Dolly Varden/Bull Trout, alias Bull Char These data have been upgraded to the 100K and note the changes in the variables. The table has been renamed bullchar. Data Table: BULLCHAR.EVT Table Type: Info event table Contents: Bull Trout Status/Distribution COL ITEM NAME WIDTH OUTPUT TYPE N.DEC DESCRIPTION ------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 LLID 13 13 C - IRICC Stream ID 14 BEGMEAS 10 10 N 2 Begin Measure 24 ENDMEAS 10 10 N 2 End Measure 34 LENGTH 10 10 M 2 Length 44 PRES_CODE 2 2 I - Presence Code 46 KNOWN_SPAWN 1 1 I - Known Spawning 47 PIONEER_SPAWN 1 1 I - Pioneer Spawing 48 KNOWN_REAR 1 1 I - Known Rearing 49 STRM_NAME 50 50 C - Stream Name 99 HUC 8 8 I - USGS Hydrounit 107 REV_DATE 8 8 C - Revision Date 115 REV_WHO 50 50 C - Revision Source Presence Codes: Defined by levels of knowledge of occurence. The spawning and rearing codes are 1 = yes. PRES_CODE: 1 = Currently Occupied 2 = Presumed 3 = Potentially Occupied 4 = Undetected AFS 5 = Other Undetected 6 = Historic but not current