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Content Citation
  Title of Content: Multi-Year California Kelp Distribution
  Type of Content: Downloadable Data
  Content Publisher: TerraLogic GIS, Inc. (data compilation), California Department of Fish and Game, Marine Region GIS Lab (data development - California)
  Publication Date: 2004
Content Description
  Content Summary: This data set delineates kelp beds (Nereocystis leutkeana and Macrocystis spp.) along the Pacific Coast of California. Multiple years of kelp mapping data for the state have been compiled into a single coastwide data set. Due to variability in oceanographic and climatic conditions, kelp bed abundance and distribution is extremely variable from year to year. Therefore kelp bed locations and extent in a particular year may not reflect current or past conditions. In addition, the methods for mapping kelp in California have changed over time. Despite these caveats, this multi-year kelp coverage can be used to identify areas that have been known to support kelp growth, and investigate general patterns of kelp distribution on a coastwide scale. California has three coastal kelp surveys. The first survey, 1989, was a coastwide survey using the same contractor and method as Washington State. Kelp canopy data from the second survey, 1999, was created from digital image processing of scanned aerial photographs. The 2002 survey was performed with a Digital Multispectral Video (DMSV) sensor and kelp beds were delineated by digital image processing techniques.
  Content Purpose: These data were developed for Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission in cooperation with the National Marine Fisheries Service Northwest Region and the Pacific Fishery Management Council in support of an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) to consider the designation and conservation of Essential Fish Habitat (EFH) for Pacific Coast Groundfish. These data were consolidated and integrated in a GIS format to support spatially explicit groundfish habitat modelling and impacts assessment on a coastwide scale.
Time Period of Content
  Date: REQUIRED: The year (and optionally month, or month and day) for which the data set corresponds to the ground.
Content Status
  Progress: Complete
  Update Frequency: Unknown
Spatial Domain
  West Coordinate: -125.018483
  East Coordinate: -114.862038
  North Coordinate: 48.396969
  South Coordinate: 32.554151
  Coverage Area: west coast, California, Northwest Pacific Ocean
Content Keywords
  Theme Keywords: kelp, marine plant, coastal, Nerocystis, Macrocysits, essential fish habitat (EFH)
  Place Keywords: west coast, California, Northwest Pacific Ocean
Spatial Data Information
  Data Type: vector digital data
  Data Format: Shapefile
  Data Projection: Albers Conical Equal Area
Access and Usage Information
  Access Constraints: none
  Use Constraints: none