Abstract: This coverage is a spatial representation of most of the Pacific Northwest hatchery facilities in the StreamNet database. Information about the location of each hatchery was collected from StreamNet personnel at WDFW (Washington Dept of Fish & Wildlife), ODFW (Oregon Dept of Fish & Wildlife), IDFG (Idaho Dept of Fish & Game), and MFWP (Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks) and the tabular information about each hatchery in the StreamNet database was then added to each hatchery point in the GIS coverage. For more information about this coverage, please contact: Regional StreamNet GIS Specialist(StreamNetGIS@psmfc.org) Purpose: Data is intended for use in a variety of applications where location of and information about hatcheries is important. Limitations_of_Data: Hatchery locations were determined from longitude/latitude coordinate or 1:100,000 scale stream based information submitted by StreamNet personnel at the state agencie. Longitude and latitude coordinates were generally determined to 4 decimal places (ie. long 123.5763, lat 44.2345) but may be less precise for some hatcheries. Entity_and_Attribute_Overview: Attribute Type Definition AREA Binary Fl.Point Internal field- Not applicable to this data set PERIMETER Binary Fl.Point Internal field- Not applicable to this data set HATCHERIES# Integer Internal feature number for each point HATCHERIES-ID Integer User-assigned feature number for each point HATCHID Integer StreamNet unique identifier for the hatchery facility HATCHNAME Character The name of the hatchery facility OUTFLOWTO Character Type of waterbody that the hatchery's water is discharged to STREAMNAME Character The name of the stream that the hatchery is on (if located on a stream) LLID Character The unique stream (longitude/latitude) identifier for the stream that the hatchery is on (if located on a stream) WATERBODY Character The flat water body (lake, reservoir, etc.) that directly receives the hatchery outflow, if applicable WATERBODYID Character The unique waterbody (longitude/latitude) identifier for the waterbody ADDRESS Character Mailing address of the hatchery CITY Character The town where mail is received COUNTY Character The county where the facility is located STATE Character The State where the facility is located ZIP Character The zip code MANAGER Character The name of the hatchery manager TELEPHONE Character Phone number for hatchery TYPE Character Management agency type (general) MANAGEMENT Character Management agency type (specific) AGENCY Character Agency responsible for the hatchery FISHTYPE Character The general life-history pattern of species raised at this hatchery as of Spring 1999 ADULTCAPTURE? Character Does this facility have the infrastructure for capturing adults? (0 = False or No Data, 1 = True) ADULTSPAWNING? Character Does this facility have the infrastructure for adult spawning (egg collection)? (0= False or No Data, 1 = True) EGGHOLDING? Character Does this facility have the infrastructure for holding eggs until hatching? (0 = False or No Data, 1 = True) FISHREARING? Character Does this facility have the infrastructure for rearing fish? (0 = False or No Data, 1 = True) ACCLIMATION? Character Does this facility have the infrastructure for prerelease acclimation? (0 = False or No Data, 1 = True) FISHRELEASE? Character Does this facility have the infrastructure for directly releasing fish to a natural water body? (0 = False or No Data, 1 = True) ELEVATION Integer Elevation of the hatchery in feet AUTHORIZED Character The legislation or program that authorized the hatchery construction FTESTAFF Binary Fl.Point The number of Full Time Equivalent (FTE) staff on location INITYEAR Integer The year the hatchery went into operation LASTYEAR Integer If not currently in operation, the last year the hatchery operated ACRESLAND Binary Fl.Point The total acreage owned and available for hatchery use (not only the acres in use) LANDUSEPCT Binary Fl.Point Percentage of acres actually in use by the hatchery LANDOWNER Character Owner of the land where the hatchery is located Procedures_Used: Generated a geographic coverage with the longitude/latitude coordinates for each facility based on location information from the StreamNet hatchery facility database. Hatcheries that did not have longitude/latitude or stream-based locations were not included. Projected the coverage to the StreamNet lambert projection and added additional data fields to the point attribute table. Imported the StreamNet hatchery information table, related it to the point attribute table by StreamNet hatchery ID, and populated the additional information to the point attribute table. Revisions: This is the second version of this layer (created January, 2002). The previous version of this layer included some hatcheries in Oregon and Washington only. Future revisions may add more hatchery facilities or updated hatchery information but no updates are currently planned. Reviews_Applied_to_Data: Visual Q/A. Related_Spatial_and_Tabular_Data_Sets: The StreamNet Hatchery Table - Available for download at http://www.streamnet.org/online-data/asciitables.html The ODFW Hatchery GIS Coverage - Available for download from http://rainbow.dfw.state.or.us/data.html Currentness_Reference: Data is current as of 2002. Access_Constraints: None Data_Set_Credit: Data was compiled by the StreamNet project (http://www.streamnet.org). Data was provided by Washington Dept. of Fish & Wildlife, Oregon Dept. of Fish & Wildlife, Idaho Dept. of Fish & Game, and Montana Dept. of Fish, Wildlife & Parks. Completeness_Report: Complete data set. See "Limitations of Data" for limitations. GIS Data Projection Info: PROJECTION LAMBERT UNITS FEET DATUM NAD27 SPHEROID CLARKE1866 1st Standard Parallel 42 20 0.000 2nd Standard Parallel 48 40 00 central meridian -117 00 0.00 lat org 41 00 0.00 easting 914401.82880 (in meters) northing 0.0