Fish Distribution (anadromous)

TitleLast UpdatedDescriptionDownload
All Fish Species Combined31-Jan-19Complete Generalized Fish distribution layer for all species data is contributed for by StreamNet partners. This includes all the layers below along with data for additional species not listed. This regional dataset was compiled from spatial data contributed by StreamNet partners.(247 MB)
Chinook, Fall Run31-Jan-19PNW Fall chinook salmon distribution compiled from spatial data contributed by StreamNet partners.(21 MB)
Chinook, Spring Run31-Jan-19PNW Spring chinook salmon distribution compiled from spatial data contributed by StreamNet partners.(20 MB)
Chinook, Summer Run31-Jan-19PNW Summer chinook salmon distribution compiled from spatial data contributed by StreamNet partners.(16 MB)
Coho Salmon31-Jan-19PNW Coho salmon distribution compiled from spatial data contributed by StreamNet partners.(30 MB)
Chum Salmon31-Jan-19PNW Chum salmon distribution compiled from spatial data contributed by StreamNet partners.(18 MB)
Pink Salmon31-Jan-19PNW Pink salmon distribution compiled from spatial data contributed by StreamNet partners.(16 MB)
Sockeye Salmon31-Jan-19PNW Sockeye salmon distribution compiled from spatial data contributed by StreamNet partners.(16 MB)
Steelhead, Summer Run31-Jan-19PNW Summer steelhead distribution compiled from spatial data contributed by StreamNet partners.(24 MB)
Steelhead, Winter Run31-Jan-19PNW Winter steelhead distribution compiled from spatial data contributed by StreamNet partners.(29 MB)

Fish Distribution (resident)

TitleLast UpdatedDescriptionDownload
Cutthroat Trout, Bonneville 31-Jan-19Bonneville cutthroat trout distribution compiled from spatial data contributed by StreamNet partners.(15 MB)
Cutthroat Trout, Westslope31-Jan-19Westslope cutthroat trout distribution compiled from spatial data contributed by StreamNet partners. (25 MB)
Cutthroat Trout, Yellowstone 31-Jan-19Yellowstone cutthroat trout distribution compiled from spatial data contributed by StreamNet partners. (16 MB)
Bull Trout31-Jan-19Bull trout distribution compiled from spatial data contributed by StreamNet partners.(23 MB)
Redband Trout31-Jan-19Redband trout distribution compiled from spatial data contributed by StreamNet partners. (23 MB)
White Sturgeon31-Jan-19White sturgeon distribution compiled from spatial data contributed by StreamNet partners. (16 MB)

Fish Current Range layers

TitleLast UpdatedDescriptionDownload
Fish Current Range (all species)29-Sep-23Polygon boundaries representing the outer extent of subwatersheds (HUC12 units) for which generalized fish distribution data are available (from StreamNet and CalFISH). These boundaries generally identify areas where the given species may be expected to occur. Download package includes all species (and species/run combinations) for which StreamNet publishes separate fish distribution layers (see above).(44 MB)

Hydrography base layers

TitleLast UpdatedDescriptionDownload
Routed Streams - StreamNet's best available 'mixed scale hydrography' (MSHv3.1)15-Feb-12Base reference layer for StreamNet Time series survey data - includes CA to facilitate CalFish partnership(270 MB!)

Boundary base layers

TitleLast UpdatedDescriptionDownload
Northwest Power and Conservation Council (NPCC) Planning Unit Boundaries 03-Nov-23Inlcudes NPCC Province and Subbasin boundaries derived from watershed boundaries from the WBD (as of 9/1/2023)(10 MB)
Salmon & Steelhead ESU/DPS and Population Boundaries (aka 'ranges') - as maintained by NOAA FisheriesStreamNet is not the steward of this dataset. However, we provide a link to these data for the convenience of our to external source (NOAA)
USGS/NRCS Watershed Boundary Dataset (WBD)StreamNet is not the steward of this dataset. However, we provide a link to these data for the convenience of our users. Where we have leveraged the Watershed Boundary Dataset (WBD) as building blocks to define other boundaries (Fish Management Units, Planning Unit Boundaries, etc.), feature level metadata will indicate the version of the WBD (download date) that was to external source (USGS)
Columbia Basin Watershed Boundary30-Oct-17This layer depicts the boundary of the Columbia River Watershed (Basin). The area represents the drainage area of the Columbia River. It was derived from merging and then dissovling select Subbasins from the Watershed Boundary Dataset (USGS) from the United States and Work Units from the Canadian National Hydrography Network (Base Mapping and Geomatic Service, Integrated Land Management Bureau, BC, Canada).(~.2 MB)

Physical features/facilities

TitleLast UpdatedDescriptionDownload
Columbia Basin Fish Facilities20-Jul-22Includes facilities used for fisheries management in the Columbia Basin, as well as key hydroelectric dams throughout the Basin. Provides a location framework for linking fish data from PSMFC and partner data programs. This feature class incorporates locations previously stored in StreamNet's 'hatcheries' and 'dams' dataset.(3 MB)
Fish Passage Barriers (known and potential)For best available data on known and potential fish passage barriers, we recommend consulting our partner agency web resources below:

ODFW Fish Passage Barriers
WDFW Fish Passage Barriers
IDFG Fish Barriers
California Fish Passage Assessment Database
links to external partner resources