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All data sets (196)
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Title Date Data Categories Location
1) Prototype water temperature database.
2) Water temperature data sources.

See Detail
2/9/2005 instantaneous stream water temperature Oregon, Washington, Idaho.
Data mainly from mainstem Columbia and Snake rivers, from near mouths of their tribs, and also from Walllowa-Whitman, Nez Perce, and Payette National Forest water temperature databases.
1998 Independent Hatchery Operations Team (IHOT) hatchery evaluation summary reports.

See Detail
04-16-2013 Hatchery facility operations

Hatchery facility descriptions

Hatchery facility contribution to fisheries and spawning grounds

Hatchery facility operating expenses
Hatcheries within the Columbia River basin in Idaho, Oregon, and Washington.
1999-Dec 2008 WDFW Annual Data for the Project 'Resident Fish Stock Status Above Chief Joseph Dam'

See Detail
3/3/2009 Abundance
Age and growth
Fish community structure/diversity
Fish counts
Fish distribution
Fish sightings
Population estimates
Population index
Primary and secondary production
Status reports
Stream habitat
Water quality
Water temperature
Pend Oreille County
Spokane County
Stevens County
Ferry County
2001-2004 Subbasin Plans and Archived Datasets

See Detail
4/23/2008 Estimates of spawning populations
Redd counts
Spawner counts
Dam counts
Spawner/recruit estimates
Dam facilities
Hatchery facilities
Fish migration barriers
Fish distribution
Entire Columbia River basin
2004 USFWS Bull Trout Status Reassessment: Washington Department of Fish & Wildlife

See Detail
2/24/2006 Distribution
Historical distribution
Status review
Washington State, Clark Fork River, Clearwater River, Grande Ronde, Hood River, Lower Columbia, Middle Columbia, NorthEast Washington, Olympic Peninsula, Puget Sound, Snake, Umatilla, Upper Columbia, Lake Pend Oreille, Priest Lake, Lower & Middle Fork Clearwater, Hood, Klickitat, Lewis, Yakima, Pend Orielle, Dungeness, Elwha, Hoh, Queets, Quinault, Skokomish, Chester Morse, Chilliwack, Lower Skagit, Nooksack, Puyallup, Snohomish/Skykomish, Stillaguamish, Upper Skagit, Asotin, Tucannon, Walla Walla, Entiat, Methow, Wenatchee
2006 Klickitat River Lyle Falls #5 Fish Passage

See Detail
3/15/2007 Fish passage
Water quality
Klickitat River Lyle Falls #5, River Mile 2.2
2006 Stream Temperature Data
Nez Perce Soil & Water Conservation District

See Detail
1/23/2007 hourly stream temperature data Lower Clearwater Subbasin, Idaho, Nez Perce County
2007 Yellowstone Cutthroat Trout Assessment

See Detail
11/29/2010 Distribution - Current and Historic
Conservation Populations
Expansion populations
Yellowstone Cutthroat Trout range
Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, Utah, Nevada
2019 Beach seining and PIT tagging in Hells Canyon

See Detail
04-02-2020 Population monitoring Hells Canyon on the Snake River
2019 Run-at-large PBT on juvenile Chinook

See Detail
04-01-2020 Fish origin Snake River basin, Lower Granite Dam
2019-2023 Deepwater Redd Surveys

See Detail
04-10-2024 Population index Hells Canyon the Snake River
Adipose clip release data 2000

See Detail
2/9/2005 Summaries of proportions of hatchery fishes released in the Columbia Basin that were marked with an adipose fin clip. Columbia Basin anadromous fish hatchery releases in 2000.
Anadromous Fish-Related Habitat Projects and Long-Term Monitoring Efforts in Selected Columbia River Subbasins

See Detail
3/20/2007 Habitat restoration
Stream environment and biota monitoring
Columbia Cascade: Columbia Upper Middle
Columbia Cascade: Entiat
Columbia Cascade: Methow
Columbia Cascade: Okanogan
Columbia Cascade: Wenatchee
Columbia Cascade: Canadian Portion
Columbia Plateau: John Day
Blue Mountain: Grande Ronde
Blue Mountain: Imnaha
Mountain Snake: Clearwater
Mountain Snake: Salmon
Annual progress report (2002) and data for Cook et al. 2003. Numerically Simulating the Hydrodynamic and Water Quality Environment for Migrating Salmon in the Lower Snake River. Annual progress report for 2002 for BPA Project 2002-027-00, Contract No. 00000652-12.

See Detail
3/25/2011 Bathymetry, water temperature, ADCP (acoustic Doppler current profiler), hydrodynamic modeling, CFD modeling.
Lower Granite Reservoir
Snake River, Clearwater River
Asotin County, Washington
Nez Perce County, Idaho
Biological Data from Habitat Assessments of Streams Within the Big Canyon Creek and Lapwai Creek Watersheds

See Detail
1/10/2008 Distribution and Relative Abundance
Fulton's condition factor
Lapwai Creek/Big Canyon Creek Watersheds
Lower Clearwater River Subbasin
Cedar Creek Adult Trap Summary

See Detail
3/15/2007 Total counts
Population estimates
Fish distribution
Cedar Creek, tributary to the North Fork of the Lewis River, Washington
Cedar Creek Smolt Trap

See Detail
3/15/2007 Outmigrant counts
Population estimates
Daily counts
Recapture rates
Fish distribution
Cedar Creek, 27.0339, a tributary to the North Fork of the Lewis River.
Clearwater River subyearling diet data, 2011-2012

See Detail
08-28-2024 Food habits/diet The Clearwater River from its mouth to upstream about 6 km.
Clearwater River Telemetry, 2007 (Subyearling Fall Chinook Salmon)

See Detail
09-20-2017 Migration
Migration speed
Water temperature
Radio telemetry
Water velocity
Clearwater River, Idaho from its mouth upstream to river kilometer 53 (Kayler's Landing), and Lower Granite Reservoir from the dam (rkm 173) to the confluence of the Clearwater River (rkm 224).
Columbia Basin Adult Anadromous Fish Radiotelemetry Project (web site)

See Detail
8/11/2005 Behavior Columbia River basin within anadromous fish range, with emphasis on Columbia and Snake river mainstem dams.
Columbia Habitat and Monitoring Program - (CHAMP)

See Detail
12-14-2020 Hydrology/Water Quantity
Landscape Form & Geomorphology
Water Quality
Entiat River, Wenatchee River, Methow River, Middle Fork John Day, South Fork John Day, Secesh River, Upper Grande Ronde River , Lemhi River , Minam River, Yankee Fork River, Tuccannon River
Detection efficiency of 8-mm PIT tags in the Removable Spillway Detector

See Detail
03-15-2023 Fish passage
PIT-tag detection efficiency
Lower Granite Dam
Detection of 8-mm PIT tags at Lower Granite Dam, 2016-2017

See Detail
07-20-2017 Fish passage; dam counts Lower Granite Dam, Snake River
Duck Valley Indian Reservation Water Quality for Three Reservoirs

See Detail
10/5/2005 Water Temperature
Dissolved Oxygen
Duck Valley Indian Reservation
Mountain View Reservoir
Lake Billy Shaw
Sheep Creek Reservoir
Dworshak Dam Resident Fish Mitigation

See Detail
01-16-2018 Size at age
Age and growth
Population estimates
Dworshak Reservoir
North Fork Clearwater River
Dworshak Reservoir limnological data

See Detail
02-13-2017 limnology, temperature, dissolved oxygen, nutrients, Secchi, compensation depth, chlorophyll, pico-plankton, phytoplankton, zooplankton Dworshak Reservoir
Electrofishing effects on gas bubble trauma in sculpins

See Detail
04-22-2022 Water quality, Physiology, Gas bubble trauma, Total dissolved gas, Electrofishing Not applicable
Enhancing Summer Instream Flow and Reducing Temperature in Agricultural Watersheds (soil and water data)

See Detail
6/17/2010 climate, soil properties, soil water and temperature The Pataha Creek Watershed drains an area of 478 km2 stretching cross Garfield and Columbia County, WA. It is a main tributary of the Tucannon river located 18 km above the Tucannon's confluence with the Snake River.
EPA contractor water temperature data set

See Detail
2/9/2005 Water temperature.
Dissolved gas concentration.
Mainstem Columbia and Snake rivers
Lower reaches of direct major tributataries to Columbia and Snake Rivers; some data from higher up in these streams.
Mainstem Columbia and Snake river dams.
Fall Chinook growth in the Clearwater River 2019-2021

See Detail
04-19-2022 Growth Clearwater River, Lower Granite Reservoir
Fall Chinook PIT Tagging in Lower Granite Reservoir 2009-2011

See Detail
09-04-2024 Movements, PIT tagging Lower Granite Reservoir on the Snake River.
Fish Abundance Data

See Detail
03-19-2013 Length (mm), weight (g), species.

PIT tag #, date, antenna #
Off channel habitat within Baker Bay, Columbia River Estuary.
Fish and wildlife projects funded by Bonneville Power Administration from 1978 through 1998.

See Detail
5/11/2007 Administrative information and project descriptions for funding projects. Idaho, Oregon, Washington, Montana
Fish Data Analysis Tools (FDAT) Version 2. 2020

See Detail
05-29-2020 Fish distribution
Water temperature
Fish community structure/diversity
John Day, Grande Ronde, Salmon and Clearwater subbasins
Fish Distribution and Relative Abundance of Streams within the Lapwai Creek and Big Canyon Creek Watersheds

See Detail
1/10/2008 Distribution
Relative Abundance
Mean lengths and weights by age class
Population age structure
Lapwai Creek and Big Canyon Creek Watersheds
Nez Perce, Lewis and Clearwater Counties
Lower Clearwater River Subbasin
Fish Passage Assessment: Wallowa County, OR
(BPA Project: Wallowa County Culvert Inventory)

See Detail
8/30/2007 Stream Crossing Inventories Watersheds: Wallowa, Lostine, Joseph, Snake, Minam, Wenaha, Lower Grande Ronde, Imnaha, Big Sheep
Fish Passage Center (web site)

See Detail
2/9/2005 Smolt passage
Adult passage
Gas bubble trauma / disease
Dissolved gas
Dam counts
Smolt counts
Travel time
Water temperature
Hatchery releases
Smolt survivals
Smolt to adult survival rates (SARS)
Smolt transportation data
Electrical conductivity
Spawning data
Seining data
Stranding and entrapment data
Emergence data
Redd maps
Summarized PIT tag data
Fishing reports
Anadromous fish zone of Columbia River basin.
FishBase (web site)

See Detail
2/9/2005 Taxonomy
Size / length / weight
Use / importance
Resilience / rate of inherent population increase
Biology / life history
Red list status
Predator / prey relationships
Common names
Age / growth
Length/weight relationship
Swim speeds
Entire world
GBT Monitoring Data for Native Nonsalmonids, 2021-2024

See Detail
07-25-2024 Water quality, Gas bubble trauma Tailraces of Bonneville, McNary, Ice Harbor, and Lower Granite dams.
Genetic run of PIT-tagged Snake River fall Chinook salmon (1992-2023)

See Detail
04-10-2024 Genetic origin Hells Canyon, Snake River
Historical and Contemporary Water Travel Times

See Detail
08-27-2024 Water travel time; flow Lower Snake River from its confluence with the Clearwater River to its confluence with the Columbia River.

Lower Columbia River from its confluence with the Snake River to the estuary.
Holdover fall Chinook salmon diet data, 2011-2012

See Detail
08-28-2024 Food habits/diet The forebay region of Lower Granite Dam on the Snake River
Hood River Production Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E)-Warm Springs - Spawning Surveys

See Detail
07-30-2019 Population index Hood River and Tributaries
Hood River Production Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E)-Warm Springs- Chinook and steelhead parr abundance in West Fork Hood River index reaches

See Detail
07-30-2019 Population index
Population estimates
Fish distribution
Upper West Fork Hood River
Idaho Department of Fish and Game Bull Trout Status Review and Assessment in the State of Idaho, December 20, 2004.
(Part I of 2-- Report, maps, and database)
[See the 'Part II' entry for GIS data and the protocol]

See Detail
2/9/2005 presence, historical presence, barriers, status review Idaho, Nevada, Kootenai River, Pend O'reille River, Spokane River, Couer d'Alene River, Clearwater River, Snake River, Salmon River, Weiser River, Payette River, Bruneau River, Little Lost River
Idaho Department of Fish and Game Bull Trout Status Review and Assessment in the State of Idaho, December 20, 2004.
(Part II of 2-- GIS files and assessment protocols)
[See the 'Part I' entry for tabular data, reports, and maps]

See Detail
2/10/2005 presence, historical presence, barriers, status review Idaho, Nevada, Kootenai River, Pend O'reille River, Spokane River, Couer d'Alene River, Clearwater River, Snake River, Salmon River, Weiser River, Payette River, Bruneau River, Little Lost River
Idaho Department of Water Resources On-Line Data (web site)

See Detail
8/11/2005 Water rights;
Ground water levels;
Stream flows;
GIS data

See Detail
04-10-2019 - Juvenile fish capture counts
- Adult counts at tributary weirs
- Juvenile fish morphometrics
- Water temp
- Air temp
- Stream and Site location
- Sampling project and crew
- Capture method parameters
Lemhi River and tributaries: Tributary to the upper Salmon region located in Lemhi county, Idaho.
South Fork Salmon and tributaries: Tributary to the upper Salmon region located in both Idaho and Valley counties, Idaho.
Asotin Creek and tributaries: Tributary to the Snake River in Asotin County, Washington.
Tributaries feeding into the Columbia out of Wenatchee in Chelan County, Washington.
John Day and tributaries: Tributary to the Columbia located in Grant County Oregon.
Juvenile lamprey acoustic telemetry in Yakima River

See Detail
05-09-2022 Movements Lower Yakima River, from near the city of Yakima to the confluence with the Columbia River.
Klickitat River Lyle Falls #5 Fish Passage

See Detail
2/27/2006 date, spp. code, length, adult v. jacks, marks, scale age/origin, cwt presence, net marks. Klickitat River
Kootenai River Fishery Investigations

See Detail
07-24-2024 distribution, catch, effort, telemetry, movement, instream habitat Kootenai River Drainage in Canada, MT, ID
Kootenai River Fishery Investigations: White Sturgeon Catch Summary

See Detail
04-25-2023 catch data Kootenai River Drainage in Canada, MT, ID
Laboratory evaluation of larval lamprey movements based on shoreline slope

See Detail
05-18-2023 Movements
NA; laboratory study
Lake Pend Oreille Vemco Telemetry database

See Detail
01-15-2020 Movements and migration Lake Pend Oreille proper, Clark Fork River, Pend Oreille River, Lightning Creek, Pack River, Priest River
Lamprey specific electrofishing impacts to target and non-target species

See Detail
05-07-2024 size, weight, mortality, test group, control Not applicable---laboratory study
Lapwai Creek Anadromous Habitat 2015

See Detail
04-27-2017 Lapwai Creek, Water Temperature Lapwai Watershed
Lapwai Creek Anadromous Habitat 2019

See Detail
06-09-2020 Water Temperature Lapwai Creek Watershed
Lapwai Creek Stream Temperature Data for 2014. Nez Perce Soil and Water Conservation District.

See Detail
04-27-2017 Lapwai Creek, Water temperature Lapwai Creek - Clearwater River, Nez Perce County, Idaho
Lapwai Creek Stream Temperature Data for 2016

See Detail
06-18-2018 Water Temperature Lapwai Creek Watershed
Lapwai Creek Stream Temperature Data for 2017

See Detail
08-30-2018 Water Temperature Lapwai Creek Watershed
Lapwai Creek Stream Temperature Data for 2018

See Detail
04-25-2019 Water Temperature Lapwai Creek Watertshed
Lapwai Creek water temperature data for 2010. (Nez Perce Soil and Water Conservation District)

See Detail
07-26-2011 Lapwai Creek Stream Temperature Data Lapwai Creek - Clearwater River, Nez Perce County, Idaho
Lethal air temperatures for dewatered larval lampreys

See Detail
05-19-2023 survival na; laboratory study
Lindsay Creek water quality data 2013-2015

See Detail
03-07-2016 Water temperature, water quality, stream flow Lindsay Creek, tributary of Clearwater River. Nez Perce County, Idaho. HUC 17060306.This device is located at Odom Park on Lindsay Creek. Data is continously uploaded to a website at Decogon Devices.
Lolo Creek Watershed Restoration - Temperature Data

See Detail
03-22-2011 Water quality: water temperature
Habitat improvement/restoration projects
Water temperature
Lolo Creek Watershed
Jim Brown Creek
Musselshell Creek
Yoosa Creek
Yakus Creek
Lolo Creek
Nez Perce reservation
Nez Perce and Clearwater Counties, Idaho
Clearwater subbasin
Lower Granite Fall Chinook Prey Data (2019-2022)

See Detail
03-15-2023 Diet, zooplankton, invertebrate drift Lower Granite Reservoir, Snake River
Lower Granite Juvenile Fall Chinook PBT

See Detail
04-10-2024 Fish passage Snake River above Lower Granite Dam.
Lower South Fork Clearwater River Watershed Restoration Temperature Data

See Detail
03-16-2015 Water temperature
Habitat improvement/restoration projects
Habitat use/habitat preference
The South Fork Clearwater River is within the Mountain-Snake/Clearwater Subbasin. It is located within Idaho County, Idaho.
Lower South Fork Clearwater/Slate Creek Watershed Restoration

See Detail
02-07-2022 Water temperature Cougar Creek, John's Creek, Leggett Creek, Peasley Creek, Silver Creek, Tenmile Creek, Meadow Creek, Mill Creek, Sally Ann Creek, Wall Creek, Deer Creek, Merton Creek, Castle Creek
Meadow Creek Watershed Restoration - Temperature Data

See Detail
03-23-2011 Habitat improvement/restoration projects
Water temperature
Measures of habitat quality
Meadow Creek is a tributary to the South Fork Clearwater River within the Mountain-Snake/Clearwater Subbasin. It is located within Idaho County, Idaho.
MFWP Population Surveys 2011

See Detail
08-26-2011 Population estimates, population survey results Western Montana:
17010201 Upper Clark Fork
17010202 Flint-Rock
17010203 Blackfoot
17010204 Middle Clark Fork
17010205 Bitterroot
17010206 North Fork Flathead
17010207 Middle Fork Flathead
17010208 Flathead Lake
17010209 South Fork Flathead
17010210 Stillwater
17010211 Swan
17010212 Lower Flathead
17010213 Lower Clark Fork
17010104 Lower Kootenai
17010105 Moyie
17010103 Yaak
17010101 Upper Kootenai
17010102 Fisher
Mill Creek Watershed Restoration - Temperature Data

See Detail
06-21-2013 Habitat improvement/ restoration
Water temperature
Measures of habitat quality
Mill Creek is a tributary to the South Fork Clearwater River within the Mountain-Snake/ Clearwater Subbasin. It is located within Idaho County, Idaho.
Monitor and Evaluate (M&E) Reproductive Success and Survival in Wenatchee River

See Detail
03-30-2017 Single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) genotypes. Wenatchee River, WA
Montana Fish Wildlife and Parks Fish Population Surveys

See Detail
11-25-2014 Population Estimates Western Montana:
17010201 Upper Clark Fork
17010202 Flint-Rock
17010203 Blackfoot
17010204 Middle Clark Fork
17010205 Bitterroot
17010206 North Fork Flathead
17010207 Middle Fork Flathead
17010208 Flathead Lake
17010209 South Fork Flathead
17010210 Stillwater
17010211 Swan
17010212 Lower Flathead
17010213 Lower Clark Fork
17010104 Lower Kootenai
17010105 Moyie
17010103 Yaak
17010101 Upper Kootenai
17010102 Fisher
Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks Fish Population Surveys

See Detail
10-03-2013 Population estimates Western Montana:
17010201 Upper Clark Fork
17010202 Flint-Rock
17010203 Blackfoot
17010204 Middle Clark Fork
17010205 Bitterroot
17010206 North Fork Flathead
17010207 Middle Fork Flathead
17010208 Flathead Lake
17010209 South Fork Flathead
17010210 Stillwater
17010211 Swan
17010212 Lower Flathead
17010213 Lower Clark Fork
17010104 Lower Kootenai
17010105 Moyie
17010103 Yaak
17010101 Upper Kootenai
17010102 Fisher
Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks Fish Population Surveys

See Detail
08-29-2012 Population estimates, population survey results Western Montana:
17010201 Upper Clark Fork
17010202 Flint-Rock
17010203 Blackfoot
17010204 Middle Clark Fork
17010205 Bitterroot
17010206 North Fork Flathead
17010207 Middle Fork Flathead
17010208 Flathead Lake
17010209 South Fork Flathead
17010210 Stillwater
17010211 Swan
17010212 Lower Flathead
17010213 Lower Clark Fork
17010104 Lower Kootenai
17010105 Moyie
17010103 Yaak
17010101 Upper Kootenai
17010102 Fisher
Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks Fish Population Surveys

See Detail
9/1/2010 Population survey results Western Montana:
17010201 Upper Clark Fork
17010202 Flint-Rock
17010203 Blackfoot
17010204 Middle Clark Fork
17010205 Bitterroot
17010206 North Fork Flathead
17010207 Middle Fork Flathead
17010208 Flathead Lake
17010209 South Fork Flathead
17010210 Stillwater
17010211 Swan
17010212 Lower Flathead
17010213 Lower Clark Fork
17010104 Lower Kootenai
17010105 Moyie
17010103 Yaak
17010101 Upper Kootenai
17010102 Fisher
Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks Native Trout Genetic Sample Analysis Data

See Detail
08-29-2012 Genetic analysis Columbia basin in Montana
Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks Native Trout Genetic Sample Analysis Data

See Detail
10-02-2013 Genetic analysis Columbia basin in Montana
Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks Native Trout Genetic Sample Analysis Data Through 2014

See Detail
11-13-2014 Genetic analysis Columbia basin in Montana
Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks Fish Population Surveys

See Detail
09-23-2015 fish counts Western Montana:
17010201 Upper Clark Fork
17010202 Flint-Rock
17010203 Blackfoot
17010204 Middle Clark Fork
17010205 Bitterroot
17010206 North Fork Flathead
17010207 Middle Fork Flathead
17010208 Flathead Lake
17010209 South Fork Flathead
17010210 Stillwater
17010211 Swan
17010212 Lower Flathead
17010213 Lower Clark Fork
17010104 Lower Kootenai
17010105 Moyie
17010103 Yaak
17010101 Upper Kootenai
17010102 Fisher
Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks Fish Population Surveys 2016

See Detail
09-21-2016 fish counts Western Montana:
17010201 Upper Clark Fork
17010202 Flint-Rock
17010203 Blackfoot
17010204 Middle Clark Fork
17010205 Bitterroot
17010206 North Fork Flathead
17010207 Middle Fork Flathead
17010208 Flathead Lake
17010209 South Fork Flathead
17010210 Stillwater
17010211 Swan
17010212 Lower Flathead
17010213 Lower Clark Fork
17010104 Lower Kootenai
17010105 Moyie
17010103 Yaak
17010101 Upper Kootenai
17010102 Fisher
Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks Fish Population Surveys 2017

See Detail
09-29-2017 fish counts Western Montana:
17010201 Upper Clark Fork
17010202 Flint-Rock
17010203 Blackfoot
17010204 Middle Clark Fork
17010205 Bitterroot
17010206 North Fork Flathead
17010207 Middle Fork Flathead
17010208 Flathead Lake
17010209 South Fork Flathead
17010210 Stillwater
17010211 Swan
17010212 Lower Flathead
17010213 Lower Clark Fork
17010104 Lower Kootenai
17010105 Moyie
17010103 Yaak
17010101 Upper Kootenai
17010102 Fisher
Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks Fish Population Surveys 2018

See Detail
09-18-2018 fish counts Western Montana:
17010201 Upper Clark Fork
17010202 Flint-Rock
17010203 Blackfoot
17010204 Middle Clark Fork
17010205 Bitterroot
17010206 North Fork Flathead
17010207 Middle Fork Flathead
17010208 Flathead Lake
17010209 South Fork Flathead
17010210 Stillwater
17010211 Swan
17010212 Lower Flathead
17010213 Lower Clark Fork
17010104 Lower Kootenai
17010105 Moyie
17010103 Yaak
17010101 Upper Kootenai
17010102 Fisher
Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks Fish Population Surveys 2019

See Detail
10-10-2019 fish counts Western Montana:
17010201 Upper Clark Fork
17010202 Flint-Rock
17010203 Blackfoot
17010204 Middle Clark Fork
17010205 Bitterroot
17010206 North Fork Flathead
17010207 Middle Fork Flathead
17010208 Flathead Lake
17010209 South Fork Flathead
17010210 Stillwater
17010211 Swan
17010212 Lower Flathead
17010213 Lower Clark Fork
17010104 Lower Kootenai
17010105 Moyie
17010103 Yaak
17010101 Upper Kootenai
17010102 Fisher
Montana Fish, Wildlife And Parks Fish Population Surveys 2020

See Detail
09-30-2020 Fish counts Western Montana:
17010201 Upper Clark Fork
17010202 Flint-Rock
17010203 Blackfoot
17010204 Middle Clark Fork
17010205 Bitterroot
17010206 North Fork Flathead
17010207 Middle Fork Flathead
17010208 Flathead Lake
17010209 South Fork Flathead
17010210 Stillwater
17010211 Swan
17010212 Lower Flathead
17010213 Lower Clark Fork
17010104 Lower Kootenai
17010105 Moyie
17010103 Yaak
17010101 Upper Kootenai
17010102 Fisher
Montana Fish, Wildlife And Parks Fish Population Surveys 2021

See Detail
09-29-2021 fish counts Western Montana:
17010201 Upper Clark Fork
17010202 Flint-Rock
17010203 Blackfoot
17010204 Middle Clark Fork
17010205 Bitterroot
17010206 North Fork Flathead
17010207 Middle Fork Flathead
17010208 Flathead Lake
17010209 South Fork Flathead
17010210 Stillwater
17010211 Swan
17010212 Lower Flathead
17010213 Lower Clark Fork
17010104 Lower Kootenai
17010105 Moyie
17010103 Yaak
17010101 Upper Kootenai
17010102 Fisher
Montana Fish, Wildlife And Parks Fish Population Surveys 2021

See Detail
09-28-2022 Fish counts Western Montana:
17010201 Upper Clark Fork
17010202 Flint-Rock
17010203 Blackfoot
17010204 Middle Clark Fork
17010205 Bitterroot
17010206 North Fork Flathead
17010207 Middle Fork Flathead
17010208 Flathead Lake
17010209 South Fork Flathead
17010210 Stillwater
17010211 Swan
17010212 Lower Flathead
17010213 Lower Clark Fork
17010104 Lower Kootenai
17010105 Moyie
17010103 Yaak
17010101 Upper Kootenai
17010102 Fisher
Montana Fish, Wildlife And Parks Fish Population Surveys 2022

See Detail
10-02-2023 Fish counts Western Montana:
17010201 Upper Clark Fork
17010202 Flint-Rock
17010203 Blackfoot
17010204 Middle Clark Fork
17010205 Bitterroot
17010206 North Fork Flathead
17010207 Middle Fork Flathead
17010208 Flathead Lake
17010209 South Fork Flathead
17010210 Stillwater
17010211 Swan
17010212 Lower Flathead
17010213 Lower Clark Fork
17010104 Lower Kootenai
17010105 Moyie
17010103 Yaak
17010101 Upper Kootenai
17010102 Fisher
Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks Native Trout Genetic Sample Analysis Data Through 2015

See Detail
09-23-2015 Genetic analysis Columbia Basin in Montana
Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks Native Trout Genetic Sample Analysis Data Through 2016

See Detail
09-21-2016 Genetic Analysis Columbia Basin in Montana
Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks Native Trout Genetic Sample Analysis Data Through 2017

See Detail
09-29-2017 Genetic Analysis Columbia Basin in Montana
Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks Native Trout Genetic Sample Analysis Data Through 2017

See Detail
09-13-2018 Genetic Analysis Columbia Basin in Montana
Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks Native Trout Genetic Sample Analysis Data Through 2018

See Detail
10-22-2019 Genetic Analysis Columbia Basin in Montana
Montana Fish, Wildlife And Parks Native Trout Genetic Sample Analysis Data Through 2019

See Detail
09-30-2020 Genetic Analysis Columbia Basin in Montana
Montana Fish, Wildlife And Parks Native Trout Genetic Sample Analysis Data Through 2020

See Detail
09-29-2021 Genetic Analysis Columbia Basin in Montana
Montana Fish, Wildlife And Parks Native Trout Genetic Sample Analysis Data Through 2021

See Detail
09-28-2022 Genetic Analysis Columbia Basin in Montana
Montana Fish, Wildlife And Parks Native Trout Genetic Sample Analysis Data Through 2022

See Detail
10-02-2023 Genetic Analysis Columbia Basin in Montana
Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks Native Trout Genetic Sample Analysis Data Through 2023

See Detail
09-25-2024 Genetic analysis Columbia Basin in Montana
Montana FWP Trout Genetic Sample Analysis Data

See Detail
9/1/2010 Fish genetic purity Western Montana:
17010201 Upper Clark Fork
17010202 Flint-Rock
17010203 Blackfoot
17010204 Middle Clark Fork
17010205 Bitterroot
17010206 North Fork Flathead
17010207 Middle Fork Flathead
17010208 Flathead Lake
17010209 South Fork Flathead
17010210 Stillwater
17010211 Swan
17010212 Lower Flathead
17010213 Lower Clark Fork
17010104 Lower Kootenai
17010105 Moyie
17010103 Yaak
17010101 Upper Kootenai
17010102 Fisher
Montana FWP Trout Genetic Sample Analysis Data 2011

See Detail
08-26-2011 Native trout genetic purity 17010101 Upper Kootenai
17010102 Fisher
17010103 Yaak
17010104 Lower Kootenai
17010105 Moyie
17010201 Upper Clark Fork
17010202 Flint - Rock
17010203 Blackfoot
17010204 Middle Clark Fork
17010205 Bitterroot
17010206 North Fork Flathead
17010207 Middle Fork Flathead
17010208 Flathead Lake
17010209 South Fork Flathead
17010210 Stillwater in Pend Oreille Catalog
17010211 Swan
17010212 Lower Flathead
17010213 Lower Clark Fork
National Oceanographic Data Center (web site)

See Detail
8/11/2005 Many types, including:
Buoy data;
Sea level
Satellite data
Entire United States
Natural Reproductive Success and Demographic Effects of Hatchery-Origin Steelhead in Abernathy Creek, Washington

See Detail
08-22-2017 Adult returns Abernathy Creek, Cowlitz County, Washington
Nez Perce Soil & Water Conservation District 2005 Stream Temperature Data

See Detail
1/26/2006 hourly stream temperature data Lower Clearwater Subbasin, Idaho, Nez Perce County
Nez Perce Soil & Water Conservation District 2007 Stream Temperature Data

See Detail
6/4/2008 hourly stream temperature data Lapwai Creek, Big Canyon Creek, Nez Perce County, Idaho
Nez Perce Soil & Water Conservation District 2008 Stream Temperature Data

See Detail
2/4/2009 hourly stream temperature data Creeks in Nez Perce and Lewis Counties, Idaho:
Bear Creek
Bedrock Creek
Big Canyon Creek
Cold Spring (Coldspring) Creek
Hatwai Creek
Jacks Creek
Lapwai Creek
Little Canyon Creek
Mission Creek
Pine Creek
Rock Creek
Sweetwater Creek
Tom Beall Creek
Wauncher Gulch
Webb Creek
Nez Perce Soil & Water Conservation District 2009 Stream Temperature Data

See Detail
6/2/2010 Hourly stream temperature data Creeks in Nez Perce and Lewis Counties, Idaho:
Bear Creek
Big Canyon Creek
Catholic Creek
Cold Spring (Coldspring) Creek
Cottonwood Creek
Coyote Creek
Lapwai Creek
Lindsay Creek
Little Canyon Creek
Magpie Creek
Mission Creek
Rock Creek
Tom Beall Creek
Sweetwater Creek
Tammany Creek
Tom Beall Creek
Wauncher Gulch
Webb Creek
Nez Perce Soil and Water Conservation Distrcit 2012 Stream Temperature Data

See Detail
03-18-2013 Lapwai Creek, Water temperature Lapwai Creek - Clearwater River, Nez Perce County, Idaho
Nez Perce Soil and Water Conservation District 2011 Stream Temperature Data

See Detail
07-16-2012 Lapwai Creek Stream Temperature Data,,
Water temperature
Lapwai Creek - Clearwater River, Nez Perce County, Idaho
Nez Perce Soil and Water Conservation District Stream Temperature Data 2013

See Detail
04-02-2014 Lapwai Creek, Water temperature Lapwai Creek - Clearwater River, Nez Perce County, Idaho

See Detail
02-19-2022 Salmon
Columbia River
Columbia Basin
Nonsalmonid Gas Bubble Trauma Laboratory Experiments

See Detail
08-01-2024 Gas bubble trauma; totals dissolved gas Not applicable
Northwest Power and Conservation Council's Protected Areas Data Set

See Detail
7/2/2008 Protected Areas list as defined by the Northwest Power Planning Council

Results of the Pacific Northwest Rivers Study:
-- Anadromous fishes present / habitat quality / resource value
-- Resident fishes present / habitat quality / resource value
-- Wildlife species present / habitat quality / resource value
Cultural values
Natural features values
Recreational values
-- Other constraints on hydropower development
Oregon, Idaho, Montana, Washington
Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife Aquatic Inventories Project (web site)

See Detail
8/11/2005 Aquatic habitat;
Fish distribution sightings / collections / observations presence/absence
Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife's Natural Resources Information Management Program (web site)

See Detail
8/11/2005 Abundance estimates
Abundance indexes
Spawner / recruit relationships
Fish migration barriers
Carcass placement
Harvest -- freshwater and marine
Hatchery facilities
Hatchery releases and returns
Photos and images
Endangered / threatened / sensitive species
Management plans
Fish distribution / observations / sightings
Diversions and screens
Smolt density model data
Run timing
Stream flow data
Water quality
Oregon DEQ macroinvertebrate database

See Detail
11/10/2005 Macroinvertebrate samples State of Oregon
Oregon Water Resources Department (web site)

See Detail
8/11/2005 Stream flows / discharge
Water rights
Water availability
Ground water levels
Origin of Chinook consumed by smallmouth bass, 2016-2018

See Detail
04-02-2020 Predation Lower Granite Reservoir
Pacific Lamprey Conservation Initiative

See Detail
12-29-2022 Measures of habitat quality
Habitat use/habitat preference
Habitat improvement/restoration projects
Entiat and Methow River subbasins including Entiat, Methow, Chewuch, and Twisp Rivers
Pacific Lamprey Conservation Initiative

See Detail
02-19-2023 behavior and performance Not applicable
Pacific Lamprey Conservation Initiative

See Detail
03-31-2023 gas bubble trauma
burrowing time
total length
not applicable
Pacific Lamprey Conservation Initiative

See Detail
11-05-2021 water temperature
air temperature
dewatering rate
lamprey size and survival
lamprey burrowing performance
North Toutle Hatchery, Toutle, WA
Yakama River: Sunnyside and Wapato Irrigation Diversions
USGS Laboratory, Cook, WA
Pacific Lamprey Research and Restoration Project

See Detail
03-19-2024 behavior and performance not applicable
Pacific Northwest Water Quality Data Exchange (web site)

See Detail
8/11/2005 Water quality
Ground water quality
Fish tissue
Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Alaska
Photographs, drawings, and other images of hatcheries, dams, habitat, fishes, and other aquatic wildlife.

See Detail
07-19-2019 Photographs
PIT Tag Information System -- PTAGIS (web site)

See Detail
8/15/2005 Anadromous fish mainstem passage
Migration rates
Detection rates
Adult return rates
Columbia River basin
Project to provide VSP Estimates for Yakima Steelhead MPG

See Detail
12-28-2023 abundance Upper Yakima River Basin; main stem Yakima River and major tributaries
QRF: Snake River Fish and Habitat Relationship Evaluation

See Detail
01-12-2022 Carrying Capacity estimates, Fish per Meter, Juvenile Winter Rearing density, juvenile Summer Rearing Density, Redd or Spawner Density All interior Columbia River basin Chinook salmon and steelhead spawning and rearing habitat
Report and appendices for Peplow, D. and R. Edmonds. 2003. Dispersion of metals from abandoned mines and their effects on biota in the Methow River, Okanogan County, Washington. Final project report for BPA Project 1998-035-01, Contract No. 00004710. (UW)

See Detail
2/9/2005 water quality
contaminants in tissue of biota
Methow River basin, Okanogan County, Washington
Alder Creek
Twisp River
Methow River
Alder Mine, Alder Mill, Red Shirt Mill
Research, monitoring, and evaluation of emerging issues and measures to recover the Snake River fall Chinook salmon ESU

See Detail
07-20-2017 Food habits/diet, Predation Hells Canyon on the Snake River
Restoration of Bull Trout Passage at Albeni Falls Dam

See Detail
07-02-2019 movement; habitat use Mouths of potential bull trout spawning tributaries in the Lake Pend Oreille and Pend Oreille River downstream of Albeni Falls Dam, as well as precise locations at Albeni Falls Dam used to determine fine-scale movements of bull trout in relation to dam operations.
Restoration of Bull Trout Passage at Albeni Falls Dam

See Detail
09-14-2015 movement; habitat use Mouths of potential bull trout spawning tributaries in the Lake Pend Oreille and Pend Oreille River downstream of Albeni Falls Dam, as well as precise locations at Albeni Falls Dam used to determine fine-scale movements of bull trout in relation to dam operations.
RMPC - The Regional Mark Processing Center (web site)

See Detail
8/16/2005 Coded wire tags.
Fin marks.
Freeze brands.
Other marks and tags.
Hatchery releases
Mark and tag recoveries.
Catch and effort.
Coast-wide; California; Oregon; Washington; Idaho; British Columbia; Alaska; United States; Canada.
Roving Fish Survey Lemhi SFS

See Detail
03-22-2019 - Juvenile fish capture counts
- Juvenile fish morphometrics
- QAQC tools for fish records
- P3 export tools
- Collection event merging tools
- Satellite database import tools
- Water temp
- Air temp
- Stream and Site location
- Sampling project and crew
- Capture method parameters
Lemhi River and tributaries: Tributary to the upper Salmon region located in Lemhi county, Idaho.
South Fork Salmon and tributaries: Tributary to the upper Salmon region located in both Idaho and Valley counties, Idaho.
Salmon River Seining 2021-2022

See Detail
03-17-2023 Population index Salmon River in Idaho
Smallmouth Bass catch data in Lower Granite Reservoir, 2012-2015

See Detail
04-11-2016 Fish distribution
Population estimates
Lower main-stem Snake river from Port of Wilma (river mile 134) upstream to river mile 229 in Hells Canyon. Also, the lower two miles of the Clearwater River (Idaho) from its mouth upstream to the Potlatch mill.
Smallmouth Bass catch, diet, and consumption data in Lower Granite Reservoir, 2016-2018

See Detail
04-04-2019 The data set is divided into three categories. First is catch data. This summarizes the catch of bass at each sample site along with pertinent environmental data. Second is diet data. This summarizes all the prey found in bass stomachs. Third, is the consumption data. This uses the site and diet data to estimate consumption and loss of juvenile Chinook salmon to bass predation. Lower Granite Reservoir, Snake River. River kilometers 173-220, as measured from the mouth of the Snake River.
Smallmouth Bass diet data in Lower Granite Reservoir, 2012-2015

See Detail
04-12-2016 Food habits/diet Mainstem Snake River from Port of Wilma (river mile 133 to Sheep Creek Rapid (RM 229) in Hells Canyon and from RM 0 to RM 2.5 on the lower Clearwater River (Idaho).
Snake and Salmon River Temperatures

See Detail
08-24-2023 Temperature data Mainstem Snake River at Johnson Bar (river kilometer 371), as measured from the river's mouth.
Mainstem Salmon River at river kilometer 2, as measured from the river's mouth.
Snake River Drift Sampling, 2010-2011

See Detail
08-29-2024 Macroinvertebrate sampling Snake River from Asotin, WA upstream to the Grande Ronde River and Lower Granite Reservoir.
Snake River Fall Chinook Diet Data, 2009-2011

See Detail
08-28-2024 Food habits/diet Lower Granite Reservoir and the free-flowing Snake River from Asotin, WA upstream to the mouth of the Grande Ronde.
Snake River Fall Chinook Salmon Life History Investigations

See Detail
03-29-2017 Food habits/diet; habitat use/habitat preference; predation Lower Granite Reservoir from the dam (river kilometer 173) upstream to the Port of Wilma (river kilometer 220).
Snake River Fall Chinook Salmon Physiology

See Detail
04-02-2020 Physiology Lower 3 km of the Clearwater River, Silcott Island in Lower Granite Reservoir, Lower Granite Reservoir forebay, and Lower Granite Dam Juvenile Fish Facility.
Snake River Fall Chinook Salmon Winter Movement

See Detail
08-29-2024 Migration speed
Fish passage
The entire lower Snake and Columbia rivers down to Bonneville Dam.
Snake River Fall Chinook Spawner PBT (2018-2023)

See Detail
08-27-2024 Counts, fish origin, PBT Upper Hells Canyon
Snake River Seining 1992-2022

See Detail
03-17-2023 See the README folder in Excel files. Hells Canyon Snake River
Spawning Ground Surveys Related to the Salmon River Habitat Enhancement Project

See Detail
10/27/2009 Redd count
Live fish counts
Carcass counts
Herd Creek, Slate Creek, Smiley Creek, Elk Creek, Yankee Fork, Salmon Subbasin, Custer County, Idaho
State of Washington's Natural Resources Information Portal (web site)

See Detail
8/11/2005 Air Quality
Area - Administrative & Physiographic
Climate and Ocean Conditions
Environmental Assessments
Fish - Assessments & Monitoring
Fish - Distribution and Use
Fish - Harvest
Fish - Passage/Barriers
Fish - Spawning
Fish- Hatcheries
Flood Plains
Geologic and Soils
Habitat - Estuarine
Habitat - Instream
Habitat - Nearshore Marine
Habitat - Projects
Habitat - Riparian
Habitat - Upland
Land Use/Land Cover
Monitoring Studies & Projects
Public Utilities
Water - Ground Water
Water - Lakes and Streams
Water - Marine
Water - Shorelines
State of Washington
Stream temperature data collected by Nez Perce Soil & Water Conservation District

See Detail
2/9/2005 Instantaneous stream temperature Nez Perce County area, Idaho
StreamNet data packaged by subbasin for the subbasin summaries (2001 and 2003)

See Detail
2/9/2005 All Columbia River basin subbasins, as defined by the Northwest Power Planning Council in 2001.
StreamNet Hatchery Returns Data -- Old Format

See Detail
2/9/2005 Hatchery returns data Idaho, Oregon, Washington hatcheries
Subyearling growth in Lower Granite Reservoir, 2009-2011

See Detail
08-28-2024 Growth Lower Snake River from Asotin, WA upstream to the mouth of the Grande Ronde River and Lower Granite Reservoir.
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service's 'National Digital Library'
(Web site with photographs, videos, audio, more.)

See Detail
12/2/2005 Photographs
The collection contains images from throughout the United States.
United States District Court, Western District of Washington, at Seattle, established rules for use of pesticides near 'Salmon Supporting Waters.'

See Detail
2/9/2005 Fish distribution as it relates to the 2004 pesticide ruling. Salmon-supporting waters in Oregon and Washington
Upper Columbia Nutrient Supplementation

See Detail
04-04-2016 Age and growth
Measures of habitat quality
Water temperature
Macroinvertebrate sampling
Water quality
Food habits/diet
Hancock Springs and Twisp River, Methow River Basin, Okanogan County, Washington State
Upper Flathead River system hybrid and rainbow trout spawning movements

See Detail
12-14-2018 Spawning movements, habitat use Flathead River Drainage, Montana
Upper Flathead River system hybrid and rainbow trout suppression

See Detail
11-22-2021 Fish Distribution
Flathead River, Montana
Upper Grande Ronde Juvenile Spring Chinook and Steelhead Snorkel Count and Abundance Estimates 2012 to 2021

See Detail
05-02-2023 Fish distribution
Juvenile salmonid density
Spring run Chinook
Steelhead/Rainbow Trout
Snorkel count data
Estimated density
Upper Grande Ronde Basin
Northeastern Oregon
Grande Ronde River
Catherine Creek
McCoy Creek
Fly Creek
Minam River
Sheep Creek
Gordon Creek
Clark Creek
Rock Creek
Meadow Creek
Willow Creek
Waucup Creek
West Chicken Creek
Lookingglass Creek
Milk Creek
Clark Creek
Burnt Corral Creek
Philips Creek
Five Points Creek
Upper Yakima Tributary Assemblage/Community Structure Data

See Detail
12-28-2023 Upper Yakima Tributary Fish community structure/diversity
Fish distribution
Latitude/Longitude coordinates are provided for georeferencing observations.
USGS's NWISWeb Data for the Nation
(USGS water data web sites)

See Detail
8/11/2005 Stream flow / discharge
Lake and reservoir levels
Ground water levels
Chemical and physical water quality
Entire United States
Washington Department of Ecology's On-Line Searchable Databases (web sites)

See Detail
8/11/2005 Ambient air quality data
Aquatic plant survey
Cleanup Levels and Risk Calculations (CLARC)
Fertilizer Database (Wastes in Commercial Fertilizers)
Lake Water Quality Monitoring
Marine water quality monitoring
Polluted Waters - 303(d) Listing
River and Stream Flow Monitoring
River and Stream Water Quality Monitoring
Shoreline Aerial Photos
Stream biological monitoring
Well Construction and Licensing System (WCLS)
Well Logs
Sediment quality data (SEDQUAL)
Toxics Release Inventory Display System (TRIDS)
State of Washington
Westslope cutthroat trout 2002 status assessment
(Contains Shepard et al. (2003) report, supporting data, and GIS files)

See Detail
2/9/2005 Historical distribution
Current distribution
Montana, Idaho, Wyoming, Washington, Oregon
Westslope cutthroat trout 2009 status assessment
(Contains May et al. (2009) report, supporting data, and GIS files)

See Detail
2/5/2010 Generalized Fish Distribution
Historical distribution
Current distribution
Montana, Idaho, Wyoming, Washington, Oregon
Willamette - Lower Columbia Coastal Cutthroat Trout Habitat

See Detail
10/11/2010 Fish Habitat Distribution Willamette and Lower Columbia basins, Oregon
Wind River Watershed Steelhead Parr Data 2011-2019

See Detail
05-08-2017 Species, length, weight, location in the Wind River, WA. Wind River, Skamania County, Washington; tributary to Columbia River
Yankee Fork Restoration Project 2006-2020 Stream Water Quality SONDE Data Analysis

See Detail
04-07-2021 Stream water quality SONDE data of temperature, specific conductivity, pH, turbidity and dissolved oxygen. Yankee Fork watershed main-stem sites, tributaries, artificial side channels Pond Series 1, 2, 3 and 4, and nearby watershed reference sites. The Yankee Fork is a tributary to the upper Salmon River in central Idaho.
Yankee Fork Restoration Project 2006-2021 Annual Water Quality Report (Draft)

See Detail
01-23-2022 discharge, water temperature, specific conductivity, pH, turbidity, dissolved oxygen, stream habitat, fish and macroinvertebrates Yankee Fork watershed main-stem sites, side channels, tributaries, and artificial side channels Pond Series 1, 2 and 3. The Yankee Fork is a tributary to the upper Salmon River in central Idaho.
Yankee Fork Restoration Project 2006-2021 Stream Discharge Data Summary

See Detail
04-07-2021 stream discharge Yankee Fork watershed main-stem sites, tributaries, artificial side channels Pond Series 1, 2 and 3, and nearby watershed reference sites. The Yankee Fork is a tributary to the upper Salmon River in central Idaho.
Yankee Fork Restoration Project 2006-2021 Stream Temperature Data Analysis

See Detail
04-07-2021 water temperature Yankee Fork watershed main-stem sites, tributaries, artificial side channels Pond Series 1, 2 and 3, and nearby watershed reference sites. The Yankee Fork is a tributary to the upper Salmon River in central Idaho.
Yankee Fork Restoration Project 2013-2021 CHaMP Site Fish Snorkel Data Summary

See Detail
04-07-2021 fish population abundance Yankee Fork watershed main-stem sites, tributaries and artificial side channels Pond Series 1, 2 and 3. The Yankee Fork is a tributary to the upper Salmon River in central Idaho.
Yankee Fork Restoration Project 2014-2019 CHaMP Site Benthic Macroinvertebrate Targeted Riffle Data Summary

See Detail
04-07-2021 benthic macroinvertebrate samples Yankee Fork watershed main-stem sites, tributaries, artificial side channels Pond Series 1, 2 and 3. The Yankee Fork is a tributary to the upper Salmon River in central Idaho.
Yankee Fork Salmon River Restoration 2013 Stream Discharge Data

See Detail
01-30-2014 Discharge, river stage Yankee Fork Salmon River
West Fork Yankee Fork
Jordan Creek
Rankin Creek
Ramey Creek
Silver Creek
Jerry's Creek
Cearley Creek
8 Mile Creek
Pond Series 1, 2 & 3
Yankee Fork Salmon River Restoration 2013 Water Quality Data

See Detail
01-30-2014 Dissolved Oxygen
Specific Conductance
Yankee Fork Salmon River
West Fork Yankee Fork
Pond Series 1-4
Yankee Fork Salmon River Restoration 2013 Water Temperature Data

See Detail
01-30-2014 water temperature Yankee Fork Salmon River
West Fork Yankee Fork
Silver Creek
Cearley Cr
Pond Series 2 & 3
Yankee Fork Salmon River Restoration Project 2010 Discharge Summary

See Detail
1/6/2011 Discharge, river stage Yankee Fork Salmon River
West Fork Yankee Fork
Jordan Creek
Rankin Creek
Silver Creek
Jerry's Creek
Basin Creek
Valley Creek
East Fork Salmon River
Camas Creek (Middle Fork Salmon River tributary)
Yankee Fork Salmon River Restoration Project 2010 Water and Air Temperatures

See Detail
1/6/2011 Water Temperatures
Air Temperatures
Yankee Fork Salmon River
West Fork Yankee Fork
Jordan Creek
Rankin Creek
Silver Creek
Jerry's Creek
Basin Creek
Valley Creek
East Fork Salmon River
Camas Creek (Middle Fork Salmon River tributary)
Yankee Fork Salmon River Restoration Project 2010 Water Quality Data

See Detail
1/6/2011 Dissolved Oxygen
Specific Conductance
Yankee Fork Salmon River
West Fork Yankee Fork
Jordan Creek
Yankee Fork Salmon River Restoration Project 2011 Water Quality Data

See Detail
02-07-2012 Dissolved Oxygen
Specific Conductance
Yankee Fork Salmon River
West Fork Yankee Fork
Jordan Creek
Valley Creek
East Fork Salmon River
Yankee Fork Salmon River Restoration Project 2011 Water Temperatures

See Detail
02-01-2012 Water Temperatures Yankee Fork Salmon River
West Fork Yankee Fork
Jordan Creek
Rankin Creek
Silver Creek
Eight Mile Creek
Basin Creek
Valley Creek
East Fork Salmon River
Camas Creek (Middle Fork Salmon River tributary)
Yankee Fork Salmon River Restoration Project 2012 Discharge Summary

See Detail
01-24-2013 Discharge, river stage Yankee Fork Salmon River
West Fork Yankee Fork
Jordan Creek
Rankin Creek
Ramey Creek
Silver Creek
Jerry's Creek
Cearley Creek
8 Mile Creek
Pond Series 1, 2 & 3
Yankee Fork Salmon River Restoration Project 2012 Water Quality Data

See Detail
01-24-2013 Dissolved Oxygen
Specific Conductance
Yankee Fork Salmon River
West Fork Yankee Fork
Jordan Creek
Yankee Fork Salmon River Restoration Project 2012 Water Temperatures

See Detail
01-24-2013 Water Temperatures Yankee Fork Salmon River
West Fork Yankee Fork
Jordan Creek
Rankin Creek
Ramey Creek
Silver Creek
Jerry's Creek
Eight Mile Creek
Pond Series 1, 2 & 3
Yankee Fork Salmon River Restoration Project 2015 Water Quality Data

See Detail
01-08-2016 water quality, sonde, dissolved oxygen, pH, conductivity, turbidity, temperature Yankee Fork Salmon River, West Fork Yankee Fork
Yankee Fork Salmon River Restoration Project 2015 Water Temperatures

See Detail
01-13-2016 Water temperature Yankee Fork Salmon River, Custer County, Idaho.
Yellowstone cutthroat trout 2001 status assessment
(Contains May et al. (2003) report, supporting data, and GIS files. Also contains the May et al. 2007 report on the 2006 assessment update.)

See Detail
2/9/2005 istorical distribution
Current distribution
Montana, Idaho, Wyoming
Yellowstone cutthroat trout 2006 status assessment
(Contains May et al. (2006) report, supporting data, and GIS files.)

See Detail
10/27/2008 Distribution - Current and Historic
Conservation Populations
Expansion populations
Yellowstone Cutthroat Trout range.
Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, Utah, Nevada
Yellowstone cutthroat trout 2008 assessment review data
(Contains data updated at geographic management unit (GMU) meetings held in 2008)

See Detail
10/29/2008 Distribution - current and historical
Conservation populations
Expansion populations
Yellowstone cutthroat trout range.
Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, Utah, Nevada
Yellowstone cutthroat trout 2009 assessment review data.
(Contains data updated at geographic management unit (GMU) meetings held in 2009.)

See Detail
5/25/2010 Distribution - current and historical
Conservation populations
Yellowstone cutthroat trout range.
Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, Utah, Nevada
Yellowstone cutthroat trout 2010 assessment review data. (Contains data updated at geographic management unit (GMU) meetings held in 2010.)

See Detail
05-20-2011 Distribution - current and historical
Conservation populations
Yellowstone cutthroat trout range.
Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, Utah, Nevada
Yellowstone cutthroat trout 2011 assessment review data. (Contains data updated at geographic management unit (GMU) meetings held in 2011.)

See Detail
12-06-2012 Native Trout Assessment
Historic distribution
Current populations
Conservation populations
Migration barriers
Fish distribution
Habitat use/habitat preference
Yellowstone cutthroat trout range.
Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, Utah, Nevada
Yellowstone cutthroat trout 2014 assessment review data. (Contains data updated at geographic management unit (GMU) meetings held in 2014.)

See Detail
10-06-2014 Fish distribution
Migration barriers
Fish community structure/diversity
Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, Utah, Nevada, Yellowstone National Park
Yellowstone cutthroat trout 2015 assessment review data. (Contains data updated at geographic management unit (GMU) meetings held in 2015.)

See Detail
09-23-2015 Fish distribution
Migration barriers
Fish community structure/diversity
Fish genetics
Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, Utah, Nevada, Yellowstone National Park
Yellowstone cutthroat trout 2016 assessment review data. (Contains data updated at geographic management unit (GMU) meetings held in 2016.)

See Detail
09-15-2016 Fish distribution
Migration barriers
Fish community structure/diversity
Fish genetics
Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, Utah, Nevada, Yellowstone National Park
Yellowstone cutthroat trout 2017 assessment review data. (Contains data updated at geographic management unit (GMU) meetings held in 2017

See Detail
10-30-2017 Native Trout Assessment
Historic distribution
Current populations
Conservation populations
Migration barriers
Fish distribution
Habitat use/habitat preference
Yellowstone cutthroat trout range.
Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, Utah, Nevada
Yellowstone cutthroat trout 2018 assessment review data. (Contains data updated at geographic management unit (GMU) meetings held in 2018.)

See Detail
09-05-2018 Fish distribution
Migration barriers
Fish community structure/diversity
Fish genetics
Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, Utah, Nevada, Yellowstone National Park
Yellowstone Cutthroat Trout 2021 Assessment Review Data.

See Detail
10-01-2021 Fish distribution
Migration barriers
Fish community structure/diversity
Fish genetics
Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, Utah, Nevada, Yellowstone National Park