ODFW- Jon Bowers (jon.k.bowers@state.or.us), Martin Hudson (hudsomgh@dfw.wa.gov and ) IDFG- Bart Butterfield (bbutterf@idfg.state.id.us)
These event tables were submitted to the StreamNet regional staff at Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commision (PSMFC) where this regional distribution coverage was created from these event tables by
Travis Butcher (travis_butcher@psmfc.org)
All data is referenced to the PNW 1:100,000 River Reach Hydrography (<http://www.streamnet.org/pnwr/pnwrhome>) on the LLID-based stream routing system.
Data is collected at the 1:100,000 scale and only on streams that are included in the PNW reach LLID-based routing system. Generally, this includes all named streams at the 1:100,000 scale. Smaller tributaries that are not included in this routing system are not shown in this coverage. This data represents believed instances of fish distribution and as every stream can not be sampled, this is not an all-inclusive list of fish distribution in this region. Streams included in this coverage are areas of suitable habitat currently believed to be utilized by wild, natural, and/or hatchery fish populations.
Process Descripton:
Data submitted to PSMFC as events with LLIDs, Fmeas, and Tmeas attributes to identify locations on streams. These data events were referenced to the 1:100,000 PNW reach files and an arc GIS coverage was created based on these events. Each Arc in this GIS coverage represents anadromous fish distribution on a stream, meaning that one of the following species is believed to be present on this stream segment at some time of the year: Chinook salmon, Coho salmon, Sockeye salmon, Chum salmon, Pink salmon, or Steelhead.
Reviews_Applied_to_Data: Verified that all submitted events are mapped onto this coverage by comparing a list of individual mapped events in this derivative coverage to events in the submitted event tables.
- StreamNet Distuse table (tabular)-- This is a tabular data set of the events that were used to create this coverage. This table is available for download from <ftp://ftp.streamnet.org/pub/streamnet/ASCII_Data/DistUse.txt.> - PNW River Reach Hydrography (spatial)-- This is the base hydrography used to map these events. This data set is available for download from <http://www.streamnet.org/pnwr/pnwrhome.html.>
Data is collected at the 1:100,000 scale and only on streams that are included in the PNW reach LLID-based routing system. Generally, this includes all named streams at the 1:100,000 scale. Smaller tributaries that are not included in this routing system are not shown in this coverage. This data represents believed instances of fish distribution and as every stream can not be sampled, this is not an all-inclusive list of fish distribution in this region. Streams included in this coverage are areas of suitable habitat currently believed to be utilized by wild, natural, and/or hatchery fish populations.