You must have ArcMap 9.3 installed to ArcMap map documents.  The data layers for the map documents are stored in the WCT_2009.mdb Access Geodatabase.  Avoid opening the map documents while WCT_2009.mdb is open in Microsoft Access.

44” x 34” Poster size range wide maps

Current Distribution and Barriers ArcMap

Current Distribution and Barriers PDF

Current Distribution, Historical Distribution and Barriers ArcMap

Current Distribution, Historical Distribution and Barriers PDF


11” x 17” Tabloid size maps by Sub-basin.

Click the ZoomToSubbasin button on the upper bar in the ArcMap

interface to view Westslope cutthroat data by Sub-basin.

Current Distribution, Historical Distribution and Barriers ArcMap

Genetic Status, Density, and Habitat Quality ArcMap

Stocking and Competing Species Presence ArcMap


8.5” x 11” Maps

GMU and Sub-basins ArcMap

GMU and Sub-basins PDF

GMU and Sub-basins with Current Distribution, PDF