look at the parr densities for chinook and steelhead in the upper salmon, to try to correlate information to Herd Creek. Per Charlie's request , I sent him densities for 1986 - 1987. I faxed an MS/Access report to him-- no electronic data was sent.
2/5/97 Clearwater NF Roy, Johnna Elms/Brown S./B.B. On 2/6/97 we sent Johnna a hard copy of the Stock Summary Report for Idaho, the 1995 Spawning Ground Report, a News Release dated June 17, 1991 showing fish distribution for anadromous fish in Idaho and an Access query for redd counts throughout the state (including historic counts: 1956-1995). Bart provided distribution maps for both chinook and steelhead (historic and present).
2/7/97 Morrison Knudsen Walo, Matt Butterfield streamnet ftp site
2/19/97 IDFG:Fisheries Bureau Cannamella, Dave King Dave wanted to see parr densities and carrying capacity for chinook on Hazard Creek and Boulder Creek. I generated a hardcopy report for him.
2/21/97 DEQ Stair,Curtis King/Butterfield Curtis is collecting data to see if DEQ should BURP the Middle Fork of the Salmon. Bart gave him some fish distribution data from GIS, and Daniel gave him som general parr monitoring and physical habitat data for the same area.
2/25/97 NRCS Hoover, Dave Butterfield StreamNet ftp site
2/28/97 Spokesman Review Rich Landers Hartpence/Hansen
2/28/97 IDFG:Region 4 Dave Parrish Reece/Hansen
2/28/97 IDFG:Wildlife Bureau Saxton, Chris Butterfield for Idaho Atlas
3/7/97 IDFG:I & E Thompson, Terry Butterfield map and EPS file
3/12/97 Plum Creek Timber Woods, John Butterfield StreamNet ftp site
3/22/97 Wash Water Power Vore, John Butterfield ftp to his site
3/25/97 DEQ Schuld,Bruce King/Elms/Apperson Kim Apperson got a data request from Bruce Schuld for length frequency data from our general parr monitoring surveys for Monumental Cr, and Marble Creek. Kim referred it to Terry who referred it to Daniel, who performed a query and submitted it back to Kim who gave it to Bruce.
3/26/97 IDFG:Wildlife Bureau Beecham, John Butterfield included sum of area
3/28/97 IDFG:Fisheries Bureau VanVooren, Al Butterfield 8 regional, 2 state
3/31/97 IDFG:Fisheries Bureau Kiefer, Sharon Brown, S. Sharon Kiefer was provided with all historic and current information StreamNet has for Pahsimeroi Hatchery Steelhead: hatchery returns and age composition data. This was printed out in a query from Access files.
3/31/97 IDFG:Fisheries Bureau Kiefer, Sharon Elms Sharon Kiefer was provided with redd count information (historic and current) for Big Creek, Loon Creek, and Sulphur Creek. These were provided as both a dBase IV file and a hard copy query was printed from Access files.
3/31/97 IDFG:Fisheries Bureau Cannamella, Dave Elms/Brown, S. Investigative work was done using 7.5 minute topo maps to pinpoint where Goat Creek drains into the S. Fk. Salmon River; and mileage then calculated to determine approximity to the South Fork Trap. This was then added to a Harvard Graphics map of the drainage for future reference to spawning activity by summer chinook.
3/31/97 IDFG:Fisheries Bur. Sharon Keifer Butterfield hardcopy maps to go to NMFS
3/31/97 Clearwater Hatchery Jerry McGhee Hansen

III. Montana Department of Fish, Wildlife & Parks


Project Management

Received Map Catalog program from Duane Anderson and reviewed with Jeff Hutten. Provided comments/modifications to Duane and changed several lookup tables to better suit Montana's data; entered map/plot data through February.

Corresponded with Cindy McKay concerning eastern Montana's RF3 files; discussed Montana's stream name field and what we have done. Cleaned up cross-reference table between 1:100 000 hydrography and master tabular Stream database. Discussed western Montana hydrography in a conference call with Duane, Drew, Bruce Fisher, and Jeff Hutten; verified needs and sent new file to Bruce.

Provided Stan Allen with information concerning MFWP hatchery release database which is maintained in Bozeman at the Information Services Unit supervised by Bob McFarland.

Attended a meeting in Denver with a group of land managers from the Rocky Mountain States and the Nature Conservancy to discuss and provide information to the Nature Conservancy's Biodiversity Assessment, which is similar to the original PNWS Fisheries Assessment. States involved included Montana, Colorado, Wyoming, Arizona, New Mexico and Utah.

Discussed water rights and diversion white paper with Jim Stimson, NRIS; he made inquiries at Montana Department of Natural Resources and Conservation and provided to StreamNet a summary of their system and the type of data they store.

Montana office of the Northwest Power Planning Council requested a resident fish distribution analysis for the Columbia Basin in Montana. The request was part of a package being provided to the NWPPC Scientific Review Board review of Montana's resident fisheries and the impact of various downstream flow scenarios on that fishery. Base maps of hydrography and land ownership and topography were created; mylar overlays of species of special concern and game fish species were plotted to use over the base maps. Product was provided in an 11 x17 binder organized by hydrounit. Copies were sent to NWPPC, Review Board and FWP Fisheries Division Headquarters in Helena.

Provided USFWS with mylar overlays displaying westslope cutthroat genetic purity to be used with a base map displaying bull trout distribution, core habitat areas, and land ownership. This product included all hydrounits in western Montana. Sent copy to FWP Fisheries Division Headquarters in Helena.

Reviewed various StreamNet products on the Internet including brochure, data management page, and several white papers.

Created a GIS Highlights for a FWP supervisors and administrators; this document reviewed the major GIS requests for a two month period and this along with the quarterly StreamNet reports will replace the monthly narratives.


Imported the MRIS genetic register database containing electrophoretic analysis into an Access entry and reporting program for tracking reference documents (usually in the form of a ltter to the biologist who collected the fish) from the University of Montana's genetics lab. Organized all documents with sample refernces by hydrounit and entered into new Access format. Determined 73 letters from the 1000+ samples collected in Montana were still missing.

Verified MRIS fish distribution against the new published version of Fishes of Montana by George Holton; sent a set of maps of Class B and C Species of Special Concern to Bill Gould, retired ichthyology professor from Montana State University, to verify distribution against his collection. Also discussed historic fish distribution in Montana and discussed several strategies for that project.

Data input and verification in resident fish databases included consultant collected data on Big Hole River mainstem; planting data from Bob McFarland to verify artificial fisheries; incorporated new fishing pressure data from Bob McFarland; received new habitat information on species of special concern from biologists and updated fish species genetic codes from MRIS Genetics Registry database.

Completed rating program for species and habitat category of Fisheries data; ran and debugged. Provided Jeff with needed files and structure to begin programming for sport fisheries category.


Internet development included converting and quality checking all MRIS atlas maps to Adobe Reader PDF format. When converting the ArcInfo compositions to encapsulated postscript files, ArcInfo does not convert the page size correctly. Each postscript file page size had to be corrected using a perl script (psfix). At present, a PDF file has been made for each MRIS Atlas map. Deleted trend data files (spawning counts and population estimates) from InterNet version of MRIS.

Reviewed all NRIS Water Information System web pages, to insure all links are working correctly. NRIS staff reviewed Webbase software that facilitates access to a variety of data base files via the Internet and mapping software applications that will soon be available. The software may prove useful for accessing MRIS data interactively on the Internet. Several web-based data base packages and the new ArcView map server were discussed as possible candidates.

The MRIS project and data base will be included in presentations to be made by Water Information System staff at the Watershed Symposium scheduled for late Fall 1997. The symposium is intended to expose citizens and land owners to resources and tools available for watershed planning and management.

Items of Interested Not Funded by StreamNet

Completed update of all state fishing access site (FAS) locations using FWP Lands database; verified information with State Fishing Access Site Coordinator; provided regional maps of State FAS with land ownership, roads, towns and other geographic identifiers. Working with FWP Design and Construction section to create regional plots of accessibility to all state owned lands including FAS, state parks, wildlife management areas and all regional offices and buildings.

Provided several plots and testimony to department personnel for presentation to Legislature to acquire 2.0 FTE for GIS support for the department; bill killed in committee.


Send all necessary documents and files to Cindy McKay for the National Hydrographic Database. Visit Olympia when HUCs from Montana are in the visual pass stage. Coordinate with Cindy McKay on other Montana Hydrography updates (GAP analysis). Attend StreamNet meeting in Portland; attend Montana and Idaho GIS Conference in Bozeman. Complete fisheries update and rate all streams in Montana based on their habitat and sport fisheries' values. Begin historic fish species distribution layer, beginning with Class A species of special concern and look at current fish barriers database and what we need to do to update it. Produce new atlases for all HUCS in Montana and send to biologists before field season. Meet with PSMFC staff to discuss resident fish data exchange format and reporting program format for MRIS. Do a test of the GAP data as to how well it predicts fish habitat. Provide input to StreamNet Genetics adhoc committee. Complete discussions of how input of resident fish reference documents is to be handled with FWP Fisheries Division headquarters in Helena. Send out bull trout edit maps to state and federal biologists for update.

Test MRIS on a server using Windows NT to determine the feasibility of direct online access via the Internet and SUMMITNET.



(Request codes; S=State, P=Private, PNP=Private Non-profit, PC=Private Consultant, A=Academic, F=Federal)

P Request for population and spawning data from MRIS. ARCO project.

PNP Requested information on Yellowstone R. and Sweet Grass Cr. Specifically for conservation easement.

P Request for Ginger Thomas for MRIS info on Kootenai River between Pipe Cr and Libby Cr for evaluation on a proposal for MT Dept. of Transportation.

S-NRIS Request for streams not listed on topo maps, but listed in the DEQ database.

A Requested MRIS data for the Bull River and surrounding area (Bull Lake) for thesis work on Bull trout.

P General MRIS report needed for East Red Lodge Creek.

P Requested MRIS information on Stoner Creek near Flathead Lake.

PNP Request for information on Sturgeon Chub and Sicklefin Chub, statewide.

PNP Needs MRIS for the Upper Yellowstone River basin. Looking for native species work.

PNP Requested information on fisheries and water quality on the Missouri R. between Great Falls and Fort Benton and the mouth of Highwood Cr.

PC Information requested for fishery and water quality information on the Tongue River; T3N,R47E; T3N,R46E; T4N,R47E; T4N,R46E; Miller Cr. quad.; Garland School quad.

PC Request for general METSNET contacts and MRIS data.

PC Request for information on the Blackfoot River, concerning fisheries, wildlife, and recreation.

PC Request for any information on the following streams adjacent to highway 2: Frazer Lake; Little Porcupine Cr.; Charlie Cr; East and West Fork of Charlie Cr. and Kintyre located on Ft. Peck Indian Reservation.

PC EA for Burlington Northern fuel sites cleanup project. Looking for where to access water, climate and other data. MRIS data requested.

S-DHES Performing an environmental assessment for the Big Sky vicinity. Fisheries data from MRIS needed.

GIS Log January 1997

Information Services Unit, Kalispell Office

Date By For Agency Hours

1/3/97 Jeff Hutten Cindy McKay USGS Contractor 3

Plot of changes to HUCs 17010201 & 17010202.

1/3/97 Lydia Bailey Carol Davies Flathead Regional Development Office 6

Wall size vegetation/riparian maps of the Kalispell Planning Jurisdiction for mapping important wildlife, recreation, and fisheries habitats by

FWP personnel.

1/6/97 Angie Schmidt Fred Nelson MFWP - Region 3 18

Produced Six maps of the Upper Yellowstone Drainage: Instream Flow Reservations, Water Leases in Effect and Pending, and Future Fisheries

Project. One set 8.5"x14" and another set in color 17"x28".

1/7/97 Angie Schmidt Steve Jones MFWP - Region 1 1.5

8.5"x11" color map of Region One. Public Land Ownership, roads, and cities.

1/9/97 Angie Schmidt Sandra DeBruin Montana Land Reliance 1

MRIS report on the Stillwater River short_rrn PJ01400.00.

1/9/97 Jeff Hutten Ladd Knotek MFWP - Region 1 1.5

Map indicating the locations of Lion, Rogers, and Bootjack Lakes for a report.

1/13/97 Lydia Bailey Doug Monger MFWP - Helena 0.5

Printed and sent two copies of 11 x 17 statewide maps depicting public land ownership, highways, cities, and hydrography.

1/14/97 Lydia Bailey Ken Soderberg MFWP - Helena 6

Sent 11x17 maps for each FWP Region with public land ownership, highways, cities, hydrography, and FWP lands depicted as points. Total of 7


1/15/97 Angie Schmidt Ladd Knotek MFWP - Region 1 2

Produced three 8.5"x11" black and white maps for a report. One Elliott Spring Creek map and two Flathead drainage maps.

1/15/97 Angie Schmidt Mike Conner State Lands 1

Region One color map displaying Public Land Ownership, roads, cities. 36"x24"

1/15/97 Lydia Bailey Rick Mace MFWP - Region 1 4

8.5 x 11 vicinity map with shaded relief, Glacier NP, South Fork Flathead Grizzly Bear Study Area, major hydrography, Kalispell, Whitefish,

Columbia Falls city boundaries, and grizzly bear telemtry locations.

Date By For Agency Hours

1/17/97 Angie Schmidt Clint Muhlfeld MFWP - Region 1 30

Produced 8.5"x11" and 33"x21" color maps of the Callahan Drainage: North Fork Callahan, South Fork Callahan, Mainstem Callahan, and Callahan

Drainage. The maps were created in ArcView 3.0.

1/20/97 Angie Schmidt Jerry Sawyer MFWP - Region 1 4

Created a draft wall-size color map of Flathead Lake, surrounding Public Land Ownership, State Parks, Fishing Access Sites, cities, and roads.

1/21/97 Jeff Hutten Don Hair USDA Forest Service 4

Maps of bull trout core areas for Swan, South Fork Flathead, and Main Flathead. UTM Zone 12. Hardcopy and .gra files.

1/23/97 Lydia Bailey Chris Lorentz MFWP - Region 7 15

Visibility analysis maps of Makoshika State Park as viewed from four vistas within park. Maps included shaded relief, park roads, vista

points, and areas visible from vista points. Total of 5 maps. Calculated total acres visible in T15NR56ES16.

1/23/97 Jeff Hutten Steve Glutting MFWP - Region 1 1.5

Total are (in acres) and percent of ownership for National Park, Forest Service, State Lands, Indian Reservations, BLM, and Plum Creek Timber

Company, L.P. HUCs 17010206, 17010207, 17010208, and 17010210.

1/23/97 Lydia Bailey Donna Leeper DNRC 1.5

Sent Arc/Info export files (no compression option) of elk, mountain goat, mule deer, moose, white-tailed deer(densities). Also sent all


1/23/97 Lydia Bailey Kurt Teuber USDA Forest Service 1.5

Sent Arc/Info export files of all Smith River Weed Infestation and biocontrol release site data. Also sent existing documentation from MSU,

print out of biocontrol data, Montana Noxious Weed Survey and Mapping System document, and hard copy of map.

1/24/97 Lydia Bailey Gary Dusek MFWP - Bozeman Research & Technical Bureau 1

Calculated total acres for each ownership classification of state and federal lands in Montana. Used BLM's 1:100,000 public land ownership

layer for acreage calculations.

1/27/97 Jeff Hutten Liane Taylor MFWP - Helena 0.25

Illegal Fish Introductions Map.

1/29/97 Jeff Hutten Brenda Sepansky NRIS 1

Montana hydrography and documentation.

1/30/97 Angie Schmidt Rick Hunt MFWP - Region 1 0.1

Plotted a copy of the 33"x21" statewide fisheries regions in black and white.

Date By For Agency Hours

1/31/97 Lydia Bailey Tom Stivers MFWP - Region 4 4

Map of elk distribution with calculated acres by hd of Elk distribution in 1996 deer/elk hd's 410, 417, 621, 622, 623, 631, 632, 700 . Also

sent calculated acres of elk distribution and total hunting district area for1995 hd's 410, 417.

2/2/97 Lydia Bailey Rick Mace MFWP - Region 1 1

Created .tiff file of grizzly telemetry location map.

2/4/97 Lydia Bailey Fay Moore MFWP - Helena 4

Modified the previous map of SW Mule Deer Areas. Also created 4 separate maps of specified layers.

2/4/97 Angie Schmidt Larry Peterman MFWP - Helena 0.5

Sent MADRIVER.EPS to Kris Larson at the State Library to be plotted for Larry Peterman. Madriver.eps is a wall size map of the Upper Madison

River Drainage.

2/4/97 Lydia Bailey Ken Wall Geodata Services, Inc 4

Provided digital data and aml code for update of elk GIS layer contracted by Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation. Data included elk

distribution/winter range, calving areas, critical winter, cities, hydrography, hunting districts.

2/4/97 Lydia Bailey Fay Moore MFWP - Helena 5

8.5 x 11 map of SW MT Mule Deer areas with 1996 hds, cities, highways, hydrography. Total of four maps.

2/4/97 Lydia Bailey Ken Wall Geodata Services, Inc 4

Sent Arc/Info export files of 1996 deer/elk hds, MRIS hydrography, Census Cities, elk calving areas, elk severe winter ranges. Also sent aml

code for generating 1:250K FWP Regional maps, lookup table for cities based on population, documentation.

2/5/97 Lydia Bailey Rick Mace MFWP - Region 1 1

.tif file of map logged on 01/15/97.

2/7/97 Jeff Hutten Mark Reller Northwest Power Planning Council 50

Base maps: land ownership and DEMs. Overlays: native species distribution. Kootenai, South Fork Flathead, and Flathead Lake. For Independent

Science Advisory Board..

2/7/97 Lydia Bailey Tam Black USGS 1.5

Sent Arc/Info export files of State Fishing Access Site point data with site name, county name, latitude, longitude in GEOGRAPHIC projection.

Also sent documentation. Data current as of 11/14/96.

2/10/97 Lydia Bailey Chris Lorentz MFWP - Region 7 2

8.5x11 map of Makoshika State Park depicting visibility analysis from view points within park - map includes contour lines, Park roads, view

points, section lines.

Date By For Agency Hours

2/10/97 Jeff Hutten Wade Fredenberg USFWS 8

Westslope Cutthroat Trout genetic distribution mylars to be laid over bull trout core area maps. For the Bull Trout Scientific Committee.

2/11/97 Lydia Bailey Dan Vincent MFWP - Region 1 0.5

Plotted two copies of 11 x 17 Region 1 Public Land Ownership map..

2/12/97 Lydia Bailey Ladd Knotek MFWP - Region 1 1

Created vegetation coverage for map of Dayton Creek.

2/12/97 Lydia Bailey Richard Peterson MFWP - Region 1 0.5

Enlarged SW Mule Deer Area map created for Fay Moore/Glenn Erickson.

2/13/97 Jeff Hutten Ladd Knotek MFWP - Region 1 5

Vegetation map of Dayton Creek.

2/13/97 Lydia Bailey Darlene Edge MFWP - Lands 3

Wall sized map of FWP lands point data within the Smith River Recreation Corridor with public land ownership, hydrography, highways, cities.

2/14/97 Jeff Hutten Duane Anderson PSMFC 6

Map Catalog database changes and entries.

2/17/97 Jeff Hutten Stuart Brittain MFWP - Region 3 1.5

10020001.e00, basinsmt.e00, plss_rr.e00 own_rr.e00, reach.doc

2/21/97 Jeff Hutten John Woods Plum Creek Timber Company L.P. 2

Bull trout core areas coverage and documentation. ASCII DXF format.

2/25/97 Jeff Hutten Bruce Fisher USGS 2

Updated Pacific Northwest Reach files for export to USGS.

2/27/97 Jeff Hutten Tom Ostrowski MFWP - Region 1 8

Converted GPS files for Bootjack Lake to Arc/Info TIN. Calculated area, perimeter, volume, and plotted contour map.

2/28/97 Jeff Hutten Cindy McKay USGS Contractor 27

Eastern Montana hydrography: ungenerated arcs and ASCII attributes.

2/28/97 Jeff Hutten Kim Foiles USDA Forest Service 5

Statewide hydrography, genetic sample sites, bull trout core areas, fishspec.dbf, and barriers.

Date By For Agency Hours

3/1/97 Angie Schmidt Joe Huston MFWP - Region 1 6

Requested an 8.5"x11" black and white map of the Redband Trout distribution in the Kootenai Drainage. The map will be used in a report and

possibly Montana Outdoors.

3/3/97 Jeff Hutten Stuart Brittain MFWP - Region 3 0.75

Montana hydrounit boundaries coverage in DLG format.

3/4/97 Angie Schmidt Mike Ruggles MFWP - Region 6 1

Sent a wall size map of the Big Muddy Creek Drainage displaying land ownership, streams, cities, roads, MRIS segment number annotation.

3/6/97 Jeff Hutten Janet Decker-Hess MRIS 13

Raw data from stream hydrography: plss, lat-long, length, MFWP Region, county, and tourism region.

3/6/97 Jeff Hutten Cindy McKay Horizon System Corp. 2

Stream hydrography and stream names for inclusion into the National Hydrographic Dataset.

3/7/97 Angie Schmidt Tom Reilly MFWP - Helena 94

Hours spent is the total hours from Angie (43 hrs), Lisa (31 hrs), and Lydia (20 hrs). Time was spent querying the lands database,

identifying and solving problems, updating and digitizing the fwplnds GIS layer, producing FAS maps.

3/7/97 Angie Schmidt Bruce May USDA Forest Service 10

Produced maps of each drainage in Gallatin and Custer National Forests displaying Westslope and Yellowstone Cutthroat Trout distribution.

3/10/97 Lydia Bailey Carol Davies Flathead Regional Development Office 9

DXF formatted files of wildlife distribution, important wildlife riparian areas, recommended trail corridors for the Kalispell Planning

Jurisdiction. Also provided 8.5x11 map representing each data set and GIS documentation.

3/11/97 Angie Schmidt Jeff Erickson MFWP - Helena 3

I called all the National Forests in the state and noted there progress on hiking trail GIS coverages. I sent Jeff a memo stating what I had

found. The document is named "AS01697.wpd"

3/11/97 Angie Schmidt Beth Gardner USDA Forest Service 5

Produced a total of four wall size maps of the Swan Drainage: One base map displaying bull trout distribution, and three mylar overlays

showing rainbow trout, brook trout, and westslope trout distribution.

3/11/97 Angie Schmidt Anne Tews MFWP - Region 4 3

Map of the Big Spring Watershed for a report.

3/14/97 Jeff Hutten Jim Stimson NRIS 0.3

StreamNet and Information Services Unit logos.

Date By For Agency Hours

3/17/97 Jeff Hutten Scott Rumsey MFWP - Region 1 2.5

2 maps for the Swan Lake Angler Creel Survey 1995.

3/18/97 Jeff Hutten Lydia Bailey MRIS 1

Updates to GIS Log Data Edit/Entry Program.

3/19/97 Jeff Hutten Rick Malta MFWP - Region 1 1.5

Add Church and Egan Sloughs to Flathead River Map and plot 3 copies.

3/19/97 Jeff Hutten Connie Mills MFWP - Helena 9

Fishing Regulation map for Bighorn River as an example of the quality of work that we can produce.

3/20/97 Jeff Hutten Peter Feigley NRIS 0.3

Data definitions for MRIS database.

3/24/97 Jeff Hutten Duane Anderson PSMFC 4

GIF images of maps sent for display on the StreamNet Web Page

3/27/97 Jeff Hutten Stan Allen PSMFC 0.3

Information Services Unit logo as GIF file.

3/28/97 Angie Schmidt Tom Weaver MFWP - Region 1 2

Requested maps of the North Fork, Middle Fork, and South Fork Flathead River, Stillwater River, and Swan River Drainages; displayed the MRIS

numbered streams, and annotation of segment numbers.

3/28/97 Angie Schmidt Scott Rumsey MFWP - Region 1 0.15

Plotted additional copies of maps of Swan drainage which were done for Beth Gardner.

3/28/97 Angie Schmidt Bruce Rich MFWP - Region 3 8

Requested One wall size FAS map for Region Three, maps of each drainage in Region Three displaying the genetic purity of Westslope Cutthroat

Trout and Yellowstone Cutthroat Trout, and One wall size map of Region Three displaying shaded relief.

3/31/97 Angie Schmidt Dave Browning USDA Forest Service 5

Requested maps of each drainage in the Beaverhead National Forest displaying Westslope Cutthroat Trout.

3/31/97 Angie Schmidt Jim Darling MFWP - Region 5 0.15

6 wall size region FiveFAS maps and 16 - 11"x17" maps.

3/31/97 Angie Schmidt Dave Todd MFWP - Region 4 0.15

six 11"x17" FAS maps and four wall size maps.

Date By For Agency Hours

3/31/97 Angie Schmidt Rich Clough MFWP - Region 2 0.15

One Region Two wall size map and one 11"x17".

3/31/97 Angie Schmidt Mike Aderhold MFWP - Region 4 0.15

Four Region Four 11"x17" maps and Four wall size maps.

3/31/97 Angie Schmidt Dennis Workman MFWP - Region 2 0.15

Four Region Two FAS 11"x17" maps and four wall size maps.

3/31/97 Angie Schmidt Mark Deleray MFWP - Region 1 5

Made a tif file of Flathead Lake displaying Marks study areas. The tif file was given to Sharon Sarver to use in WP 6.1.

3/31/97 Angie Schmidt Tom Greason MFWP - Region 3 0.15

Five 11"x17" Region Three maps and Five wall size maps.

3/31/97 Jeff Hutten Janet Decker-Hess MRIS 20

Development of Stream Ratings Program.

Total Hours 457.55

IV. Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife


  1. Work continued to describe anadromous fish distribution data at 100k, completing final verification of coho spawning and rearing distributions with field sample and barrier data for 5 coastal subbasins. In addition, we began assembling or digitizing historic and present spawning and rearing distributions and core areas for spring chinook salmon throughout the Columbia basin (Task 1.1)
  2. Completed GIS coverage for stream "barriers" in Oregon (Task 1.1).
  3. Continued review, update, and addition of historic data for tributary sport harvest of salmon and steelhead in Oregon (Task 1.1)
  4. Reconstructed historic spawner-recruit run numbers for an additional 7 Oregon spring chinook populations in the Grande Ronde and Imnaha basins (Task 1.1).
  5. Provided 178 photo files to PSMFC for inclusion on web site (Task 5.4).
  6. Provided 35 map files of salmon core production areas and bull trout distribution to PSMFC for posting on Internet site (Task 5.7).
  7. Scheduled interviews of 10 candidates for ODFW StreamNet Project Leader.
  8. A total of 18 data, 63 document, 6 map, and 8 other requests were answered during this quarter. (Task 5.1)


  1. Complete hiring process for ODFW StreamNet project leader. (Schmidt/Beamesderfer)
  2. Provide updated spawner-recruit data for PATH spring chinook run reconstructions. (Beamesderfer)
  3. Submit OR tributary sport harvest data for salmon and steelhead from punch card returns in 1953-95. (Tinus)
  4. Complete final report documenting spring and summer chinook spawner and recruit data and methods of estimation for the PATH project and the escapement database. (Beamesderfer/Bourne)
  5. Complete GIS datasets of coho distribution in OR at 100k. (Forsberg/Hupperts).
  6. Prepare draft atlas of present and historic spawning and rearing distribution for spring chinook salmon in OR including maps of selected barriers, survey sites, and key production areas. (Hupperts)
  7. Continue to answer information requests as received. (All)


Date Requester Description of Request/Response

1/2 ODFW (King) Misc. agency reports (3)

1/3 Alsea Geospatial Salmon core area maps

1/4 ADFG (Wallace) OR stream route information

1/6 PGE List of GIS data

1/6 NMFS Salmon core area ArcInfo coverages

1/6 -- (Wilson) ORIS data

1/6 ODFW (McCrasken) N. coast salmon core area maps

1/7 ODFW (Burner) Misc. agency reports (1)

1/7 BPA (Lowrance) OR stream route information

1/7 -- (Olds) ORIS data

1/8 Parametrix (Wren) Misc. agency reports (3)

1/10 PWB (Corles) Misc. agency reports (1)

1/14 ODFW (Reed) Misc. agency reports (1)

1/14 NAL (Stomal) Misc. agency reports (1)

1/14 -- (Olds) ORIS data

1/14 CRITFC (library) Misc. agency reports (15)

1/14 ODFW (Hayes) Misc. agency reports (3)

1/16 ODFW (Knutsen) Misc. agency reports (3)

1/16 ODFW (Spangler) Public access site maps

1/17 PSMFC (Christofferson) Misc. agency reports (1)

1/17 NPT (Weigel) Misc. agency reports (2)

1/20 ODFW (Jacobs) ArcView assistance

1/21 France (Suzeau) Misc. agency reports (6)

1/22 Sweden (Elmgren) Article reprint (1)

1/22 ODFW (Bennett) Misc. agency reports (1)

1/22 NatCons (Richter) Article reprint (1)

1/22 ODFW (Krepps) Misc. agency reports (9)

1/23 BPA (Witten) Barriers data

1/28 -- (Klier) Misc. salmon information

1/28 ODFW (Hayes) Misc. agency reports (1)

1/29 Spain (Escos) Article reprint (1)

1/29 ODFW (McPherson) Subbasin plan information

1/30 ODFW (Keeley) Misc. agency reports (3)

2/3 Cornell (Krueger) Misc. agency reports (1)

2/3 Tigard (Roberts) Fish distribution maps

2/5 -- (Emanuel) Misc. agency reports (1)

2/7 Alsea Geospatial OR stream route coverages

2/9 ODEQ (Harding) Misc. agency reports (4)

2/10 USFWS (Ensign) Misc. agency reports (1)

2/10 ADFG (Larocque) Misc. agency reports (2)

2/10 CRAL (Montalvo) Misc. agency reports (1)

2/12 OSU (Trambeau) Meta Data

2/12 -- (Evans) Misc. agency reports (1)

2/12 -- (Applegate) Misc. Information

2/12 ODFW (Krepps) Misc agency reports (7)

2/12 ADFRR (Josephson) Misc. agency reports (1)

2/13 BPA (Zehntbauer) Fish distribution information

2/13 Blackwell N Amer Misc. agency reports (2)

2/14 CDFO (Hwang) Misc. agency reports (1)

2/14 -- (Ellis) Misc. agency reports (1)

2/18 ODFW (Yaskovic) Hagg Lake map

2/18 ODFW (Krepps) Misc. agency reports (14)

2/18 CRBC (Forrester) Oregon Rivers Information system

2/20 OSU (Hall) List of agency reports

2/20 ODFW (Bennett) Misc. agency reports (1)

2/20 PSMFC (Christofferson) Misc. agency reports (1)

2/21 ECD (Wilson) Misc. agency reports (2)

2/25 ODFW (Hooten) Misc. agency reports (1)

2/15 -- (Greenspand) ORIS information

2/25 CDFO (Argue) Misc. agency reports (16)

2/26 USACE (Toms) OR Stream route information

2/26 ODFW (Flitcroft) OR Stream route coverages

2/26 NWIFC (DeLong) OR hydrologic unit definitions

2/27 ODFW (Farr) Referred to CRITFC for non ODFW material

2/28 ADFG (Larocque) Misc. agency reports (2)

2/28 ROSS (Doak) Health advisory information

3/1 EPA (Bogue) Salmon distribution coverages

3/3 ODNRA (Ries) Misc. agency reports (1)

3/3 Student (Mayhew) Misc. agency reports (1)

3/5 ODFW (Krepps) Misc. agency reports (4)

3/7 UMinn Misc. agency reports (2)

3/7 ODFW (Mirati) Steelhead distribution maps

3/7 FC (Tappel) Misc. agency reports (1)

3/7 -- (Ellis) Misc. agency reports (1)

3/7 NMFS (Liverman) Barrier data in GIS format

3/10 InterrainPac (Brownell) Misc. agency reports (3)

3/10 USFS (Frisk) Essential salmon habitat data GIS coverages

3/11 HTInc. (Morris) Misc. agency reports (1)

3/12 -- (Sears) Misc. agency reports (3)

3/12 -- (Oliver) Misc. agency reports (1)

3/13 A&M (Law Firm) Misc. agency reports (8)

3/13 ODFW (Krepps) Misc. agency reports (6)

3/13 Will Univiversity Misc. agency reports (3)

3/17 Beak (Pruess) Misc. agency reports (1)

3/17 ODFW (Kennett) Misc. agency reports (1)

3/19 A&M (Law Firm) Misc. agency reports (2)

3/25 -- (Anderson) Misc. GIS data

3/26 WDFW (Bonar) Misc. agency reports (4)

3/26 IDFG (Petrosky) Hatchery release data

3/27 USFWS (Ensign) Misc. agency reports (2)

3/27 ODFW (Lynum) Misc. agency reports (1)

3/27 ADFG (Larocque) Misc. agency reports (1)

3/28 ODFW (Schaller) Referred to CRITFC for non ODFW material

3/31 ISU (Koehler) Hatchery release data

3/31 ODFW (Krepps) Referred to CRITFC for non ODFW material

V. Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission


Data Development

Reviewed the status of all data development tasks with project participants.

Prepared draft white papers on project tracking, resident fish hatcheries, and the Northwest Hydro Site Database.

Data Management

Prepared an updated description of StreamNet data holdings and an updated data dictionary.

Incorporated all data as delivered by participating agencies.

Acquired and installed necessary GIS equipment.

Acquired baseline GIS data layers and prepared a strategy for future data layer development. Prepared a request for assistance from BPA in securing additional data layers.

Completed the Technical Applications Strategy (Status Report #3), including a detailed description of recommended hardware and software acquisitions and cost estimate.

Prepared a white paper on strategies for incorporating NPPC VAX data.

Incorporated NPPC data (protected areas, final PNWRS values) into the StreamNet data system.

Ported data to the Ingres server for use on the StreamNet web site.

Library/Reference System

Assisted CRITFC in preparing for the opening of the new library facility.

Worked with CRITFC in the development of a draft "on-line" library white paper.

River Reach System

Assisted WDFW in the preparation of a draft white paper on inter-scale compatibility.

Began discussions on long-term RRF maintenance strategies.

Maintained frequent contact with the national NHD team.

Coordinated state activities to prepare RRFs for submittal to the NHD team; delivered necessary date files to the NHD team.

Developed a strategy for conducting the visual pass of the NHD product.

Data Delivery

Added approximately 40 maps to the online map library.

Added approximately 10 sites to the related links section of the home page.

Edited the text of the StreamNet home page.

Enhanced the education portion of the StreamNet home page, including additional color fish graphics and educational narratives (fish facts).

Added a comprehensive fish resource glossary to the home page.

Updated background information in the online database section of the home page (data exchange formats - v. 97-1, data holdings - v. 97-1, revised data dictionary).

Enhanced the online database section of the home page by adding new data on flow, updating fish production data (from participants), and enhancing query functions (geographic scope filter, short list option, summary format).

Added a project management section to the home page and a separate URL for an internal project management page (for draft documents and other materials not appropriate for posting to the public home page).

Monitored use of the StreamNet web site and responded to all "feedback" comments.

Prepared a list of StreamNet home page enhancement ideas and identified priorities for future home page improvements.

Responded to data requests as they arose.

Began content discussion on the annual salmon and steelhead report.

Project Management

Prepared and submitted a project description report as per the BPA outline.

Prepared a brochure for the StreamNet project.

Prepared a revised and updated version of the StreamNet power point show.

Delivered a presentation on StreamNet at the CBFWA project review conference.

Hired a GIS data manager and provided the new staff person with appropriate orientation on the project.

Met individually with the following sub-contractors to monitor progress in both data development and expenditure of funds: ODFW, IDFG, WDFW and CRITFC.

Held coordination meetings with NMFS, NPPC, USFS, and had individual discussions with anadromous fish managers.

Scheduled and prepared for an April Steering Committee meeting.

Made contact with project coordinators via telephone on at least a bi-weekly basis.

Reviewed sub-contractor invoices and prepare BPA invoices.

Prepared necessary documentation to assist BPA COR in tracking contract deliverables.

Coordinated with BPA on administrative matters relevant to StreamNet.


Data Development

Coordinate data development by participating agencies.

Prepare final versions of the project tracking, resident fish hatchery, and Northwest Hydro Site Database white papers.

Prepare a strategy for StreamNet involvement in development of systems operations data.

Data Management

Incorporate new data as received from participating agencies.

Secure additional spatial data layers.

Cooperate with USFS in integrating summary data from the Eastside Assessment.


Provide direction to library staff regarding library use policies and other appropriate issues.

Cooperate with library staff in updating source references.

Prepare a final version of the online library white paper.

River Reach System

Consolidate state PNW files, reconcile differences, and submit revised product to NHD.

Secure agreements from ODFW and WDFW regarding conducting the visual pass; coordinate visual pass activities.

Complete a long-term RRF maintenance strategy and initiate efforts to secure necessary funding.

Cooperate with WDFW in preparation of a final version of the white paper on inter-scale compatibility.

Data Delivery

Implement the Technical Applications Strategy including purchase and install equipment, initiate porting of data to the new environment.

Integrate new data into the DS and prepare a strategy on the future of the DS.

Prepare a 97 version of the Annual Salmon and Steelhead Report.

Prepare GIS products depicting FY 97 Fish and Wildlife funding for the Basin.

Prepare GIS products depicting ESA critical habitats.

Project Management

Prepare for a July steering committee meeting.

Participate in regional Fish and Wildlife Program briefings and conferences.

Prepare a presentation on StreamNet for the CBFWA project funding evaluation process.

Prepare for and participate in discussions regarding integrating information needs into the NPPC Framework document.

Prepare a draft FY 98 work statement and budget.


Requestor Request Date

Duncan, Angus Escapement data for Grande Ronde 1/7/97

Edwards, Jean Update of fig. 4&45 in Status Report 1/9/97

Godbout, Lyse 95 Columbia Basin S&S Status Report 1/16/97

Cox, Brodie NMFS escapement data 2/11/97

Scott Forrester StreamNet info and Status Report 2/16/97

Cannamela, Dave All ID recoveries in .dbf format 2/26/97

StreamNet WIN DS Distribution

Higashi, Art 3/6/97

Clouston, Sidney 3/14/97

Strong, Jim 3/14/97

VI. Shoshone-Bannock Tribes


Taught new Fisheries Department personnel what the distributed system is and how to use it. The majority of my time was spent locating new sources of information concerning genetics of fish in the Columbia River basin. The most promising contact has been Ken Cullens with the Northwest Inter-Tribal Fish Commission. He is in the process of trying to compile a database similar to what we are pursuing. He is interested in what we are doing and would be willing to attend a Steering Committee meeting in the future. I also reviewed the StreamNet test page weekly and participated in the BPA conference call about the project.


Continue pursuing genetic information. I will present different examples that show how genetic data are described at the April Steering Committee Meeting. This should give everyone a chance to comment on what direction we can take to include this information in the database. To help me use my time more efficiently I need a clear understanding from the Committee as to what exactly we wish to accomplish (i.e., interim and long range goals).


No requests were made for any assistance with StreamNet during this period. However, I was contacted by the computer lab at the new Sho-Ban high School and will give a presentation to their class sometime before the school year is over.

VII. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service


Information from the StreamNet DS was used in the preparation of the USFWS "Missing Production Groups Report". An attempt to download USFWS Idaho hatchery release information from the StreamNet web site was not successful. I participated in a BPA arranged conference call regarding StreamNet operations and the function of the Steering Committee.

StreamNet was sent record of "resident fish" raised and released by USFWS hatcheries in the Columbia River Basin. The USFWS Coleman NFH and Red Bluff fisheries office were contacted regarding releases of resident fish from Coleman NFH in California. No information has been received from this inquiry.


Attend Steering Committee meeting in Gladstone.


There were no data requests filled by the USFWS during the quarter, other than what was described under highlights.

VIII. Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife



WDFW StreamNet staff started off this quarter by preparing for and staffing a booth at the two-day poster session of the first Annual Washington State Fish and Wildlife Congress sponsored by WDFW. Dick O'Connor also served as facilitator for the small group discussions on fish and fisheries issues. Several public contacts were made and all available copies of StreamNet: Report on the Status of Salmon and Steelhead in the Columbia River Basin - 1995 were eagerly snapped up. We also arranged for a demonstration of the StreamNet Distributed System for the RAD Division's new chief (Bob Gibbons) and requested a chance to demonstrate both this system and StreamNet Online (the Web page) at the next RAD Quarterly meeting.

Dick participated in the interviews which resulted in the Project hiring its first Spatial Data manager. We also invited US Forest Service spatial data expert Shaun McKinney to come to Olympia and address some of our Habitat Management and Fish Management biologists on regional spatial data sharing issues. Through that meeting, Shaun committed to helping us bridge the differences between the ways the Washington state Timber Fish and Wildlife initiative collects and stores core habitat data and the ways other regional entities use.

We continued to participate in developing many StreamNet products, including the 1996 version of the "Status" report, and volunteered time to test new features of the Web page ("StreamNet Online"). Some of our progress in cleaning up and converting hatchery release data was slowed when one of our data compilers (Dao Tran) transferred to another state agency. We hope to have her position filled in May and continue that cleanup.

Database Development


The data compilers met with Duane Anderson, Regional Data Manager on January 22 to discuss assessment and review of adult abundance data provided by NMFS through an ESA-related contract let two years earlier. A series of data priorities were determined and a plan was developed to review and either incorporate or replace the data provided through the NMFS contract.

An updated hatchery facilities database was provided to Duane and various salmon harvest, age, and historical salmon and steelhead escapement data files were converted and exchanged. Compilation of hatchery returns data has been completed for the Columbia River system and is nearing completion for the coast and Puget Sound. When complete, that dataset will be exchanged as well. Steelhead harvest data will be held until next quarter so that 1995-96 updates (due end of April) can be added.


Cindy Burns continued to follow-up on getting basin maps marked up and returned by field biologists, both state and tribal. Region 1 and Region 2 maps are in, but some of the other regions are sending their maps to additional tribal biologists for more comprehensive updates.

After assisting Martin Hudson with a long, involved series of iterative tests, the data entry programs and associated menu system were deemed complete enough for use. She began entering data from Region 1 maps returned, and was able to complete those and begin Region 2 data. These maps contain anadromous fish data, including spawning areas, rearing areas, and locations of hatchery facilities, other passage (manmade) facilities, and migration blockages.

Cindy also met with Snohomish County surface water management, GIS division and discussed information exchange to prevent duplication of the anadromous fish layer. They will be sending us their 24K anadromous fish layer to enter into our database. She also met with Puyallup tribe staff biologists and discussed exchange of their GIS fish layer. Our data collection formats are not directly compatible, so this won't be pursued further in the immediate future.

Systems Development


All of the affected internal coding tables for Washington's "B11" format data were revised to comply with the newly-released StreamNet Exchange Data Format Document (Version 97.1). Also, a data entry system and database (including compatible codes and formats) was developed by Larry Brown so Bob Woodard could enter Battle Ground office salmon and steelhead adult stream survey data into electronic format for the first time. These data will be entered, checked, converted to exchange formats, and sent along to the StreamNet exchange point.

Testing continued on learning how to program the Data Junction suite of conversion tools. Initial tests performed on ancient Washington hatchery spawning records met with remarkable success. This system will be able to save us a good deal of time in converting older format files to B11 and then StreamNet formats.


Development and testing of the anadromous fish data entry system was completed. This software package consists of several menus linked to a master Arc/Info macro language (AML) program. It is designed to enter anadromous fish upper extent and blockage information into a point data layer. Included are tools for entering spawning and rearing information in a similar manner. A second program then transfers the information into tabular data files called event tables. The event tables are designed to be used as standard DBMS tables with relate capabilities using the 100K river reach code. The system is completely command level-independent and includes a mapping routine for verifying data entry.

1. Menu System: A master menu provides options for entering or digitizing anadromous points and spawning and rearing points. Also are options for building the required tabular data files from the points. Other options include help information and for building check maps. Menus are provided for specifically for digitizing each set of points. Data (including barrier code values) are entered specific to each species. Each menu contains several editing options for moving and adding points.

2. Programs: Three programs drive the system; one for setting up the environment and selecting chosen options, one for driving the digitizing menus, and one for building files for presence, spawning and rearing. All tables meet IRICC coding requirements and use EPA River Reach Number (RRN) codes. All tables include the information listed in the data dictionary except stock status and listing status.

3. Check Map: This is a simple map that displays all points entered and the data for presence, spawning and rearing. This checking is critical to maintain data quality.

The next stage is to complete development and testing of a system to allow user access and plot file generation from these data. In addition, documentation for the 24K to 100K data transfer concept and updated data dictionaries and documentation for the entire WARIS system were drafted during this time.


We plan to hire a data assistant to replace Dao Tran and recruit for some additional spatial data entry staff to prepare for the Visual Pass work which should commence in May, after the next VP training session. Entry of fish distribution statewide will continue, as maps from Regions 3-7 arrive. Tabular data exchange of hatchery return data will likely be next, and cleanup of hatchery release data will continue in preparation for exchanging historical steelhead release data. New programs for user access to the new fish distribution data layers will be completed and tested, giving WDFW staff the ability to generate their own maps of desired basins and associated species data. Finally, StreamNet staff should get the opportunity to introduce many of their Fish Management Program colleagues to the data and services provided by the StreamNet project, in hopes of sharing the technologies developed and generating heightened interest in this project in Washington state.


WDFW StreamNet staff record both spatial data and tabular data requests in a similar format. The cooperation of Wildlife Management Program and Habitat Management Program staff was instrumental to both compilation and standardization of information concerning spatial data requests, or "data releases". The table on the following pages (Appendix A) summarizes the people who requested data, the type of information they needed, and the date the information was delivered as part of the StreamNet project during the fourth quarter of the project reporting period. There were 133 data requests fulfilled during this time period, most of which were spatial data requests (generally maps).



Data Requested

Date Delivered

Ron Vanbianchi

Wetland inventory for Kitsap County DCD


Catherine Conolly

Adolfson And Associates Inc.

Biological survey for ferry terminal upgrades at Southwork and Bremerton


Cynara Solberg

Applied Environmental Services

Environmental Assessment for land owner


Derek W. Chambers

US Dept Of Health & Human Srv.

Port Gamble Indian Reservation project no po-97-894 and po-97-897


Pat Borchers

King County Wastewater Trtmnt.

South 360th street embankment protection project


Chad Stussy

Mason Conservation District

Proposed log weirs to be placed in a tributary of Mission Creek


Wayne F Buck

Beak Consultants Inc.

Lummi Indian nation planned casino construction


Catherine Conolly

Adolfson Associates Inc.

EIS for Edmonds crossing/multimodal project in Edmonds


Michael E. Dalziel

City Of Renton Public Works

City of Renton comprehensive planning


Jim Howe

Public Request

Island County map


Karin Fusetti


Mallard Bay proposed project 96057-10


Peter Blansett

SA Newman Forest Engineers Inc.

Proposed DNR property purchase


Ronda Little

ENSR Consulting And Eng.

Environmental review for Cascade Natural Gas Corp.


Polly Harris

Adolfson Associates Inc.

Biological survey for road improvement projects in Pacific County


Robert O'Neill Jr.

Hemphill-O'Neill Company

PHS maps for Hemphill-O'Neill lands


Bertie Weddell


Environmental Assessment for T16 R45E Section 35


Phil Struck

Parametrix Inc.

Critical/sensitive area inventory for land owner


Chris Fairbanks

Cascades Environmental Service

Environmental Assessment for the possible expansion of Mt. Baker Hwy


Mark C. Schulz

WA State Parks And Recreation

Camp Wooten State Park


Mark Goldsmith

City Of Lynden

City of Lynden critical areas ordinance


Ryan K. Young

Parametrix Inc.

SEPA checklist for the city of Dayton


Jim Howe

Public Request

Freeland quad


Lennie Rae Cooke

Paine Field

Proposed Snohomish County airport construction


Christi Amrine

Shockey/Brent Inc

Lake Stevens sewer district wastewater sewer treatment plant


Thomas R. Strong Ph.D.

Terra Associates Inc.

Redford and Hudson properties proposed residential development


Jory Oppenheimer


Proposed Keys Road project no 96072-20


Chad Armour

Hart Crowser Inc.

Wetland Assessent for landowner T14N R45E Section 8


Michael J. Rickel

Parametrix Inc.

Port of Longview rail corridor construction/grain facility renovation


Mark Everett

Raedeke Associates Inc.

Permits for US Coast Guard modification of a boat basin on Columbia River


Bill Bogue

US Environmental Prot. Agency

Send updated resident fish info files


Mark Everett

Raedeke Associates Inc.

EA for landowner


Ben Klein

Wa Dept Of Transportation-Olympic

Park and Ride for proposed passenger-only ferry at Kingston ferry terminal


Urania Perez-Freedma

King County Wastewater Trtmt.

SEPA checklist for silvigrow applications in Rattlesnake Mtn. area


Kim M. Levesque

RW Beck

Comprehensive flood hazard and drainage management plan


Alana Hess

WA State Parks And Recreation

Rasar State Park campground development


Mark C. Schulz

WA State Parks And Recreation

Sun Lakes State Park water system project


Roderick E. Matsuno

King County Road Services Div.

Fuel tank installation-Bog, Diamond, Fall City, Summit and Renton


Kathryn Kostow

National Marine Fisheries Serv.

Spring/summer chinook WARIS maps for Tucannon and Asotin


Karee Oliver

R2 Resource Consultants Inc.

Project area impacts


Steven Yach

WA Dept Of Transportation-East

Scatter Cr. Bridge #21/324.25 and Granite Cr. Bridge #21/326.25


Dale Morimoto

WA Dept Of Transportation-North

SR 525 Maxwelton Rd to Honeymoon Rd channelization (project# ol-2743)


Brenda Mariani

Heartland Group

Maps for landowner T30 R04E Sections 16,9 and 21


Karen Berndt

Bucher Willis & Ratliff

Review for city of Tumwater


Bob Cannon

WA State Parks And Recreation

Reed Island State Park construction project T01N R04E Sections 20 and 21


Michael W. Conaboy

Pacific Coast Coal Company

Updating federal mining permit for site T21N R06E Sections 11 and 12


Nikolina Yonkow

Adolfson Associates Inc.

Biological survey as part of a wetland delineation project


Paul S. Korsmo

Harding Lawson Associates

Riverside Bridge replacement project


Susan Powell

WA Dept Of Transportation-North

SR 525 I5 to SR99 ol1610


Dan Scamporlina

WA Dept Of Natural Resources

Transfer of DNR Long Lk site to WA State Parks


Barb ?

WA Dept Of Natural Resources

Town maps for T16N R11W and T15N R11W


Lisa Bauer Saban

Ch2M Hill

PHS maps for landowner


Gretchen Piper

The Nature Conservancy Of Idaho

Research for potential trade lands


Tom Deming

Watershed Dynamics Inc.

SEPA checklist for landowner


Steve Hall

Jones & Stokes Associates Inc.

NEPA EA for US Army activities on Wenatchee NF and WA State Parks lands


Richard S. Fleming Ph.D.

Raedeke Associates Inc.

Background investigation for private parcel for city of Seattle proj no 97006


Mark C. Schulz

WA State Parks And Recreation

Lake Chelan State Park water system project


Mark Everett

Raedeke Associates Inc.

SEPA review for landowner


James D. Irish

Ch2M Hill

SEPA review for solid waste transfer station by King County


John Gold

John Gold & Company Consulting

Management for Skagit County Park and Recreation lands


Keith Hupperts

Oregon Department Of Fish and Wildlife

Digital WARIS rivers and anadromous information


Bret Forrester

David Evans And Associates Inc.

Environmental analysis for proposed golf course expansion job# fair0006-31


Dennis McLerran

City Of West Richland-Planning

Updated HRTG, PHS, NWI digital data and maps


Bertie J. Weddell


Review for prospective buyer of land T15N R45E S31


Bertie J. Weddell


Review for landowner T17N R45E S13


Marti Louther

Adolfson Associates Inc.

Wetland study for potential landowner near Monroe, WA


Mari Smultea

Foster Wheeler Environmental

Prairie Gas storage facility zone 9 expansion project


Hugh Mortensen

The Watershed Company

Wetland delineation and mitigation plan for parcel in T30N R06E Section 8


Dan Saul

WA Department Of Ecology

WARIS 1:100,000 hydrography updated version


Jeffery S. Jones

J. S. Jones And Associates Inc.

Research of property located in T24N R05E S34 for prospective buyer


Jack Kapp

PHS maps for landowner


Mark Everett

Raedeke Associates Inc.

SEPA review for land developer project no 91032.6


Mark Everett

Raedeke Associates Inc.

EIS for landowner Palmer Monroe project no 95036.4


Peter Sparhawk

Herrera Environmental Conslts.

EIS for industrial area in Seattle


John Altmann

Talasaea Consultants

Review for potential impacts for proposed development for landowner


Greg White

Ch2M Hill

EA for Methow irrigation district


Joe Kelly

Us Bureau Of Land Management

WARIS maps for effects of timber sale and mine proposal


Bill Ith

Ith Boydston And Associates

Land appraisal


Phillip Jensen P.E.

Mason County-Public Works

Skokomish flood control


Larry D. Burnstad

Watershed Dynamics Inc.

SEPA checklist for landowners


Mark C. Schulz

WA State Parks And Recreation

Lake Chelan State Park


David T. Hoopes Ph.D.

RW Beck

EA and SEPA review for City of Anacortes water treatment plant


Tak Lee

WA Dept Of Transportation

Biological Assessment for State Route 18 widening project


Marty Garman

WA Dept Of Transportation-Olympic

Riprap bank protection on Hoh River project no dm-1329


Lil Herger


WARIS fish maps for watershed analysis lower North River


Hugh Mortensen

The Watershed Company

Residential subdivision T23 R01E Section 23 for landowner


Greg White

Ch2M Hill

Additional map for Methow Irrigation District EA


Luke A. Korpi P.E.

King County - Road Services Div.

SEPA review for 154th Place SE (Orton Hill Rd) in King Co. - cip no 400296


Gary R. Beeman

WA Dept Of Transportation-South

SR 970, Teanaway River, vicinity bridge 970/10


Stephanie Steinwedel

Barr Engineering Company

Environmental Assessment for facility at T25N R43E Sec13 proj 4732002lck001


Doug Swanson

Swan Resources

Land use planning for land owner


Marty Garman

WA Dept Of Transportation-Olympic

Construct High Occupancy Vehicle lanes in the median of I5 proj no ol 1922


Cynara Solberg

Applied Environmental Services

Wildlife assessment for land owner


Donna Frostholm

Dames & Moore

Cross-Cascade pipeline project Woodinville to Pasco


Thomas R Strong Ph.D.

Terra Associates Inc.

Environmental documentation for proposed residential development


Mike Haggerty

Makah Tribe-Fisheries Mgmt.

WARIS anadromous maps for HUC# 17110021 and 17100101


Bill Munro

IES Associates

Assessment for development on American Lake for land owner


Scott R. Sissons

Apex Engineering

Kendall preliminary plat - file #25013/1


Marty Garman

WA Dept Of Transportation-Olympic

SR101 mp272 to mp273 Blyn vicinity passing lanes-proj no ol2749


Marty Garman

WA Dept Of Transportation-Olympic

SR101 mp249.65 to mp251.32 Golf Course Rd to Myrtle St-proj no ol2521


Jeff Heinlen

Us Forest Service-Tonasket R.D.

West fork Sanpoil watershed project


Chad Armour

Hart Crowser

Identify sensitive habitats/species for land owner


Gary Schimek

Gray & Osborne Inc.

SEPA checklist for City of Prosser wastewater facility plan


Wendy Paulin

Port Of Centralia

Port of Centralia proposed office building


Marty Garman

WA Dept Of Transportation-Olympic

SR 507 Vail Road to mp31 part ii - project no ol 2524


Coowe Moss Kidd

Moss Environmental

South Ridge preliminary plat


Coowe Moss Kidd

Moss Environmental

Yanasac short plat


Marti Louther

Adolfson Associates Inc.

Report to King County


Marty Garman

WA Dept Of Transportation-Olympic

Northbound truck climbing lane on SR 101 mp 276.2 to mp 277.6 proj ol2730


Gary Beeman

WA Dept Of Transportation-South

Sr 90 Easton vicinity mp 71.26 to mp 76.61


Peter C. Blansett

SA Newman Forest Engineers Inc.

WA DNR, Pensinsula School Dist, Samish Trust and Gallaher real est. projects


Richard Blanchet

Klein Felder Inc.

Proposed development by City of Anacortes


Mark Everett

Raedeke Associates Inc.

Salish Lodge wetlands project# 97011


Daryn Brown

City Of Bothell DCD

City of Bothell planning purposes


Dale Morimoto

WA Dept Of Transportation-North

SR 203 NE 124th/Novelty Hill Road intersection


Crilly R. Ritz

Snohomish County Public Works

Bridge replacements for bridge #44 and bridge #23 in western Snohomish County


Roque Nalley

Roque Nalley Consulting Forresters

Forest stewardship planning for land owners


Deborah A. Howe

Kato & Warren Inc.

Park Central master plan and EIS for City of Lynnwood


Bertie J. Weddell


To determine if building project complies with Whitman Co. crit. areas ord.


Tim Haener

Thomas Dean & Hoskins In.

Latah Bridge replacement and Liberty School District water system projects


Marty Garman

WA Dept Of Transportation Olympic

SR 101 map 269.60 to mp 270.50 Dawley Rd vicinity to Blyn Hwy proj no ol2423


Gary M. Schimek

Gray & Osborne Inc.

SEPA checklist for City of Mossyrock wastewater facility plan


Mark Everett

Raedeke Associates Inc.

Assessment for Meadowview Park phase ii project no 97014


Wayne F. Buck

Beak Consultants Inc.

Pleasant Harbor Marina


Melissa Chaun

Michael P. Williams Consulting

Lake Stevens, Mill Creek and Swamp Creek planning


Pat Borchers

King County Wastewater Trtmt.

Mirrormont erosion control project phase 2


Stephanie Steinwedel

Barr Engineering Company

Environmental Aassessment for SE 1/4 NE 1/2 Section 14, T21N R06E


Rudolph V. Edwards Jr.

USFS North Bend Ranger District

Plum Creek Timber Co. access rights to National Forest land


Rowena Defato

Environmental Associates Inc.

Issaquah quad for land owner


Peter C Blansett

SA Newman Forest Engineers Inc.

Consulting and appraisal services


Ann Boeholt

Peninsula Heritage Land Trust

Potential purchase of land by Peninsula Heritage Land trust


Steve Brown

Bureau Of Reclamation PNW Region

WARIS anadromous map for Nooksack basin


Olaf Langness


Cowlitz subbasin salmon and steelhead production plan


Ron Roler


Kalama River upriver bright fall chinook escapement, releases


Joe Hymer


Kalama coho straying rates (from CWT data)


Olaf Langness


Lewis River, Ringold, Priest, Lyons URB chinook adult return data


Wolf Dammers


Spring chinook CWT harvest rates above, below Bonneville Dam




History, purpose of ESA


Mark Kaufman


Database consulting


Olaf Langness


Priest, Bonneville Hatchery URB CWT recoveries
