Abstract: This coverage is a spatial representation of barriers to the migration of anadromous salmonids that have been documented in the areas of the Willamette Basin (Hucs 17090001, 17090002, 17090003, 17090004, 17090005, 17090006, 17090007, 17090008, and 17090009), the North Oregon Coastal Area (Hucs 17100201, 17100202, 17100203, 17080006(OR), and 17080003(OR)) and the Sandy subbasin (Huc 17080001(OR)). Information about these barriers was collected by StreamNet personnel at ODFW through various documents and and knowledgable ODFW personnel and was submitted to the regional StreamNet database. The information was then converted to this GIS coverage at the regional office. For more information about this GIS coverage, please contact: Regional StreamNet GIS Specialist (StreamNetGIS@psmfc.org) For more information about the source barriers data, please contact: Susan Brodeur (brodeurs@fsl.orst.edu) Two GIS coverages, barriers and dambarriers, are included. Barriers contains the non-dam barriers to fish migration in this area, and dambarriers contains the dams which are considered barriers to fish migration in this area. An additional table, FishBarrier, is also included, which details which species/run of fish is blocked by each of these barriers. Purpose: Data is intended for use in a variety of applications where location of and information about barriers to fish migration are important. Limitations_of_Data: Data is compiled from a variety of sources and while it is believed to be highly reliable, may contain inaccuracies in location or attributes. Users who wish to ensure data quality may check on the original source references for each barrier which are identified under the RefID field, which links to the StreamNet reference table (see http://www.streamnet.org/asciitables.html for download of the complete StreamNet reference list). Source reference documents may be viewed through the StreamNet Library in Portland ((503) 731-1304). Barrier locations were identified on the 1:100,000 scale PNW reach files stream hydrography and map resolution is considered accurate to this scale. Dams which are barriers to fish migration were identified by ODFW personnel. Attribute information on these dams was generated at ODFW and/or obtained from the National Inventory of Dams database. In the DamBarriers coverage, where the Provisional field = 'Yes', the location of the dam may vary from the precise location due to limited source information. Entity_and_Attribute_Overview: ** Note: Two tables are included with the downloadable file and documented below. The first, Barriers.PAT, is the Point Attribute Table for the GIS coverage (one record per barrier). The second table, FishBarrier, is included as an ancillary tabular data set that relates to Barrier.PAT by the BarrierID field. The FishBarrier table includes information about which species/run of fish were determined to be blocked by each barrier and details about the scope of the blockage (full, partial, etc.) The tables may be used in tandem to show barriers to the migration of different species and runs of fish. ** TABLE: BARRIERS.PAT Attribute Type Definition AREA Binary Fl.Point Internal field- Not applicable to this data set PERIMETER Binary Fl.Point Internal field- Not applicable to this data set BARRIERS# Integer Internal feature number for each point BARRIERS-ID Integer User-assigned feature number for each point BARRIERID Integer StreamNet unique identifier for each barrier LLID Character Unique stream identifier (Longitude/Latitude ID) which consists of the longitude (first 7 digits) and latitude (last 6 digits) of the mouth of the stream. See http://www.streamnet.org/pnwr/PNWNAR.html for more information about the PNW Reach hydrography and LLIDs. STRMNAME Character Name of the stream or water_body on which this distribution event occurs BEGFT Binary Fl.point Stream measurement (distance up the stream) of distribution event in feet OWNER OWNERTYPE 20 20 C BARRIERTYPE 50 50 C FISHWAYID 4 4 B FISHWAYTYPE 4 4 B REFID 8 11 F BARRIERNAME 100 100 C HEIGHT 4 6 B COMMENTS 10 10 C TABLE: DAMBARRIERS.PAT Attribute Type Definition TABLE: FISHBARRIER Attribute Type Definition Procedures_Used: Generated a geographic coverage with the longitude/latitude coordinates for each hatchery. Projected the coverage to the StreamNet lambert projection and added additional data fields to the point attribute table. Imported the StreamNet hatchery information table, related it to the point attribute table by StreamNet hatchery ID, and populated the additional information to the point attribute table. Revisions: This is the first version of this coverage (created 8/2/00). It is anticipated that this data set will be continually updated as we add information from other areas in the Pacific Northwest. Reviews_Applied_to_Data: Visual Q/A. Related_Spatial_and_Tabular_Data_Sets: The PNW Reach files (underlying stream hydrography set which the points are tied to) - http://www.streamnet.org/pnwr/pnwrhome.html StreamNet database tabular data sets (Barrier, FishBarrier, Dam, BarrierType, FishWayType, BarrierOwnerType tables) - http://www.streamnet.org/asciitables.html The National Inventory of Dams database - http://crunch.tec.army.mil/nid/webpages/nid.cfm References_Cited: See RefID Field in the GIS coverages. Notes: N/A Currentness_Reference: Data is current as of 2000. Maintenance_and_Update_Frequency: It is anticipated that this data set will be continually updated as we add information for other areas in the Pacific Northwest. Access_Constraints: N/A Data_Set_Credit: Data was compiled by the StreamNet project (http://www.streamnet.org). Data was provided by Oregon Dept. of Fish & Wildlife. Completeness_Report: Complete data set. See "Limitations of Data" for limitations of use. Horizontal_Positional_Accuracy_Report: Not Available Vertical_Positional_Accuracy_Report: Not Available Cloud_Cover: N/A GIS Data Projection Info: PROJECTION LAMBERT UNITS FEET DATUM NAD27 SPHEROID CLARKE1866 1st Standard Parallel 42 20 0.000 2nd Standard Parallel 48 40 00 central meridian -117 00 0.00 lat org 41 00 0.00 easting 914401.82880 (in meters) northing 0.0