Content Citation
  Title of Content: Hatchery Facilities (StreamNet updated May 2006)
  Type of Content: Downloadable Data
  Content Publisher: Information about the location of each hatchery was collected from StreamNet personnel at WDFW (Washington Dept of Fish & Wildlife), ODFW (Oregon Dept of Fish & Wildlife), IDFG(Idaho Dept of Fish & Game), and MFWP (Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks) and the tabular informationabout each hatchery in the StreamNet database was then added to each hatchery point in the GIS coverage.
  Publication Date: May 2006
Content Description
  Content Summary: This coverage is a spatial representation of most of the Pacific Northwest hatchery facilities in the StreamNet database. Information about the location of each hatchery was collected from StreamNet personnel at WDFW (Washington Dept of Fish & Wildlife), ODFW (Oregon Dept of Fish & Wildlife), IDFG (Idaho Dept of Fish & Game), and MFWP (Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks) and the tabular information about each hatchery in the StreamNet database was then added to each hatchery point in the GIS coverage. For more information including a data dictionary, ascii lookup tables and the StreamNet Data Exchange Format document, please visit
  Content Purpose: Data is intended for use in a variety of applications where location of and information about hatcheries is important.
  Supplemental Information: Limitations of the data: Hatchery locations were determined from longitude/latitude coordinate or 1:100,000 scale stream based information submitted by StreamNet personnel at the state agencie. Longitude and latitude coordinates were generally determined to 4 decimal places (ie. long 123.5763, lat 44.2345) but may be less precise for some hatcheries. California hatchery records originate from California Department of Fish and Game and StreamNet's partner project, CalFish (
Time Period of Content
  Date: REQUIRED: The year (and optionally month, or month and day) for which the data set corresponds to the ground.
Content Status
  Progress: REQUIRED: The state of the data set.
  Update Frequency: REQUIRED: The frequency with which changes and additions are made to the data set after the initial data set is completed.
Spatial Domain
  West Coordinate: -180.000000
  East Coordinate: 180.000000
  North Coordinate: 88.978133
  South Coordinate: 15.255011
  Coverage Area: Pacific Northwest, West Coast, Wasington, Oregon, California, Idaho, Montana
Content Keywords
  Theme Keywords: biota, environment, inlandWaters, salmon, hatcheries, facilities
  Place Keywords: Pacific Northwest, West Coast, Wasington, Oregon, California, Idaho, Montana
Spatial Data Information
  Data Type: vector digital data
  Data Format: Shapefile
  Data Projection: Lambert Conformal Conic
Access and Usage Information
  Access Constraints: none
  Use Constraints: none