Attribute Name | Description | Data Type | Width | Precision | Scale | Alias | Values - unrepresentable domain |
Internal feature number.
(Source: ESRI)
OID | 4 | 0 | 0 | OBJECTID | Sequential unique whole numbers that are automatically generated. |
Shape |
Feature geometry.
(Source: ESRI)
Geometry | 0 | 0 | 0 | Shape | Coordinates defining the features. |
Unique whole stream route identifier (aka, 'LocationID')
(Source: StreamNet)
String | 13 | 0 | 0 | LocationID | --- |
Name |
Stream name as identified by contributed sources
(Source: StreamNet)
String | 100 | 0 | 0 | Name | --- |
LengthFt |
Length of stream in feet (integer) based on the projection system identified in the "MeasSrc" field. The value in this field was used during route creation to set the route length (to distance).
(Source: StreamNet)
Double | 8 | 0 | 0 | LengthFt | --- |
TribID |
LLID (LocationID) for the waterbody the stream flows into. In addition to identifying the unique LLID for a downstream or 'parent' route, values include an enumerated domain of descriptive codes. The name or description relating to the TribID is carried in the TribToName field
(Source: StreamNet)
String | 13 | 0 | 0 | TribID | --- |
TribToName |
Name of stream or waterbody the route flows into - this is determined based on the TribID field
(Source: StreamNet)
String | 60 | 0 | 0 | TribToName | --- |
TribFt |
Identifies the measured location of the confluence of the stream with its downstream parent. When the TribToID identifies a routed stream, this field carries the measure (in feet) that locates the point of confluence of this route with its downstream parent. This field is left blank if the stream does not flow into another routed feature.
(Source: StreamNet)
Double | 8 | 0 | 0 | TribFt | --- |
LocSubTypeID |
INTERNAL - As values in this field become more complete, subtype descriptions may be incorporated into the FEATURE field. Currently this is used internally to synch the GIS with StreamNet's tabular database. More work is necessary to accurately identify ditch/canal/pipeline features
(Source: StreamNet)
Double | 8 | 0 | 0 | LocSubTypeID | --- |
PreviousName |
Feature Level Metadata: Identifies a previously used name for the feature. As edits are made to this hydrography layer, watercourse names can and have changed. In these cases, the previous name used will be documented here and may be referenced to minimize confusion.
(Source: StreamNet)
String | 50 | 0 | 0 | PreviousName | --- |
PrevMaxMeas |
Feature Level Metadata: This field contains the previous length measure (in feet) associated with an LLID in cases where the LLID existed in the StreamNet database prior to adoption of the current hydrography. Field is useful for QA/QC but may be excluded in the published version of this dataset.
(Source: StreamNet)
Double | 8 | 0 | 0 | PrevMaxMeas | --- |
MaxMeasDif |
Feature Level Metadata: Values in this field represent the change in measure associated with an LLID. It was derived by subtracting the LengthFt value from the PrevMaxMeas value. This is useful for QC purposes to flag cases when a significant change in route length occured. Where this is the case, see the GISNote field for a description / explanation of what caused the change in length. Where the LLID is new to the StreamNet database, this field will be null. Field will be excluded in the published version of this dataset.
(Source: StreamNet)
Double | 8 | 0 | 0 | MaxMeasDif | --- |
GeomSrc |
Feature Level Metadata: Identifies the geometry (linework) source used to define the given feature / route.
(Source: StreamNet)
String | 20 | 0 | 0 | GeomSrc | --- |
MeasSrc |
Feature Level Metadata: Identifies the feature's measurement source used to define the given routes measure system
(Source: StreamNet)
String | 50 | 0 | 0 | MeasSrc | --- |
Feature Level Metadata: Identifies the origin of the feature's assigned LLID
(Source: StreamNet)
String | 50 | 0 | 0 | LLIDSrc | --- |
Scale |
Feature Level Metadata: Identifies the feature's souce scale
(Source: StreamNet)
String | 10 | 0 | 0 | Scale | --- |
GISHook |
Feature Level Metadata: Used by GIS staff to categorize features for QA/QC. Field will be excluded from the published version of this dataset. A layer file is available to help StreamNet Staff use this field (Hydrort_MSHv1_GISHook.lyr). Field will be excluded in the published version of this dataset.
(Source: StreamNet)
Integer | 4 | 0 | 0 | GISHook | --- |
GISDate |
No description |
String | 50 | 0 | 0 | GISDate | --- |
GISNote |
Feature Level Metadata: Used by GIS staff to document notes related to QA/QC of GIS dataset. Field will be excluded in the published version of this dataset.
(Source: StreamNet)
String | 100 | 0 | 0 | GISNote | --- |
MSHv2_Notes |
Feature Level Metadata: Used by GIS staff to document notes specifically related to QA/QC of MSHv2 dataset. Field will be excluded in the published version of this dataset.
(Source: StreamNet)
String | 25 | 0 | 0 | MSHv2_Notes | --- |
State |
Location Cross Referencing: Identifies the State (by abbreviation) that the Hydrography feature falls within. Derived attribute used to allow quick spatial filtering of streams and speed creation of StreamNet's "LocXTables"
(Source: StreamNet)
String | 2 | 0 | 0 | State | --- |
StateCode |
No description |
String | 2 | 0 | 0 | StateCode | --- |
CountyCode |
No description |
String | 5 | 0 | 0 | CountyCode | --- |
NPCC_ProvinceID |
Location Cross Referencing: Unique ID for NPCC Province the stream falls in (99 flags streams/rivers that span multiple Provinces). Derived attribute used to allow quick spatial filtering of streams and speed creation of StreamNet's "LocXTables"
(Source: StreamNet)
SmallInteger | 2 | 0 | 0 | NPCC_ProvinceID | --- |
NPCC_Subbasin2001ID |
Location Cross Referencing: Unique ID for NPCC Subbasin (2001) the stream falls in (999 flags streams/rivers that span multiple Subbasins). Used to allow quick spatial filtering of streams and speed creation of LocXTables
(Source: StreamNet)
SmallInteger | 2 | 0 | 0 | NPCC_Subbasin2001ID | --- |
SN_Region2001 |
Location Cross Referencing: Unique ID for StreamNet Region the stream falls in (999 flags streams/rivers that span multiple Subbasins). Used to allow quick spatial filtering of streams and speed creation of StreamNet's "LocXTables"
(Source: StreamNet)
SmallInteger | 2 | 0 | 0 | SN_Region2001 | --- |
HUC_2 |
Location Cross Referencing: Unique ID for the Watershed Boundary Dataset (WBD) Hydrologic 'Region' (2-digit HUC) that the stream falls in. Used to allow quick spatial filtering of streams and speed creation of StreamNet's "LocXTables"
(Source: StreamNet)
String | 2 | 0 | 0 | HUC_2 | --- |
HUC_4 |
Location Cross Referencing: Unique ID for the Watershed Boundary Dataset (WBD) Hydrologic 'SubRegion' (4-digit HUC) that the stream falls in ("XX" values flag streams/rivers that span multiple SubRegions). Used to allow quick spatial filtering of streams and speed creation of StreamNet's "LocXTables"
(Source: StreamNet)
String | 4 | 0 | 0 | HUC_4 | --- |
HUC_6 |
Location Cross Referencing: Unique ID for the Watershed Boundary Dataset (WBD) Hydrologic 'Basin' (6-digit HUC) that the stream falls in ("XX" values flag streams/rivers that span multiple Basins). Used to allow quick spatial filtering of streams and speed creation of StreamNet's "LocXTables"
(Source: StreamNet)
String | 6 | 0 | 0 | HUC_6 | --- |
HUC_8 |
Location Cross Referencing: Unique ID for the Watershed Boundary Dataset (WBD) Hydrologic 'SubBasin' (8-digit HUC) that the stream falls in ("XX" values flag streams/rivers that span multiple Subbasins). Used to allow quick spatial filtering of streams and speed creation of StreamNet's "LocXTables"
(Source: StreamNet)
String | 8 | 0 | 0 | HUC_8 | --- |
HUC_10 |
Location Cross Referencing: Unique ID for the Watershed Boundary Dataset (WBD) Hydrologic 'Watershed' (10-digit HUC) that the stream falls in ("XX" values flag streams/rivers that span multiple Watersheds). Used to allow quick spatial filtering of streams and speed creation of StreamNet's "LocXTables"
(Source: StreamNet)
String | 10 | 0 | 0 | HUC_10 | --- |
HUC_12 |
Location Cross Referencing: Unique ID for the Watershed Boundary Dataset (WBD) Hydrologic 'SubWatershed' (12-digit HUC) that the stream falls in ("XX" values flag streams/rivers that span multiple SubWatersheds). Used to allow quick spatial filtering of streams and speed creation of StreamNet's "LocXTables"
(Source: StreamNet)
String | 12 | 0 | 0 | HUC_12 | --- |
Shape_Length |
Length of feature in internal units.
(Source: ESRI)
Double | 8 | 0 | 0 | Shape_Length | Positive real numbers that are automatically generated. |