Abstract: This coverage is a record of subbasins (4th field hucs) in Montana where native Cutthroat are known to be currently distributed or have been historically distributed. This information was developed by fisheries personnel at MFWP (Montana Fish Wildlife and Parks) from Current distribution data and historical records and compiled into this GIS coverage by StreamNet staff: Steve Carson, MFWP (stcarson@st.mt.us) Regional StreamNet GIS Specialist, PSMFC (StreamNetGIS@psmfc.org) Purpose: Data is intended for use in a variety of applications where historic fish distribution is important. Limitations_of_Data: Data is historical in nature and thus cannot be currently verified in the field but is instead based on the expertise of local fisheries biologists. Distribution is resolved only to the 4th field huc (subbasin) level where distribution shown in a 4th field huc indicates that Cutthroat were distributed historically within at least part of this area but not necessarily over this entire area. Entity_and_Attribute_Overview: Attribute Type Definition AREA Binary Fl.point Area of polygon in coverage units PERIMETER Binary Fl.point Perimeter of polygon in coverage units CUTTHIST# Binary Integer Internal feature number CUTTHIST-ID Binary Integer User-assigned feature number HUC Binary Integer PNW Reach files 4th field HUC (Hydrologic Unit Code) BASIN_NAME Character Name of PNW Reach Files HUC (ie. subbasin) ACRES Binary Integer Number of acres in this huc SPECIES Character Code for cutthroat species (12= Westslope, 13= Yellowstone) Procedures_Used: Data was collected by huc from various sources (see abstract) and then matched with a hydrologic coverage of hucs to create a GIS coverage. Revisions: N/A Reviews_Applied_to_Data: N/A Related_Spatial_and_Tabular_Data_Sets: N/A References_Cited: See Source, Source_Cod Attributes in file. Notes: N/A Currentness_Reference: Data is current as of 2000. Maintenance_and_Update_Frequency: No additional updates or maintenance are currently planned. Access_Constraints: N/A Data_Set_Credit: Data was generated by MFWP and compiled by the StreamNet project (http://www.streamnet.org) Completeness_Report: Complete data set. See "Limitations of Data" for limitations. Horizontal_Positional_Accuracy_Report: Not Available Vertical_Positional_Accuracy_Report: Not Available Cloud_Cover: N/A GIS Data Projection Info: PROJECTION LAMBERT UNITS FEET DATUM NAD27 SPHEROID CLARKE1866 1st Standard Parallel 42 20 0.000 2nd Standard Parallel 48 40 00 central meridian -117 00 0.00 lat org 41 00 0.00 easting 914401.82880 (in meters) northing 0.0